" Paradise " 

That man replied and I don't know why but I didn't believe him or did I. No, considering where I am, I didn't. 

But that man was right, he brought us to Paradise. It was me who spit on that chance. 

Paradise was truly the place worthy of its name. It has a long widespread garden with every kind of flower and lush green trees, and different birds sing there all the time. The golden rays of dawn and sunset would make it look even more beautiful than heaven. 

And the saint who owned that place. 

He was the very embodiment of mercy. Yes, he was the mercy incarnate for us. 

I could feel the kindness for us oozing from his very being. I could see in his eyes the pain he felt for us. He was a teenage boy with golden blonde hair, fair skin, his eyes would change colour, and his eyes looking at us with such love and care. I could also feel pain in his demeanour and not a physical one but an emotional one. I could also tell that there was a ton of anger and angst bubbling inside him. And it was for what happened to us. 

I don't know if it was intentional or not but when he came to meet us, the sun was setting behind his broad shoulders, which were ready to take our pain and suffering, his back ready to protect us and in years I felt at peace. He looked like the Messiah that people told in fairytales. 

I wanted to submit to him, kneel before him, cry before him, these emotions were coming into the waves but I couldn't. I couldn't because of what they did to me. My mind was telling me that I was hallucinating. That this was another ploy that was deployed because of those people. 

At that time I don't even know how I was able to think all of this because I shouldn't have been able to think about anything. But I was thinking after years I was doing so. 

Now I know that It was his aura that was healing us. That gentle and pure aura.

We were eating like animals when he entered. And I saw that a little girl who had some scars on her wrists and her one cheek was swollen touched his coat with her dirty hands. She was scared. 

At that moment I thought that it was all done for. He would beat that girl and all this illusion would be broken. But what he did was completely different. 

He looked at her and started to laugh, an innocent and full-hearted laugh. And he said 

" stains are good sometimes. "  and he lifted her in his ŀȧp. He asked Sebastian, the old guy, to give him a plate. He wanted to eat with us. 

Eat with us peasants. The saint, Messiah, God was eating with us. Laughing with us. He was making us forget our pain. He was healing us. The god himself was walking among us. 

And we betrayed him. We didn't believe him. We deserve this hell.

And at last, that moment came. 

He gathered everyone under a tree. Now we were wearing better clothes, we were bathed. Where before we looked like some barbarians and mental patients, now we looked civilized. 

He started to put his gentle hand on everyone's heads. And when those graceful hands touched them they were healed. Healed of every scar, pain and mental trauma. It was like those hands pick every broken piece of our existence and gently put them back. We were healed. We were able to think. We were able to feel it. And we cried. 

He erased that past from the children's minds because they should live and fly. Now they know something bad happened but will never know what bad happened.  They will never seek the answer. After that, he also extended the same offer to us but we refused. We were totally fine with our past. And at that time I realized that he didn't just put us together but he also gave us will. 

WILL is such a foreign concept for someone who has only known pain. But now I was feeling it. And it felt amazing. Like a drug.

He gave us a new light. 

A couple of days later. 

There were some voices about what that teenager wants. Because we have known the world was not as it seems. No one will help you out of the goodness of his heart. 

We have watched that boy playing with other children and smiling with them. His little brother too was Elysian as he fondly calls us. 

We were fed and all that but the voices didn't stop. They kept raising and on the 5th day, our so-called leaders asked him what he wanted and why he was keeping us here. 

And the reply was something that we never anticipated. We thought he wanted us to fight his war or wanted something else. And we would have given him anything he wanted. Because it feels good to sleep without any hindrance. 

But his answer was something else. He said he wanted to protect us. He doesn't need us for his war as he will fight the war for our race himself. He was powerful enough to do so but we were weak. If he let us go then he fears that the government would capture us again. 

And then he shows us the proof of his investigation about how we were captured. We didn't believe him. I mean how could I believe that my mother herself told those people about me. And at that time I saw through his facade or so I thought. It was not his facade but my delusion of a loving mother and not accepting reality. 


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