"It seems that there is no problem with Major Kelly. You can see that Tony went to Asclet, and Murphy went back. There must be no problem. It's great."

  Anina was very excited and said to Major Keli next to her, that Major Keili had been standing beside Anina without speaking, and had been staring at the situation outside. She had seen their movements and knew that they must be No problem, Tony knew there was no problem the moment he turned around.

  "Yeah, when I saw Tony leaving just now, I knew there was no problem. If there was a problem, Tony would have come over already."

  Anina and Esquilet looked at each other and smiled, and ran downstairs to meet Esquilet. They were waiting for Esquilet to give them an answer. Can you hear them clearly?Is there someone else's words in there?

  Majorelle and Anina were still very curious. They just wanted to know if there was any sound there, and also wanted to see if Esquilette's ears were working.

  "Aischerlet, Escherlet, come down quickly, there is no problem now, it has been found, and it is safe now."

  Tony can't wait to get under the plane now, waiting for Ascillet to get down quickly, and then listen to the recording of the previous speech.

  When Murphy came to their side, he did not stop too much, but went directly back to the laboratory. After returning, he was going to change it. What is the ingredient? .

Chapter 322

  Chapter 321 I'm in a hurry

  Escherett looked at Tony outside and called him excitedly. After a while, both Majorelle and Anina came here. Escherlet was a little stunned, and he had only lived for two days. Time, why does everyone doubt themselves so much.

  Did they already know they brought them something?No, they didn't even tell Murphy about it, and they couldn't possibly know.

  Another, did they already guess that they would definitely bring something for them?It should be impossible to guess, as far as their brains are concerned, there must be something to prove to themselves.

  Esquire got off the plane, and then asked Tony without waiting for them to speak, "How is it? Now that the crisis has been resolved, what is that thing that Murphy found? It's ringing."

  The things that Esquire and Tony are most concerned about are not at the same point at all. The thing that Tony cares most about is to let Esqilet listen to the recording. Then it rang, what kind of thing was it?

  And Anina and Majorelle were just watching the fun, no matter what happened to the two of them, the two of them were just watching the fun.

  "The warning is over now, but I still don't know what it is. I have something to stop you now. Come with me quickly." Tony dragged Esquilet to the laboratory when he spoke.

  Esquire broke free from Tony's hand, and then said to Tony, "Tony, why are you in such a hurry? What's the matter? What's the gift I brought you."

  "Wait a minute and you'll find out. We may win Murphy this time, and this time is a chance to come back."

  Esqilet also had a chance one day. Did he have a chance to win against Murphy now? But I should cherish this opportunity. Esqilet was about to lift his legs and follow Yi Xiao away, but he felt that there was someone behind him. A force pulled himself.

  Escheret turned around and saw Anina and Majorelle standing there dragging their clothes. It would be a little unclear. What were the two of them doing sitting there with their clothes?

  "What are you two doing? Is there something wrong?"

  Esquilette was still very curious. The two of them were not so close to him at ordinary times. Why did he suddenly drag his clothes and prevent him from leaving?Think about it and there is nothing to offend them, and nothing to help them.

  "What do you think the two of us are going to do? Why don't you bring us gifts just now? Are you in such a hurry to leave without the two of us? If there are two of us, then give it to the two of us quickly. Otherwise you don't want to leave."

  Anina and Major Kelly just stood there just now, waiting for Ascillet to bring them gifts, because Asclet had already said to bring them gifts, there must be no shortage of the two of them. Personal, but Tony was dragging Ascillet.

  But Escherlet listened to Tony's words and was about to leave with Escherlet, ignoring the existence of the two of them at all, which angered Anina and Major Kelly.

  "Two beauties, please forgive me for my brain. I was really delayed by Tony just now. I'll go get it for you now."

  At this time, Aschret felt that anyone would be strong. One type was that women were the most annoying. If a man lived with so many women, his fate would be miserable.

  Esquire didn't want to anger the only two women in this base, so he and the future would have a good life, just like Tony and Major Kelly.

  Tony didn't have a good life. Whatever he said, Major Kelly would oppose him there. He didn't want to be like that, but he didn't want to follow Tony's way.

  Hurry up to bring the gifts of these two beauties to the two of them, lest the two of them attack themselves. I have seen Major Kelly's skills, so Tony will deal with it.

