Joshua was very angry at Sebastian for various reasons. He was angry because Sebastian tried to manipulate a little child. He was angry that Sebastian thought that he needed help. He was angry because Sebastian didn't believe him. But the reason he was most angry was that Sebastian didn't follow his orders. 

It hurts Joshua as it was not the command that Sebastian didn't follow. But it was his trust that he broke. Joshua trusted Sebastian that he will not disobey him, he will understand him but he broke that trust.

Now Joshua was standing in the training yard with his shirt and shoes off. He knows that this combat will ruin them. So he takes them off. He was wearing casual clothes, not the battlefield ones. And with the magnitude of this spar, those clothes were going to be ruined.

Sebastian entered the training yard. He was wearing the same clothes he was wearing before. Because Sebastian's uniform is specially made to take the strain of his abilities.

Joshua feels Max, Merry, and Darwin looking at them but his full focus was on Sebastian. 

" Do you remember Young Master that The first lesson I taught you was that the one who gets angry becomes blind in battle. " Sebastian said looking at him.

" Oh, I remember that Sebastian. But I also remember that nothing stands in front of overwhelming strength." (Joshua)

" then come, Young Master." ( Sebastian)

With that, Joshua ran at Sebastian while raising his left fist and he was going to hit Sebastian in the face but Sebastian had no nervousness on his face, he was calm as an ocean. When the fist gets near Sebastian's face Sebastian tilted his face right side dodging the fist and at the same time kneeing Joshua in Guts. 


With a loud boom, Joshua skid back 10 meters. 

For the spectators, it was like one second they were talking and the next second there was a loud boom and Skidding marks that led to Joshua's position. 

They were awed at both of their powers and speed. It also lit a fire in young Darwin.

" Come on Young Master, use your full strength. Show me how much you have improved." Sebastian said with the ever presenting calm.

Joshua looked at him and then his Body muscles started to buff up. The veins became clear. His hair and eyes turned red. 

Before even a second was completed Joshua appeared behind Sebastian and punched him. Sebastian noticed that attack and activated his X-Gene powers. His skin became red in a nanosecond and it absorbed most of the power behind the attack but the rest of the power behind the attack was enough to launch him into the air.

Sebastian tried to control himself in the air but Joshua again appeared behind him and then again punched him in the abdomen and he Sebastian formed a carter where he landed. 

All of this happens in only 7 seconds of their fight. 

Sebastian got a hold of himself and was standing in the carter the 8th second. He too was serious. He let out all of his power. His clothes were shattered from the pressure of his full power release. 

His skin turned completely red. He moved with a speed and was above Joshua's head with a hand spear. He was aiming for Joshua's eyes. Joshua blocked that with his hand. Sebastian was surprised at the toughness of Joshua's muscles. His hand spear move has at least 120 tons of power behind it and it didn't even make Joshua move from his position neither did it penetrate his skin. 

Joshua too curled his right hand and made it into a fist and while Sebastian was surprised he delivered him an upper hook. Sebastian again was launched in the air but this time Joshua didn't stop. He continuously punched Sebastian.

One second Sebastian was in the air and the other second on the land. Sebastian too was a veteran so he gets a hold of himself. He too started punching Joshua.

For the spectators, there were just some blurs and *boom* *paw* sounds and the new forming carters. 

It has been 30 minutes and their fight was still ongoing. The only difference was that Sebastian was bleeding and Joshua still looks angry. The reason Joshua looks alright was because of his healing factor and he also shut down Sebastian's healing factor during their fight.

" huff… huff…. Tell me, Young Master, why are you so angry. I know it is not because of what happens with little Darwin. There is something else that is bugging you. " Sebastian said while huffing.

Joshua again punched him in the face and Sebastian fell to the ground. Joshua sits on his chest and starts punching him in the face. 

" Why am I so mad. You Sebastian Betrayed my trust. I trusted you. You disobeyed me. 

My order was clear, no child soldiers in my war. But you thought that I am weak and will need help. "  Joshua said but this time there were some tears in his eyes. He was deeply hurt at Sebastian's blatant disregard of his order and he still keeps pounding at Sebastian.

Then Sebastian caught his punch and flipped him. Sebastian and Joshua both stood at the same time. 

Joshua again ran toward Sebastian to punch him but this time Sebastian dodged and hugged him tightly. 

" At peace son. " Sebastian said to Joshua.

'Son' with that word every bit of anger toward Sebastian flushed away. The tears that were forming in his eyes started to fall freely. 

Sebastian knew that Joshua was not angry but was scared. Scared that he too has betrayed him like every other person in his life did.

'Silly boy, after all, you are just a 16-year kid.' Sebastian thought to himself.

" How could you even think that I would even disobey your orders. There is a reason Darwin asked you for the training. Your Orders are proof of your trust in me. 

And you have to understand that this war is not only yours to fight. It is a war that every mutant no matter old, child, young, women have to fight. 

Even if you wanted the children to be not a part of this. You have to understand that they have seen the worst of humanity and they would want to share your burden because you are their savior, their god. You are their light in the darkest night, you are their hope of survival. 

They will stand with you. These children have seen more than what war veterans have seen. They put acid in their veins. They cut them. These children are not innocents anymore. 

Do you know when I told Darwin yesterday that would he like to make his scars go away, do you know what he said. 

He said he didn't want them to be healed because they reminded him how cruel humans can be. 

I never doubted your strength. How can I, when the strongest person I have seen is you. 

But you have to understand there are others out there who wish to be strong, like Darwin and Max. Don't take this away from them. 

Now come on inside I know you are still hungry. " and with that Sebastian ended his speech and moved to the dining hall inside the mansion leaving Joshua behind.

Joshua stood there for half an hour and at last, he laughed.

" Thank you, Sebastian. I was a fool to think It is a war of mine and mine alone. Thank you for telling me the truth. "

A/n. ( here it is done. Now I again might tell you Joshua is a mere 16-year-old. He might be intelligent but not wise. He has flaws and demons in the heart that needed to be taken care of. 

Tell me in cmnts what you guys think of this chapter. also, some powerstones would be good.

oh yeah you guys can join my discord too at here. let's chat.)

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