For the next few days, Various news articles mentioned very big names in their headlines and the only thing common was that people were apologizing to Joshua, and no one dares to comment on his revenge as they don't want themselves to be the next target of Joshua also how are they gonna accuse him doing so? They don't have any proof that he was associated with the leak of photos. If they foolishly accuse him then it will be like shooting yourself in the foot.

But the public knows or at least thought that it was Joshua who leaked the photos and it resulted in decreasing Joshua's popularity. Now the public see him as a human who is capable of feeling emotions. People were starting to view him as a teenager, not as a saint. 

It too was Joshua's plan as people were starting to see him as a saint, not as a good human being. Now, people might say that there was no harm in maintaining a saint Image but they forgot about the backlash. The person with the good image is chained by the expectations of society and the backlash of the simplest thing is far greater than anyone can imagine. 

Joshua doesn't want to be in that position so he planned it. 

Now people are divided into 2 groups

People who are saying that Joshua did wrong and he shouldn't have done this thing. He could have gone for the less violent route. 

People who are saying that Joshua did the right thing by exposing those vermins. 

The thing is that everyone is somewhat angry at him because a lot of people lost their jobs, etc. So yeah his image took a toll but It was necessary and people's anger meant shit to him as none of his companies were on the share market so it does not matter what people think of him. His products were cheap and good and they were addicted to his products and no company provided those products that cheap. 

From this ordeal, people got two things straight Joshua is a good person and a philanthropist but if you cross his line then he will destroy you.

And also at this time Max too created a separate company and started buying shares of all big companies. Now he was a majority shareholder in various companies.

For now, everything seems to be cooling down but the market would need a lot of time to recover from its downfall. 

Also, Max started to operate outside of New York too and thus increasing the money flow from the underworld. 

Klaue too fulfilled his contract and started to show the symptoms of a disease but doesn't take it seriously. 

Shield and Hydra started to send their spies after him. He let them infiltrate for now but if they started to do something then he would send Hydra and Shield both a great present. 

One thing that Joshua understood was that the Army Chief Michael Tyler likes him a lot. That man without even requesting got him Captain America's blood sample to study and also insisted on modifying his security. He even told Joshua to be careful of Agencies like Shield. 

Also, Sebastian modified his security so much that It cost him 10 million per month just for the security of his mansion and all else. The military too gave him Z+ security even when he was insisting that he doesn't need them.

And for the last week, Darwin too started to train under Sebastian and now he can't believe that the man that he thought of as a father figure was so sadistic. Joshua took immense pleasure in his misery after all what kind of big brother he would be if he didn't make his little brother's life hell. 

But Joshua too was experimenting with his powers. He was trying to create various cures from his power and was also creating different types of diseases. 

For the experiments, Max provided him 100 hundred people, most of them were criminals and others were just born with bad luck. 

Joshua was also trying to gain an insight into Hemokinesis ( the power to manipulate blood ) but he was not successful. He was also trying to get to read the memory from the DNA, no success there too. 

He was tempted to take the powers from Legions and the celestial powers from the blood of David Haller and Peter Quill. But his DNA was not that stable for now after the experiment with Darwin's blood so he has to wait. 

But his main concern was to edit the genes of people. He was able to enhance people's Genes but he doesn't know how he does it. He was trying to figure out how he did it because apparently if you know how to do something doesn't mean you know everything about that thing. It was like his instinct but he wanted to know how he was able to do so. 

That's why he was studying people with his Gene experiments. 

The reason was that if he knew how to do it then he would not have to worry about backstabbing and training people. He will not be needing the loyalty serum or anything to ensure the loyalty of his people. He would be able to directly edit people's genes and they will be loyal to him with their very being. It would not just be a metaphor that loyalty runs in their blood. And if anyone makes any clone of his people then those clones too will be loyal to him by default. 

He will also be able to give people different skill sets like knowledge, fighting techniques, instincts, and all that thing that people need to work hard. He would have an army ready in moments. 

A/n: ask for a discord link in cmnts.

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