Everyone at the top, no matter who it was, political figures, businessmen, investors everyone was holding their breaths. They were waiting for Joshua to strike back. Some of the lower-level members of the Hellfire club even shift to other countries just to avoid Joshua's wraith. 

The government institutions too were watching every step of Joshua. They wanted to predict what he would do and were also hoping that he didn't do anything too drastic or else America's economy would be destroyed. The people in Government were good with his use of Lethal force against his enemies. He can kill the whole family of Edward Buck man and the government would not even move a finger because it would not have any bad effect on the economy contrary that it would instead be beneficial to them. As people would show sympathy to the Buckman's and their business would rise. The only problem was from what Joshua has shown he destroyed his enemies completely, he takes everything from them, and in the last, he would even take their lives and the government doesn't want that as it will cripple them. 

This time everyone got one thing clear Joshua Foley is not to be taken lightly. You could even take the President lightly because he is practically a slave to the rich people. No, the most dangerous person in America right now is Joshua Foley. He is a person that you can't mess with. 

The president himself was scared for his position. 

' First those Angels, then the market crash, and now this. I can't let this happen. ' he thought to himself. At first, he thought that he would tell Shield to kill Joshua because he is becoming a very big problem. But an unofficial warning from the Military General's who were like that they found a lost treasure in the form of Joshua. They told him that if even the hair of Joshua Foley is harmed then he needs to remember that he might not be a president always.

He at last called Joshua Foley to beg him to not do anything drastic. He calls him and Joshua tells him that he will not do anything drastic but he has some conditions.

Joshua wanted 3 advance pardons from the President. 

Joshua said that if people can afford to hire such expensive mercenaries then surely they can make some hefty donations to his NGOs. 

He wanted to lease 3 orbital rings in space for at least 200 years. 

He also wanted a license to open a bank and for his telecom company.

In short Joshua not only got 3 free crime passes but he also exhorted his rivals. 

Edward and his lackeys including Stark were far more ready to do some donations to his NGOs and Joshua didn't even mention their names in the donation register, the donation was made under the anonymous person who doesn't want to disclose his name. He didn't want them to get any reputation boost from these donations. 

The total donations amount to 800 million from 400 people. 

Joshua also got the 3 orbital rings for 200 years at a steep price of 250 million which he has to pay in 25 years. What does it mean to have space orbital rings under him? It means that any company that has to launch its satellite for communication or any other reason, that company will have to pay him to launch their satellite in his orbital. And he can send any of his Satellite theirs without even paying a single tax. 

And he also got a license for his communication company and coupled with the lease of 3 orbital rings he can finally implant his plan of providing the internet to everyone and thus knowing absolutely everything about everyone. 

This was his main motive from the start. And this was also the reason that the military Generals indirectly threatened the President. Joshua sends them a copy of his internet plans and that he was ready to cooperate with the military on that.

Those power and war-hungry Generals orgasmed by just reading those plans and it further established his image of the biggest genius of mankind.

He stated that the internet will help bring the world together thus further strengthening the American dream of peace but Generals saw it as a means of spying. 

For them, it was like a dream come true. This also strengthens their belief of Joshua being a naive kid who only knows ins and out of business. By no matter, he was a retarded kid but he was kept from knowing how the world works because of his parents because if he knows that then he wouldn't have made such a thing by being in the delusion of helping people. The world will never achieve true peace. They know it the moment he introduced his muscle improving program. 

Joshua was not the one being delusional it was just that they too were being trapped in the web that Joshua webbed. He will monitor everyone's details and that includes secret agencies and armies all over the world. 

Joshua made an image that everyone sees him how he wants them without making too many persona's. 

A/N: ok it is a short chapter but only a 100 word short ok. Also now buckle up for the lecture.

Now many of you might think that this was unrealistic. Let me tell you this is realistic. Military generals have enough power to mobilize the army and Coup d'etat. And now Joshua has given them the best thing they could ask for "Internet". Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/marvel-exilir-rise-of-the-mutant-empire_17155755305669105/chapter-62_51047529223081457">/book/marvel-exilir-rise-of-the-mutant-empire_17155755305669105/chapter-62_51047529223081457</a> for visiting.

And now think about the president's situation. During that man's rule, America is hit by this many disasters for him the presidency became a curse rather than power.

A/N: I am pissed officially. I just want to strangle the guys who wished me a happy new year. 

Also, I am 5 chapters ahead on the patron. And it will really help me if you guys can afford a pledge. 

Because yesterday was allegedly compared to 2020. 

I might not have told you guys but I have some nervous breakdown type thing and It was for 3 years. Whenever I picked a pen My hands were shaking so I was not able to write anything. If I read for more than 20 minutes I got a severe headache and it was so bad that I don't want anyone to ever feel it. Then I got a kidney stone and due to that much medicine I also became fat. Now why I am telling you this is because yesterday something really bad happens. 

What happened was that I was not able to go for ITI because of my brain problem during that period. So I choose bba after getting cured of the illness. Now the thing with bba is that it amounts to 0 but what matters is mba. Now my father told me that he only has a limited amount of money that he can spend on my studies. So I planned everything and told him that I will do bba from some good low level college whose fees is even lower than 10th standard fee in a very low convent school. 

Everything was going great and then in 2020 my father lost his shop and no one told me about it because they fear that it will stress me and…. 

So he has to pull the funds out from my clg money and have to set up his shop and all that. So my Mba dream is gone and I have to just be ok with BBA. And the problem is that my future is dead because if you think that I will earn money then let me tell you my college and university degree means shit. Their market value is zero, they are just a piece of paper. And If I go to work in a big city then my salary would be so low that I will have to pay from my pocket just to make a living there and I will get experience. Second no company likes to hire from my region because apparently we are egoistic, stubborn, and highly violent. So violent that people from my region burned a billion dollar plant. Right now they only hire those who they think are good based on the school and college they went to. 

In short, do not come in front of me if you wish me a happy new year. Chances are you will die. 

Do you know why I became a  patron? It was not to earn money or anything It was to stockpile chapters and give myself a challenge because the moment I create a chapter, there is a buzzing sound in my head that says upload it. So I was not able to stock any chapters. Nothing was for the intention of money. 

But now things are different. I have 6 months to earn enough for the clg. I don't believe I am saying this but if you can afford it… 

And also only if you can afford it. If you are a kid of 16 and you are supporting then I spit on this support. I don't need it. Only support me If you can afford it. Don't waste your parents' hard earned money. Only they know how they earned it or people who need it. 

So for one time donating this is my kofi page


here you can donate to me one time if you can't afford a monthly pledge. And even one dollar is necessary because that dollar in India is equal to 70 rupees. 

Amd my Patreón page is 

patreón.com/Edgelord666  change the ó to o and you can put the link in google word by word.

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