Murphy listened to the conversation between the two of them, and felt like there were a lot of things on the plane, and the things that he asked Esquilette to take back were not so many, just a few things, how could it be like what Tony said Seems to be a lot of the same.

  Murphy decided to take a look on the plane to see what was going on, but he didn't let Esquilette bring so many things, and some things were useless.

  "Aren't I in a hurry? Especially if I want to buy you some food. If I don't buy you that food, I have already arranged all this. Do I still need to come back and rehearse?"

  What Esquilette said was true, everything was ready at that time, but Tony's dessert was not ready, because some of the desserts were not available near here. Esquilette needed to go to the market. Bought in the area.

  "Aiscillet, you have been talking about this since I found out that you ordered something to eat. Everything is blamed on the thing you bought me food for."

  "Tony, I swear, I really didn't lie, what I said was true."

  Even if Esquire didn't say it, Tony knew that if you want to buy those things you like near their base, you can't buy them at all. You need to go to the city. Esqilet is there. Having brought so many things in such a short period of time, it showed that Esquilette was in a hurry.

· · Flowers · ·

  I have to put all these things on the plane, and Esquilette has also met, trouble, so it is good to be able to do this, and I don't mean to complain about Esquilette at all, it's just that The two are just joking here.

  What everyone thinks is all in each other's hearts, there is no need to explain too much, it's just idle chatting.

  Esquire and Tony were chatting below. Murphy walked to the top of the plane alone. Looking at so many big boxes in the cabin of the plane, Murphy was shocked. Have you moved all that base here?

...... 0

  I didn't ask Esquilette to bring so many things. Murphy thought that he seemed to have misremembered. I replayed the memory, what I said to Esquilet at that time, and I still clearly remember the list on the list sent to Esquilet, and there are not so many things, even those parts It's big, but it doesn't take that much.

  How did I look at these things and figured it out by myself, I felt like I could assemble a plane, and Murphy knew that Esquire might really be afraid. Stressful, afraid that something might fall.

  But in Murphy's memory, there doesn't seem to be so many things in his base. What the hell did this Asclet bring?Murphy was still curious.

  It's just remodeling a stealth plane, not to say that it's reorganizing a plane. Even if the outside of the plane is replaced with equipment, it won't use so many things.

  At that time, when Ascillet entered the Calrus Mountains, Murphy looked at Ascillet's travel route and felt that Ascillet was flying at a low altitude, something was wrong.Ding.

Chapter 338

  Chapter 337 A Smart Person

  Although the plane that Escheret flew was not a large plane.

  But the carrying capacity is still ok, but looking at the low-altitude flight of Escheret, there are so many things that have his meaning, and they are all loaded back. Once stationed, they are not ready to change places at all.

  I still feel that Tony is dawdling in the plane. It's not that Tony is dawdling in the plane. It takes a lot of effort to rearrange these things.

  Now Murphy still thinks Tony's speed is very fast, and it is already very powerful to be able to arrange all these quickly.

  Murphy looked around on the plane and saw that Tony had already marked these marks, and then Murphy stepped off the plane with a question mark in his own mind to ask if it was Escherett. The base has been evacuated, and all are brought here.

  "When did you get on the plane, Murphy? Weren't you still here just now?"

  After chatting, Esquire and Tony were ready to get on the plane and move all those things down together. When they walked to the gate of the airport, they saw Murphy getting off the plane. Esqilet still felt that It's very strange, Murphy was still beside him just now, revolving around the plane, looking at how the plane was modified, he didn't notice that Murphy had entered the plane.

  "The two of you were chatting hotly there just now, and I entered the plane. I have a question for Esquire."

  When Escheret heard Murphy, what questions could he ask himself, could he solve any problems for Murphy?This seems impossible, right? Murphy's head is so smart, does he need to solve the problem himself?

  Could it be that there is something wrong with the plane? Even if there is something wrong with the plane, Murphy can see it in the monitoring room, and Murphy does not need to go to the plane to see it in person.

  "Murphy, tell me, what questions do you have? I don't think I can solve your questions."

  Escherett is telling the truth. Murphy's problems are all very advanced. He doesn't say that he can solve the problems that Murphy said casually, and he still doesn't believe that his brain has ink. Fei is smart.

  "Asquilet, you are quite self-aware. You know that Murphy's problem can't be solved. Then Murphy, tell me and see if I can solve it for you."

