I was beaten for the information. I was beaten till I became numb to the pain. Then they would heal me and again beat me. I didn't open my mouth even for a second. All they got out of me was a taunting smile. They put some goggles on my eyes which made my eyelids stretch and I wasn't even able to blink even once for an hour. 

And do you know what happens when you can't blink for an hour? 

Your brain started to beg you to blink them. Your eyes started to dry and your cornea started to swell. Do you know the itchiness is also a kind of torture? My eyes started to tear and in 5 minutes they started to become blurry. 

The people there would entice me to tell them every minute. They would say that if I tell them then they will end the torture and even set me free. 

Set me free, they said. Me who spitted on the said freedom. 

Not gonna lie my brain gives in the first half an hour but the heart didn't. I couldn't afford to hurt him once more. My heart knew that this was the point of no return as now I have a reason. so for all they asked, they only got one taunting smile in return which would only make them punish me harder. 

So they chained me in a dark chamber and started to the old ways of torture. Pulling out my nails and teeth slowly and painfully. 

Cutting my body with a sharp knife and then using a very pain-inducing method to heal it. 

They would put something inside my ȧss that would stretch my ȧsshole to its limit and they would laugh. 

They made small cuts on my pėnɨs and my tėstɨċŀės. 

It was a living hell. 

But the worst thing was the humiliation that they don't even think of my power as power too. They don't use their 'mutant inhibitor collars' on me. 

Every day my brain would just tell me to give up, there was not even a day where I would have thought of coming clean for the last 5 days. 

Today was the 6th day and I think I am starting to lose my sanity as I am talking like there is someone. 


On the morning of the 7th day

They again tied me up but this time it was open. They caught all and every one of us who left the sanctuary. 

A total of 80 mutants. They too were tied up and then the chief torture interrogator comes in front of us. 

" Hello, dear Muties. You see I don't like torturing you guys for information so I will be torturing only this guy first and after that, if you guys didn't tell us who it was that freed you and where did he take you, I will do exactly the same to you. " 

This is a disaster. I know I will never betray him or them but what about these guys. They might not think like me. They might not want forgiveness, they might break. ' What should I do? What should I do? What should I do?

No, no, no, this can't be happening. His name should not come from their mouths. I will have to do something. ' 


I declared with every intent to follow my threats. I don't know how I will do what I just said but I know I will do it, I will do it for my God's Forgiveness. I will never stop until I achieve what I just said. 

Every one of them looked at me terrified. Except for the torturer who hasn't heard any words coming from my mouth in the past 6 days. 

" Well, look at this, boys. This undying loyalty. I will make sure to break it. "

And then he started to beat me. He electrodes me. He cut my fingers clean, gave me wounds at every place and then rubbed the salt on them, he even cut my tongue off. But I didn't even flinch throughout the process. I just kept staring at him with all the rage and hatred inside me. 

And this was not because he was torturing me. It was because he dares to harbour the thought of harming my liege, my GOD. And for that crime, he will die. 

After 3 hours of torturing me in every imaginable possible way, he looked toward the other 79 people.

" So you see, this is awaiting you guys. So why waste mine and your stamina on enduring the pain. Just tell us already and…" 

I could hear him spewing nonsense and lies, I slowly brought my head up and saw that others have terror in their eyes. But they still haven't spoken a word. 

" Ha. Why do you guys love pain so much, hey you bring me another one? " 

He ordered a soldier to bring another one to torture. 

The soldier chooses randomly. 

" No, not me. Please not me. " 

" Will you tell us? Then. " 

The guy was frightened beyond belief. And I was hearing what he was gonna say. 

" yes " 

" And what about you all? " 

They all nodded

" So tell me, boy. Who It was? " 

" Joshua Foley "

What did he say? Is he gonna tell them about the saint? No this can't be happening. No, I can't let it happen. How dare he betray him. How dare they. 

He freed us, fed us, sheltered us, gave us love and care. And they dare to babble about him. 

This is heresy. They need to pay. I will kill them. 

My hate for them was immeasurable. My brain started to work in override manor, my body started to heat and a warmth spread all over my body. I could feel a new power running inside my body. It gives me the feeling of doing anything. I could hear the blood running through their veins, calling me. 

This feeling washed over me and the blood that was splattered on the ground started to rise. Mine chopped off fingers and other body parts become blood too. That blood came toward me and my body started to heal. 

The guards seeing this started to fire but the blood protected me like a shield. 

In 10 seconds I was as good as new. But there was something else in my body except my power. It was my god's gift to me. He didn't abandon me even when I did. 

He knew that we were gonna leave the sanctuary and we would not be able to protect ourselves. So when we were all sleeping he gave us Elysium, a metal made from his body. All the information about Elysium was transferred inside my brain. 

And I have activated it. My belief in him activated it. My devotion toward him granted me this power. I have been granted Forgiveness by him in the form of Elysium activation. Others too have it but they weren't worthy enough, only I am worthy enough. 

And now 

Let the massacre begin.





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