Joshua was looking at Sophia. Mary's daughter. 

She was in an incubator, which was filled with green liquid. Below the incubator was a vita ray generator which was working constantly and emitting Vita Rays. 

The green liquid was Another one of Joshua's Inventions, which he made after he researched vampires. It was the downgraded version of the lazar's pits in Dc comics. It was practically human blood charged with vitality and mixed with various herbs. Which turned it into a green color. 

This liquid was not just keeping her body from deteriorating but was also strengthening her body. 

Before this, her body was in a cryo-chamber which was okay but not good enough. 

Seeing her in their Rudra thought to himself.

' I wish, your body shouldn't have burned that bad, then maybe you could have been with me today. ' 

Joshua looked down and shook his head. 

" I hope everything goes well. I don't want to crush Mary's hopes."

Joshua could have revived her before but at that time he could have only revived her body and not her soul turning her into a mindless zombie. 

Because reviving the body and reviving the whole person is different. Because there is one thing that a person requires in addition to the body and that is the soul. 

And after death, the souls go to Lady Death's realm and Joshua at that time didn't want to be on bad terms with her. 

With Joshua's newly attained ability from his second Gene, no one could find him. Not even if he is in front of them. 

Joshua's second gene gave him 2 abilities. And they were Immunity and linked him to 2 Dimensions in this vast universe. 

Immunity if we talk about in gaming terms would have been a D or C rank skill at maximum an A rank. 

But in Joshua's case, it just became an SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS+ level skill. It became immutability. 

Now Joshua was immune to practically everything. He was immune to not only poison, diseases, or that. But he was also immune to other things like

DEATH: he was literally immune to death. Before the powerup, he has a healing factor that even affects his atoms. But he could have died if someone destroyed every atom of his being which was not that big of a feat for beings in the Marvel universe. He could have died if someone destroyed his soul but not anymore. 

Now even if you destroy his soul, destroy his atoms, erase him from reality, he will still not be dead. 

Now he became a true immortal in every sense. 

SPACE AND TIME: Now Joshua was immune to the concept of time and space completely. Time can't Detroit his strength, Time won't affect him in any way. 

So TVA can use as many weapons as they want but the result will never change.

He is not confined by space anymore. Space has no meaning for him.

But this ability is a curse too cause now even if he goes back in time and saves her, nothing will change for him. His past has become unchangeable in the truest sense. 

DIVINITY: He is immune to divine posers of so-called gods. There will be odinforce that can affect him, there will be no prophecy that will affect him.

He cut the strings of fate. He exists outside of fate. 

REALITY WARPING: Right now if Franklin Richard, Wanda Maximoff, and Legion combine their power and try to change his reality or try to harm him with their reality-warping powers nothing will happen to him. 

He has become immune to reality wrapping. 

But how could he be immune to reality itself? Isn't everything reality? Here is the answer. He doesn't exist in reality anymore. He exists outside of everything. He exists outside time, space, reality and became a true void entity. 

He became a reality himself. 

Now, these skills might sound Over-overpowered. But they are nothing in combat. The entities could trap him somewhere, could seal him and all that. So these skills only ensure his survival, nothing else he can't fight them. Heck, an Ancient one can wipe the floor with him if she dėsɨrės. 

He might be immune to Magic and dimensional energy but that doesn't mean he is truly invincible.

Now the other effect of his Immunity was always activated and he couldn't even find what it was. He found it. 

It was called an impenetrable cloak. It makes him invisible to prying eyes. No one can't see him by any means like the ancient one, Heimdall, Death, or even the Living Tribunal. 

But if they can't see him, it wouldn't make him stand out and he would be identified. Now here is the thing: cloak creates an illusion whenever they tried to see him and they only found him doing something that is of no significance to them. 

The second ability that he gains is that he is connected to 2 dimensions. Positive and Negative. But there is a feeling that he is connected to a 3rd one too in the back of his head. But he is not strong enough to get access to it. 

The 2 dimensions being positive and negative. Or Yin and Yang. He has limited access to their energy because his connection to them is newly established and it will take nearly 30 years to truly make them his own. To become their lord. And only then will he start his war because by then even the Living tribunal would not be a problem to him anymore.

A/n: I was ill yesterday. Still am that's why I wasn't able to write any more than this. 

But here is this a much-needed powerup.

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