July 5th

On the morning of July 5th, people woke up with a hangover from yesterday. The morning was fine but the moment a certain newspaper was delivered to their houses all hell broke loose.

When they read the newspaper everyone's eyes were wide open because of what was written on the First Page of the newspaper, especially on the front page of 'The Daily Planet'

The report was

" Joshua, An Angel who was shunned by his peoples. 

My dear readers, do you know people believe whatever they hear and make their decision very fast? They don't even try to verify the facts that are presented before them. Facts that can belie or can only be a half-truth or are presented in front of you by different angels. And we don't even try to verify if the things they said are real or not. We just make a decision and judge someone guilty without even giving him a chance to explain if what is said about him is the truth or not.

I too made that mistake despite knowing that these things can't be the truth but everyone was talking so I thought 1 can be wrong, 2 can be wrong but not everyone can be wrong. 

So I too joined the mob mentality and started calling a little boy Satan reincarnation. 

Yes, I am talking about Joshua Foley. I talked with Army General Mitchell Tyler about their deal's with Foley Industries and he confirms that 


He says that it was a rumor Joshua wanted to talk with them for something else.

And when I asked him about what Joshua wanted to see them, and when he told me about it and the more I heard the more I felt rotten inside and by the end, I became emotional.

Here is a little part of our conversation.

Patrick: So General for what Purpose Joshua Foley was seeing you if not for the weapons? What could he want from you?. 

General M.Tyler: well Mr. Patrick, Joshua wanted to save our soldiers and wanted to help some people. 

Patrick: wanted to save? Care to Explain General. 

Gen. M.Tyler: well, he wanted to offer us first-class medicine at a lower rate. I can't tell you what the medicine does as he doesn't want us to disclose this information. But in one week you will know what I mean as in one week he will introduce the medicine to the public. What I can tell you is that this medicine is a godsend for various medical procedures. 

Patrick: isn't that just business, how is this considered helping? 

Gen. M.Tyler: Well, I will not call it a business because it was to be a business then he would not have sold us these medicines these cheap. When he introduced us to these medicines and their effect we thought them to be highly expensive. But it was at least 10 times cheaper than the amount that we thought. 

And not only that but he also decided to donate 5 percent of his profit to the Military for all his life and many other things....

( please read the full article on page 5 )

So you see he just wanted to save people. He is not the Satan that some people made him be. He is not a Future death merchant but instead, he is an 'Angel' sent to save this humanity. 

The General told me that when he asked Joshua about the weapons he said

" Look, sorry General I would rather make things that would save people and make their lives easier than to make things which spread hate " 

These were the thoughts of that 16 years old boy. These were the words from the future merchant of death. I can't help but say this to you that if with such Morals is a devil then I want to be a sinner. 

And if you think this is a sin then he has sinned more gravely. He decided to donate 7 percent of the profit of the deals that he made to the Soldier's pension fund. Oh, that wolf doesn't just stop there he further decided to open an NGO which will provide the widows of soldiers with their own homes, welfare, and many more. 

The General further tells me that Joshua wants to open a hospital where the soldiers and their families can get the cheapest medical services. 

Such a malicious little boy. 

I want to ask all those businessmen who didn't even think of his age before badmouthing him what have you done. Whatever you have done is because of the law which demands that you do your duty regarding society. None of you have done anything because you care for someone. He cares for us and what we give him, 'insults'. 

Everyone was afraid of him, because if he provided people with such cheap and better alternatives than what would have become of their business, so they started to badmouth him wishing that he would break but the boy just worked in the silence FOR OUR BETTERMENT.

Let me tell you The devil is spending hundreds of millions for the betterment of society and is not expecting anything in return. 

The least we can do is not badmouth him if we can't appreciate him. After all, what he is doing is for our good not for his some alternative purpose. 

And I am aware that people in this country are free to love anyone or hate but I just want to say keep in mind that the one you are insulting is just a 16-year-old boy and at his age where others are enjoying their lives, he is burning himself for the betterment of people.

In the end, I just want to say one thing to him and that is that I am sorry. " 

A/n: another news report chapter. How was it?

will anyone tell me how you use Ko-fi? Like on patron I gave you guys access to chapters, etc. But I was not able to understand kofi that much. 

Also no need to buy my ******* because if you buy it now then you will again be charged on 1st Jan so my advice if you wanted to support me then buy one on 2nd Jan. 

Also, I am in dire need of your powerstone. Please I beg you to give me 500 stones this week. I am doing my best for you guys and I don't even get 500 powerstones in a whole week. You don't even know how disheartening it is. It stresses me that what I have done wrong and then there is a review that gave me 3 star because the Mc is ruthless and fic is dark. Really read the tags and synonymous man. I clearly state it was going to be a dark fic.

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