  "Tony, you really can't solve this problem, you still need Escherett to solve this problem for me."

  "Murphy, don't underestimate people, then you have to say it, in case I can solve it."

  Murphy expressed helplessness.It was impossible for Tony to get involved when Esquilette was taking these things, and it was impossible for Tony to get involved here, because Tony was resting at that time, and he knew it.

  "Tony, then if you want to get involved, then let me tell you, is there so much on the list I gave you, Esquire?"

  When Tony heard this, he really couldn't solve the problem, because he hadn't read the list, and he didn't know what Murphy asked Esquilette to bring back, but he didn't know.

  "I really didn't participate in this. I can't solve this problem, and I still need to use Asclet to solve it."

  "Look, Tony, I said you can't solve it, now let's wait for Ascillet to give us the answer."

  At the beginning, Escherett was also confused by Murphy's question, and he mentioned the question of the list at once. Escherlet understood. It turned out that Murphy went to the plane and saw that he had taken so many things. Maybe I feel like I'm taking a little too much.

  "So you are asking this question, there are not so many things on the list, but I am afraid of taking less things, so I will bring everything that I can use or that I almost need to use. "

  "You also know that when remodeling a plane, if there is any inspiration, if there is no need for this place, it will be very hard for us to go out once, so I will take all the things I can get. brought it."

  Tony looked at Esquire's expression, and he was very angry in his heart. It turned out that Murphy did not let Esqilet take so many things. I'm here, I'm still struggling in the plane, and I've arranged them all. It turns out that some of these things are not useful...  

  I had wasted so much effort there, I had known that I had let Esqilet go in for the rehearsal, and I had been busy in it for a long time, but it turned out that it was all in vain, and I could not find anything that I could use.

  "Ascillet, why do I feel like you emptied that base."

  "Murphy can't evacuate that base, there are still a lot of things left, I was thinking what if you have any inspiration?"

  Murphy is very helpless. Usually Esquire is very careful and thinks it is a good thing, but now I feel that Esqilet's confidence is a bit too much. Where do you put so many things? This The base was already crowded, and now so many things have been brought in, and many things are not needed at all.

  "What you think is comprehensive enough. I was shocked when I got on the plane just now. I thought you had already evacuated my base."

  "I'm busy now, hurry up and move all those things down, and then give them all to submit, otherwise, the plane will not be able to leave the base."

  "Aiscillet, you are really a 1.2 pig teammate. You took everything that Murphy didn't let you take, didn't you take the same things that Murphy didn't let you take?"

  "Tony, you don't have to worry about it. I have a double copy. I have already checked it carefully. You can rest assured. What if some parts are not used? I will consider all these. All right."

  Tony and Murphy are even more speechless now. All Escherett actually gets points. If they assemble another plane, they will really have no shortage of parts. There are everything here, but this base also puts Can't go down.

  "Do you know how I feel now? My current feeling is that this base is a little small and it would be better if it were built a little bigger."

  Esquire still felt that he didn't have so many things, and these were all possible needs. .

Chapter 339

  Chapter 338 Murphy's Helplessness

  Because getting something in this place in the Carlus Mountains is really strenuous, like it used to be.

  Anina broke the alarm system. If you want to get a new one, you still need to go out to the Karlus Mountains to get it. Fortunately, Anina fixed it. If it is not good, then the One piece is missing an early warning system.

  "Okay, now it's not about this issue. Now we need to hurry up and finish it."

  "Wait until these are finished, and then deal with the remaining things, and the rest of Esquilet will be handed over to you."

  Murphy felt that it was necessary to hand over these things to Escherett. He took all the things he asked him to take, but Escherlet needed to deal with the excess.

  After hearing what Murphy said, Escherett was actually quite helpless. He just had too many worries. He was afraid that it would be very difficult to go out and get it if there was something missing. With 12, each one should bring a few more, so as not to replace it if it does not meet the conditions?

  Escheret thought a lot, but when he got it back, he found that he had taken too many extra things, some things were not needed at all. Really can't let it go here.

  Like Murphy said, it's enough to assemble one more plane, but if you assemble another plane, the place is a bit small.

  So many things can't be thrown away. Esquilet is standing there looking around. If you want to find a place to put so many things, you can't put them all in the plane. This plane will be soon. After it has been modified, it cannot be stacked in the airport, but can only be stacked outside the airport.