  Although Tony was injured, if he wasn't injured, if Tony wanted to deal with Major Kelly, he would need some strength, not to mention himself.

  "Then why don't you hurry up, let's just guess, you will definitely come back with a gift."

· · Flowers · ·

  When Esquire didn't say that he would bring a gift back, Major and Anina had already guessed that it was not easy for Esquire to go out once, and he would definitely bring something they needed when he came back. .

  Esquilette is still very delicate in mind, and is almost catching up with the delicateness of a woman of yours. Therefore, Esquilet will definitely bring something back when he goes out, so there is no need to think about it at all.

  People who think about things are very thoughtful, how can they forget about this matter, especially in a boring place like Xiaobei.

  "What are you two women worried about? Do you know what is the most urgent thing now?"

... 0

  Tony is a little dissatisfied, why is this woman thinking about this matter and not thinking about the overall situation at all? If this wins Murphy, will it be possible to blackmail Murphy fiercely? Just thinking about gifts makes women short-sighted.

  I finally waited for Escherett, got off the plane and waited for Escherlet to listen to the recording together, and let these two women rob him halfway. thing.

  Otherwise, if you have already heard the recording now, you can already tell whether it is Murphy's ears that are not easy to use, or the three of them's ears are not easy to use?

  I was waiting for Esquilette, and I immediately led Esquilet away, but was actually intercepted by these two women. These two women were too much delaying their own affairs.

  "Tony, don't think we don't know your little thought, although we didn't hear it like you, but we're not in a hurry, we didn't want to win Murphy."

  In fact, both women know Tony's thoughts, that is, they want to win Murphy once, and Murphy can win Tony every time, so Tony feels a little unfair in his heart, always thinking that he can win Murphy once.

  Although this probability is relatively low, since the two women did not hear any other voices there, Tony is more confident, which is also the confidence these two women gave him.Ding.

Chapter 323

  Chapter 322 Want to win once

  "Isn't this still the message you two gave me? It's fine if I can't hear it myself, and neither of you can hear it, then it proves that Murphy is wrong."

  "Oh, you and Murphy have been working together for a short time, and you don't know it at all. If you want to win Murphy once, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

  If Murphy makes a mistake, it's really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I can't blame Tony for saying this. Since he was with Murphy, Tony has never seen Murphy make mistakes. Every time he made mistakes. After that, Murphy corrected himself in time.

  "We've only been here for a short time, so we don't want to worry about those things. I think, Tony, you only lost this time and didn't win."

  Anina just thinks that Tony must have won the index this time. If Murphy can hear it, they don't need them to be able to hear it. As long as Murphy affirms something, others don't need to affirm it at all.

  "Annina, why are you doing this to me now, I'm going to be upset."

  Tony was actually making fun of Anina. Anina was still young, and Anina was joking with herself, as everyone knew.

  When the three of them were chatting hotly here, Murphy was busy in the lab by himself to organize the little thing that was busy and set off the alarm.

  When Murphy held it in his hand, it was a thing the size of a sesame seed. How could it have such a powerful force and set off the alarm system? Murphy was also a little curious, what exactly is this thing?

  Murphy didn't even bother to talk to Esquilette, and went straight to the laboratory to start the experiment. If this thing was the cannon fodder left by a bullet, then what was the cannon fodder mixed with? s things.

  The outside scan did not scan this thing at all, which means that this thing has hidden power and I really underestimated those shells before. Although they have no power, the things they contain may be relatively powerful. , as for what something, too.

  I still don't know what to do, take it back to the lab and do some tests, and then see what's in it, it can make the outside early warning device useless, and only after knowing the deep scan inside can scan it. .

  Esquilet took out all the gifts that were brought to them on the plane. Everyone had a share of Esquilet, but he prepared them carefully for everyone. Although the time was very tight, But Esquire prepared everything that everyone might need.

  Escheret handed the gifts of the two women to Major and Anina. In their hands, Major and Anina couldn't wait to open the bag. What was it?

  Majorelle and Anina have exactly the same things. After all, Esquire thinks that women have a heart for comparison. No matter what the relationship is, no matter how good things are, they must be the same. Otherwise, if the two women had a disagreement in their hearts, it would be difficult for him to explain it.

  Don't you say it all, where there are women, there will be wars, although the two of them are relatively harmonious, but Escheret still feels that there are some things, lest he don't want to be the one who causes conflicts between the two people. .

