Howard Stark P.O.V.

My name is Howard Anthony Walter Stark. A genius multi-billionaire and America's top weapon manufacturer. Also, I am the one who built Steve Rogers that iconic shield. I still think he should have gone with that gun merged shield. I am also one of the co-founding members of S.H.I.E.L.D.   

An organization that was built to root out the dangers like Hydra. We control the supernatural side of things and save those who can't save themselves. At least that's what we told ourselves. 

In reality, SHIELD too becomes a weapon for various governments. We do things that we don't like and tell ourselves that this is better for humanity. We do human experiments and all that. Sometimes we even do these experiments on children as they were born as mutants. 

I hate that. I just wanted to invent for humanity. Sometimes at night, I cry alone thinking of what I have become because I am fairly certain whatever I am, I am not human anymore.

' If you were here Steve. What would you have done? ' this question is always in my thoughts and every time there is only one answer 'Rebel'. Steve would have rebelled, he would have gone against the government and likes of it. He would have not let these atrocities continue. He would have gone against the whole system, against Peggy too and I would have followed him. 

But he is not here and I am a coward. Yes, a coward that's all I am. I don't have the courage to do the right thing. I hate to see the reflection of myself in a Mirror. I have tried many times to just simply put an end to all of it by committing suicide. I put the gun on my head various times but was never able to pull the trigger because of 3 people. 

These 3 people are my strength to face my guilt, they are my reason to live for another day. They are my good friend Jarvis who is also my butler, My beautiful wife Maria, and my Genius son Tony. 

I am grateful to Jarvis for everything. I love Maria more than anything in this world. She has cried with me, she has wiped the tears from my eyes, she has done more than someone like me deserves. And My son Tony, my ray of light in this dark world, my biggest weakness, and also my strength.

I never show any love to Tony because I don't want to portray him as my weakness so my enemies can never think of him using against me and he can be safe from their prying eyes. He probably hates me for how I treat him but at least he is safe and sound to do so. 

He is a Genius and I am most proud of him. He might be able to do what I can't do and that is to do right. He will be everything in the future that I couldn't become. I have made my new element a legacy to him so that if anything happens or he is at a tight end it will help him. During one of the experiments with a supernatural artifact, I saw a glimpse of his future and I saw how he fought for what is right. I was the proudest at that moment of him. 

The future will be tough for him. I know that. He would have to become a man from an angsty teen boy. 

My son is such a genius but he is quite careless too with his genius. He made his own computer and hacked NASA and Pentagon. I found out and have to talk with the president for him or else he would have been in jail right now. 

But imagine my surprise that someone else too found out. That daily Planet news reporters and they made my son a villain to raise someone else's reputation. They made my son a villain and made that little twerp Joshua a hero. That murder a hero. We are Shield and I know for sure he killed Winston frost. I wanted to destroy that news agency at any cost but I wasn't able to do anything because they have proof and money too. Joshua's wealth rose even more than mine after the introduction of Viagra.

So I wait for the right moment and it came. I found out that he was going to meet with military officials and I used this information to tarnish his reputation. I gave money to various newspapers and ask them to tarnish his reputation and I was successful, people were calling him a satan reincarnation and what else. 

That will teach anyone to never mess with a Stark and I also target The Daily Planet but when I tried to go for them they too very aggressively started rebuking him. Joshua too gave up his voting rights in The Daily Planet and gave the total command of the company to Patrick Hayes. I don't know what was happening there but I was happy that the boy was losing. No one, go for my son. And I was also not alone in these ventures many other business tycoons were making effort to destroy that boy's reputation, they were all afraid that he will be entering their business and they wanted to eliminate the competition as fast as they can. 

Everything was going great till I read today's newspaper. 

"Joshua, An Angel shunned by his own people " 

The more I read the more I realize how he played everyone by not telling what he was offering the military. The boost that his reputation will gain will be enormous. 

'I have to talk to Peggy' i thought myself and Peggy called and said

" Howard, come to HQ as fast as you can. It is very important." 

A/n: I Will not lie I cried in the first part of the chapter. Btw do tell me how was stark's characterisation. I don't know that much about him.

Fcuk, it. My mc is heartless I am not. I don't have the heart to keep you away from a chapter. I am such a softy. 

Last chapters notification, throw that in the trash, that doesn't mean anything. You guys are my readers, my other family and you fcukin deserve a chapter and you should get it and that's it. 

Well, I thought I will be able to pull this off but I was not. The whole day my conscience was like Are you gonna do it to them. Are you so heartless and you can't believe what else was going through my mind. It was like both the devil side and angel side were against me. And in the last I lost. I can't do this to you guys.

So throw that last notifaction in the hell where it belongs you guys deserve every word of this chapter.

Also It would be really nice if You guys can give me some Powerstones and a good reviews.

Please vote powerstone and if able do a reviews.

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