  Although Murphy's base is quite large, there are many things, all of which are advanced weapons, some of which take up special space, and Murphy has been updated batch by batch.

  But these things can't be thrown out here, right now. It would be so obvious if they were thrown out now. Everyone may wonder, why did weapons appear in the polar bear's habitat? Isn't this the feeling of bringing wolves into the house?

  The enemy will be recruited here, but these things that I took are really useless. I still think of a way to put them there. Esqilet is no longer in the mood to follow Tony to modify his own plane.

  Now I just want to get rid of all these things. Murphy has picked out all the things that can be used, and there are so many things left. Escheret's head hurts when he looks at it, and feels that his head was at that time. As if it was in water.

  Why didn't I think that these things were useless at the time, and I didn't know what I thought at the time, maybe it was just an impulse.Now it's time to pay for your own impulse.

  These things were bought at a high price, and I couldn't help them deal with them. Besides, it would be very difficult to go out to the Karlus Mountains, so I can't produce and sell them here.

  It seems that Esquilette suddenly thought of something, if it is possible to sell these things in this place, wouldn't it be good?

  "Also, it's Escillet, have you found that you have brought all the spare parts here that you haven't used for a long time, didn't you read the number on it? I can't blame you at all, maybe It was too busy at the time.”

  When Murphy rummaged through the parts, he found that the parts that had not been used for a long time were also in it. It was really just like what he predicted, and it was really possible to install a plane.

  There is no problem in assembling a small plane. Although these parts have not been used for a long time, he can still play their role.

  "Murphy, what do you think if we turn him into an airplane and sell the airplane? Isn't that also a considerable amount of income? These parts are also discarded when you put them in the base. Is it there? No use."

  Tony put down the tools in his hand and sat on the box, then said to Ascillet, "Asklet, are you too naive to think that you can sell this place in the Calrus Mountains? Who is it for? If it goes out, it will be a mad snatch. These parts are still very good."

  "I don't think I'm naive. I think it's useless if these parts are put here, it's better to assemble them and sell them."

  "Then Escherett, tell me who you sell it to, besides the Hulk is the training ground, and the other one is from the ski resort over there. Which one do you want to sell to? Exposing our identities is not about expelling this place in the Carlus Mountains."

  Tony felt that what he said was unreasonable. Could it be that what Escheret thought was to assemble these remaining parts into a plane, and then contact the Hulk and the Hulk can't be contacted at all, and then contact his subordinates to sell Give him a plane.

  This is simply a whimsical thing. Besides, wouldn't that reveal your identity?


  It can't be sold to them. Besides, people can't buy our aircraft, and it's the training ground of that country. They can't buy it. Their own country has their weapons, how can they buy their own. Woolen cloth?

  Then there is the ski resort, what can they do with the plane?They have no use for buying planes other than rescue, so they can't drive planes to sell to them. This is completely illogical.

  This is something that can't be implemented at all. What the hell is this Escherett's head thinking? He always says that there is a problem with his head. Tony thinks that there seems to be a problem with Escherett's head. Now, in the whole base Only Murphy is a sober person, and everyone may be a sober Tony now.

  "By the way, Esquire, you said that there is something wrong with my head. I found out that your head may have a problem with you, Xiaogao. You are like me."

  Murphy stayed by the side and didn't speak, as if he had been thinking about something, and felt that what Escillet said could also be tried. The newly built training camp was built by the old friend and the others.

  It's just that I didn't notice when they built it here. .

Chapter 340

  Chapter 339 The Pretender

  Whether the weapons they sold to them will also be shipped here, or are they really used by their rear troops? I don't understand these now, and even if they want to use them here, they are not afraid.

  I don't take them seriously at all, but the problem of this plane can also be studied. If it is studied, all these things that I don't need will be sold to this old friend. How can this old friend be like It's like recycling your own stuff.

  But Murphy knew that this was not the time to contact this old friend, and he absolutely couldn't take the initiative to contact him at this time, because he didn't know what his current purpose was and why he came to the Callus Mountains.

  There are more and more people gathering in this place in the Carlus Mountains, and I don’t know what purpose these people have come here for. I can only investigate the purpose clearly, and let’s talk about the plane. talk later.

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