  After the two of them opened the bag, they found that there were some skin care products inside, as well as the cosmetics they needed. Although in Xiaobei, no one looked at them at all, makeup was still needed.

  "Asquilet, you really know what the two of us need. After we came here, we found that our skin was very dry. You actually brought us skin care products."

  Before she came here, Major Kelly felt that she was going to a tropical place. The clothes she brought were very light and thin, and the cosmetics and everything she brought were some sunscreen.

  I didn't bring some skin care products at all. After I came here, the wind was blowing very hard, and it was also very dry. In this base, it was to keep warm, and the air was very dry.

  The skin is very uncomfortable here, and I lack some skin care products, but when the effect is out, I want to tell Esquire, I don't think it seems a bit inappropriate to say these words...  

  After all, Esquilette went out to do a mission, and it might be risking his life. How could he be allowed to bring these things? Just think about it and think about it, let’s talk about it when we go out to Xiaobei. .

  Don't think about it here. I didn't expect Esquilette to be so considerate. Everyone helps, everyone has already prepared them, and the preparations are double. They can be here for a long time.

  "Then you don't have to look at who we Esqilet is. Esqilet's mind is very delicate. He is the most attentive among us, but we should thank Esqilet."

  "Don't listen to Tony, there is nothing to thank, we are all together, and we don't need any thanks at all."

  Esquilette felt that he really had no gratitude, but he just helped them a little, and he was also listening to the two of them talking unintentionally.

  I just had the time to help them do that. If Murphy's base was in the outskirts, it would be very laborious to do such a thing. Fortunately, a Murphy base near the center has everything, and I also Also brought them back by the way.

  "Ascillet, then how do you know that we lack these things? Major Kelly and I have been researching them before, and we don't know how 1.2 can get these things, and we want Murphy to develop them for us. ."

  Anina said these words, in fact, he and Major Kelly had discussed this issue before, and after coming here, he found that his skin was very dry, especially his own affairs.

  When I landed on this place with a parachute, I couldn't bring too much stuff at all. After arriving here, the air was very dry, and the outside environment was blowing with cold wind, so I didn't go out.

  But I can feel that there will be small cracks on the skin after Majorelle came back from the outside. These are things that need to be maintained. I wonder if Murphy can develop something that can maintain them if Murphy has time. What about the skin thing?Unexpectedly, Esquilette has already been brought back, which is simply too good. .

Chapter 324

  Chapter 323

  "Don't be polite to me for the two of you. I also overheard the conversation between the two of you before, and it happened that I was going to go out to Xiaobei, so I brought it back to you by the way."

  "Everyone has a woman's love for beauty, so no matter how difficult it is to get it, I will get it for the two of you. After all, this place in Xiaobei is too dry."

  Tony listened to Esquilet's words by the side, and then used a strange look, which was a strange look in Esquilet's eyes, looking at Esquilet, Esquilette is a little unclear, so why is Tony looking at himself like this?

  Did you say something wrong?Esquire scratched his head, and then thought that what he said just now was fine, so why did Tony look at him with such eyes, is he envious of himself or jealous of himself?

  Being thanked by them, did Tony feel that Twilight was attracted to him?

  Tony is also an extremely narcissistic person. He always feels that his popularity among women is a particularly good one. Is he starting to be jealous of himself?

  In fact, Tony really didn't have that meaning in his heart, but he just thought how could this sentence come out of Asclet's mouth, and that Asclet was not such an articulate person at all.

  He is usually very stupid when comparing his mouth. Why does it feel like he has changed a person? Did his mouth become sweet after going out to Xiaobei, or did he say that he ate something to make Esquilette's mouth speak? Woolen cloth?

  Or maybe something happened outside that stimulated the brain and started to speak incoherently. It seemed impossible again.

  Esquilette couldn't hold back a little longer, and watched Tony staring at him all the time. He didn't scream in a hurry. He left and looked at himself with strange eyes.

  "Tony, why are you looking at me with those eyes? Are you starting to be jealous of me, thinking that I am more popular than you." Esquilette said jokingly.

  "Don't, I don't mean that. I just think you've changed. Why did you become so talkative? After you went out, did you eat anything?"

  After hearing what Tony said, Escheret touched his mouth, and found that his mouth hadn't become so eloquent, nor had it changed in any way, how could he speak as he said.

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