A/n: sorry it took some time but enjoy.


Saying Peggy was angry would be an understatement. Seeing so many corpses was devastating and it only fueled her hatred for The Angels. 

Alexander Pierce was stunned. He was showing an angry expression but that was fake. He looked toward Peggy and saw her angry look. He then turned toward the Agent and asked

"  Are they…" 

" Yes, sir. All of them were our agents and their family members. These were the agents which were sent to infiltrate the angel gang. " the agent replied. 

" make sure they are buried properly and with honor," Pierce said to the agents nearby.

" Gentleman the weather is not good, I think we should move inside. " Pierce said in a very chilly and cold tone which promised painful death but again it was just a facade. 

Peggy and other members move to the meeting hall. There they just sat for one minute in complete silence. No one speaks a word but their eyes are full of hatred.

" S.H.I.E.L.D. has been compromised. " Pierce said. Everyone looked toward him like they wanted him to continue.

" Gentleman this…. All of this was planned for a very long time. 

They take Lincoln's words ' If I have to cut a tree in 4 hours, then I will use 3 hours just to sharpen the Axe' very seriously.

This siege of New York was planned for a long time by the one Big Boss of 'The Angels'. 

They infiltrate every federal agency including S.H.I.E.L.D. 

I have to say they had us where they wanted us, cornered. 

They planned for years and we don't have the slightest idea and this is infuriating. We should have known about all of this and we should have never underestimated them. And now we paid that mistake's price and lost 40 of our honest and hardworking agents and their family. He just didn't kill them, he killed them and their families and dumped their corpses like garbage in front of our stronghold. He made an example out of those and dared to put fear in our hearts. But we are S.H.I.E.L.D. 

He dared to attack us and we will now retaliate. Those agents' sacrifice will not go unnoticed. That much I am promising. " Pierce said and by the end of his little speech, everyone who was in the room had a fire burning in their hearts.

" Pierce is right we can't be sitting down after this. We have to strike and strike hard. " Howard said.

" we will. " Peggy said. But her voice was colder than ever, her eyes were focused and determined. 

Now at this moment, the telephone rang.  Peggy lifts the receiver and starts the call. 

" I am good Mr. President. "

" how do you know about that."

" WHAT??? "

" Sir, please he dared to strike us. "

" Sir, just give us a chance. "

" Ok, sir. "

" I will be there. "

Peggy put down the speaker and looked towards the members of the room.

" President called. He said to not bother with 'The Angels' and not to take any action against them he will deal with the matter himself. '' Peggy told them. What she didn't tell them was that he sounded scared. 

She knew the President quite well. He doesn't have so many dark deeds in his account that can scare him. So what was the thing he was so scared of? He also is a headstrong person who would rather die than let someone blackmail him. He doesn't fear death. 

He promises to tell her when she will meet him at the white house.


Some moments earlier

Mr. President was working in his office when his phone rang. 

( A/N: p for President and A for angel)

" Hello " (P)

" Hello, Mr. President. Hope you are doing good. " (A)

" Who is this " (P)

" I am no one, just a certain 'angel' from the sky. Just wanted to know how you are doing. " (A)

" You are their boss. "(P)

" yes "(A)

" why do you call me "(P)

" Just wanted to know how you are doing. And wanted to tell you something."(A)

" What do you want to tell me? " (P)

" Oh, do you know how many people live in New York? How many works in the underworld kind of thing. "(A)

" Is this some kind of threat that you are giving me? "(P)

" oh no no you take it all wrong.  What I want to tell you is that I want New York. Now let me tell you something. New York has 3 million people living inside it. (Made up number). 

50000 people here are in shady work.

I have 2500 people under me with automatic Rifles and guns. 

So imagine my surprise when you thought that the army should make a move to free New York. "(A)

President fell silent. 

" what you think I will not know what you were planning. Those 40 agents that you sent were not so tight-lipped when I killed their families in front of them someone was bound to open their mouth. "(A)

" you think you can scare me. "(P)

" Oh, that information doesn't scare you. So what will scare you? Let me think

Yeah, that one. 

Mr. President another question about how to destroy America's economy. 

Do you know the answer I know? 

Just blast some bombs in 2 companies' headquarters namely Pepsico. And Coca-cola. 

Do you know what will happen then? Let me enlighten you an economic crisis will be happening. People will be scared of doing business with America, the supposedly safest country. There will be no foreign investment. And all the tourism will also be affected, people will be scared of doing work, etc. 

Now I might have planted some people in those companies beforehand. So if you can't comply with my requests then it is ok. We will die and your army will also die and with that America too will get a scare on its glorious land."(A)

The President's face was pale. 

" What do you want? "(P)

" We wanted you to not meddle with our business. 

Don't send the army and your police, FBI, and S.H.I.E.L.D. after us. Let us do our business in peace. And in return, we will boost America's economy too. After all, we need to make that black money white too. So you guys will be getting some tax from us. Like we will have to make shell companies and some big companies and we will have to pay taxes etc. Plus we will also completely sponsor your campaign. No one of your candidate's needs to spend a single penny of their money. We will fully sponsor you. 

Plus you wanted to invade those oil-rich countries too. Then just declare us terrorists from there and kill any of the 50 Muslims and 'The Angels' are dead for the world. Plus you got the perfect reason to invade those countries. 

I am not saying that you don't come after us. That you do that is your work. But let us go to the normal gang rules. You came after us, we kill you like rules. You got us and we retaliate. Let's just go into the cold war again, ok. 

You understand now, don't you? And yes I will be killing some people like those businessmen who thought that they can pressure you and we will be scared. 

So Mr. President what do you say."(A)

" let me think about it. "(P)

" Mr. President, I am a very impatient person. So you either tell me now that you agree with me or you don't. 

If you agree with me then by the evening you will get a perfect reason to invade those countries and we would be dead for the world. Now, what do you say? "(A)

" look just give me some time. "(P)

" you don't understand Mr. President that if you take time then one of the bombs can detonate if the time is up. "(A)

" Don't. Ok, I agree. "(P)

" Now was it that hard. "(A)

" see you in today's press meet."(A)

And after that call in the evening, the president held a press conference and told the world that Angels were dead. And that Angel's were some Muslim terrorist from the middle east and the American secret service jilled all of them. International Relations were again in turmoil.

A/N: 500 powerstone for a bonus chapter.

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