While working in an Israeli psychiatric facility, Charles Xavier met a patient named Gabrielle Haller. The two had an affair that, after an amicable end and unbeknownst to Xavier, ultimately resulted in the birth of their son David (Gabrielle had not told Xavier she was pregnant)

This child will be known as Legion in the future.

Legion this name comes from his multiple personality disorder. Legion can manifest every power imaginable and with that power, a new personality will be born.

He is highly unstable. He is a being who can create universes and kill celestials like ants.

He is beyond the omega level. He is the strongest. Now there was always a debate on who is the strongest mutant between Franklin and David.

What I think is that David is the strongest mutant whereas Franklin is the strongest mutate mutant. 

Look What David does, it is because of his X gene power solely. But Franklin, his parents were hit by a cosmic energy storm that grants them their powers and mutates their DNA. It also mutates the Dormant X gene in Their DNA and that mutation was awakened in Franklin. Now this mutated x gene is too powerful and might be my solution to truly make myself more powerful.

Now let's come back to why I am shitting my pants now. This feeling that I am experiencing now is a feeling that I haven't felt in the past 2 years. I think there was nothing that could make me feel this again. I am feeling fear. 

And I should feel fear because of the matter at hand. The being which I am going to meet is someone who is arguably one of the strongest beings In the entire multiverse. 

Yes, he is a being. He has risen far too above than anyone else.

What you don't believe me just look at his powers

Shapeshifting: quite self-explanatory. The user can turn into any color, size, and shape. He can morph his body to look like anyone. The most skilled user of this is Mystique also known as Raven and most backstabbing Bitch. But in the case of the Legion, this bastard doesn't just copy the looks of someone he can even copy their powers.

Reality is a submissive BiTCH of his: you might have heard about Reality warpers, skillful reality Warpers, Reality Benders But here comes Legion. For him, Reality is a BiTCh in heat ready to take his c.o.c.k. His reality warping is on the same level as reality stone according to me.

Time manipulation: He manipulates time easily. He can go into the past, future, etc. Also, other Time manipulating skills. 

Space manipulation: Legion has a space manipulation power only below that of Tesseract. He can teleport without any limit, shatter the space, seal the space. 

Energy absorption, Energy manipulation ( both are different). Matter manipulation and every superpower that you can think of.

This is the power list of Legion. But as always with Great powers comes their weakness. 

Legion is mentally unstable in every comic. He has multiple personalities that can manifest. Some of them are bad and some of them are good I think. But you can't control them.

He has a personality for every power he has. And that's something I can not cope with.

So yes the fear is justified.

He is innocent not like those Friends of humanity bastards. They were all including their family guilty. 

So yes, it pains me to kill him but that has to be done. If I have just a simple idea of how to avert those future events I would have let him live. But in every case that I think of it is not possible. 

I am not that powerful to save him from himself. At least I can give him a painless death. 

Also with him, gone shadow king too might be gone.

Sebastian P.O.V. 

I haven't seen a young master this scared for a long time. I am happy that he at least hasn't forgotten these emotions. I let him do all those things because I know it was necessary for his mental health. He needed to vent his hatred. He needed a cool head to even listen to my advice.

And even if he is saying that he let that hatred go I know he still holds it. It takes time and people to heal the wounds of a heart young master. No healing factor can heal them.

He forgot his emotions for a long time. He smiles so that I can be carefree. He thinks that I don't know all of those are fakes. I can just hope that one day he will be able to smile not to please someone else but for himself. 

So yes I am happy that he is feeling fear. There is still some hope for his happiness.

Right now I am with David and his family, who are unconscious by the way. I am taking him to a young master.

After some time, I reached the Young Master's lab. Where a vampire was seething in pain. 

" They are here Young master."

" They ?? " he asked, looking confused.

" The Haller family. " 

" Bring The boy here Immediately Sebastian. "

" What about the family Young Master? " 

I swear if he said kill them I am going to slap him. He needs to restrain his hatred. But luckily I don't need to.

" send them back Sebastian, safe and sound"

He is improving.

A/n: so yes, I killed him. He is too unstable but when I will be sure I might create a clone of him. 

This chapter was mostly I don't know why I write it. It just feel right.

And do any of you truly doesn't know the answer to the last riddle. 

Come on tell me the riddle answer.

Like the story then add it to the library. 

If there are grammar mistakes point them out. I write from phone.

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