Visually impaired from birth, Irene Adler was born to a wealthy family in Salzburg, Austria in the mid-to-late 19th century. Her precognitive powers activated when she was thirteen. To cope with the nearly overwhelming visions, she transcribed what she saw into a series of diaries over the next thirteen months. By the time she was finished, she was completely physically blind.

A few years later, Irene hired Raven Darkholme, a consulting detective, to help her make sense of her diaries. The two found that they shared a desire to use their powers to change the world. Not long afterward, they became lovers. Although the pair deeply cared for one another, they parted periodically, took up other lovers, and even raised separate families.

Irene traveled across Europe, and lived for several years in London, purchased a home in Valencia, and worked as a carnival future teller before becoming an archivist for the Black W.o.m.b Project in Alamogordo, New Mexico. Here she worked with other visionary scientists including Kurt Marko, Brian Xavier, Nathan Milbury, and Amanda Mueller.

Eventually, Mystique and Destiny would reunite, and together they would raise their adopted daughter Rogue in a small home in Caldecott County, Mississippi.

Together Mystique and Destiny would form their Brotherhood of Mutants. This group of ideologically-motivated terrorists would be working for a pro mutant agenda without any plan and it would be doing more harm than anything.

And mystique very easily hands over Rogue to Magneto for his experiment without any remorse. If it wasn't for the X-Men she would have died.  Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/marvel-exilir-rise-of-the-mutant-empire_17155755305669105/chapter-63_51101991539099981">/book/marvel-exilir-rise-of-the-mutant-empire_17155755305669105/chapter-63_51101991539099981</a> for visiting.

' What can you expect from women who were once part of a project like black w.o.m.b which experimented on thousands of babies. ' Joshua thought with rage. 

Joshua just gets to know about the Black W.o.m.b Project and his blood was boiling literally, his powers were making his blood boil. He doesn't know about it before. 

Joshua's muscles were bulging, his clothes were getting ripped, his hairs were defying gravity and were floating in the air, his eyes were shining in red color. The air around him was suffocating. 

" Those bastards " Joshua screamed and Sebastian came running into the room. 

When he entered Joshua's study room he saw that the whole room was destroyed. The furniture was destroyed, the windows were broken, the books were scattered all around the room. But what shocked him was Joshua. 

Joshua's skin was turning red, the Elysium was moving around him. Joshua's hands were starting to turn into claws, his teeth were growing very long and sharp. All around him was a thick layer of killing intent. 

Sebastian thought that some new kind of power was activated by Joshua and it might be making Joshua go berserk so he readied himself for the battle. 

Joshua's transformation continued, his height changed and he became 3 feet tall, all of his muscles were bulging with powers. His skin turned blood red. His back sprouted 3 pairs of wings which resembled that of devils. Joshua was breathing out fire. Elysium formed some kind of horns on his forehead and there was an electric charge getting released from them every second.

Joshua looked like a demon straight from hell and he had a face full of rage. When Sebastian looked at him he was shaken to his core. Joshua's eyes were like he was ready to rip someone apart.

But something else too was changing inside Joshua's body. Both of Joshua's X-Genes were going haywire. The nonresponsive Gene too was supplying so much energy to Joshua's body that it might explode and due to this Joshua's body was evolving far too quickly. It was like Joshua's powers were on steroids. 

" Calm Down, Young master. " Sebastian got a hold of himself and slowly moved toward Joshua.

" Huff…" Joshua looked at Sebastian. His face shows some other reaction other than anger. 

" Sebastian, find them. I want to rip every limb from their bodies and then heal them and then again rip every part. I will burn them, boil them I will … I will… " Joshua started to talk frantically. 

Sebastian understood one thing that Joshua was not going berserk but was extremely angry. He only saw him this Angry when Martha was burned to ashes in front of his eyes. Something big happens to make Joshua express his anger like this.

" Yes, we will do that Josh. We will make them rue the day they were born. But first, calm down. Anger clouds your Judgement or have you forgotten that. We will give them 10 fold but first calm down. Don't let the anger consume you. "

Joshua calmed down somewhat but the anger can still be seen in his eyes. 

" Good, you calm down. Now tell me what makes my son this angry. " Sebastian was talking to Joshua like a mother talked to his little son. Sebastian has this lingering fear that Joshua might go berserk in this state.

Some tears started to come out of Joshua's eyes. He started to cry like a little boy 

" They killed thousands of babies of my race. " 

" Those traitors don't even deserve a place in hell. " 

" They even experimented on newborns and babies in their mother's, Sebastian. "

" Those damn traitors. I will take everything from them. They will ask for death and even In death, they will not get the rest. " Joshua breaks down with every word and starts to cry out loud. 

Sebastian was with him. He didn't stop him from crying. He needs to cry out his grief. But one thing was sure that once Joshua will calm down the people that he was talking about, may their bodies disintegrate in atoms because even if they died Joshua will bring them out from their graves and will grant them his permission. 

Once Joshua was calm, Sebastian asked what happened. 

Joshua told him that earlier today the military sent him some doc.u.ments related to research about superpower Genes namely X-Gene. In there, there was a mention of a very gruesome project Black W.o.m.b Project. 

When Joshua told Sebastian about The Black W.o.m.b project and people related to it. Sebastian didn't show any outer reaction but inside him, there was like a volcano erupted. Sebastian decided that he will find every one of them and present them before Joshua for their punishment. 

A/N: You guys might think it was a bit dramatic. But not for me. I CRIED while writing it when I placed myself in Joshua's place. The Black W.o.m.b project is as sinister as it sounds. Various mutants were experimented like Domino, Toad and others. This was one of the darkest things I have read in marvel comics. And the more I read it the more my hatred for mystique was growing.

My college work is killing me. Because apprantely whatever I do is not enough. plus Indians have too much rituals when we start a new shop, like muhart puja and other things, where I am there are at least 3 rituals. and one of our festival is to in this week. so this week the updates might not be constant. Because of that.

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