That is Annina and Major Kelly. The two of them look good. They don't look like Tony and myself at all. It is impossible to make mistakes in judgment. Just affect the two of them. If you want to affect Annina and Majorelle will also appear, so what's the problem?

  Both Tony and Esquire wanted to hear what Murphy said next and why the two of them were wrong.

  Murphy's words directly confused Tony and Esquire. They didn't know what was going on. Could it be that the two of them were stimulated by something, and the two of them didn't realize that they were being affected by anything. stimulated.

  "Then tell me what happened to the two of us. Did the two of us get sick? Did you not tell the two of us that there is no medicine for the two of us? You actually said that. Slow, Murphy, you have to save the two of us."

  "Yes, Murphy, you have to save the two of us. The two of us are not afraid of dying in the war, but we are afraid of losing for no reason."

  Murphy listened to what Tony and Esquire said, and knew that the two of them were joking there. These two people are like this. They have no formality. They are not greedy for life and fear of death. Humans, no matter what they do, neither of them will be afraid of death.

  Especially in the war, they are not afraid of the hail of bullets and the like, but Tony and Ascillet also trust Murphy, knowing that Murphy will not let them be injured in the hail of bullets.

  Murphy's weapons are state-of-the-art.Even if it is injured, it is only a small friction, and it will not endanger life at all, unless it is a natural disaster or something, the power of nature is not something that can be controlled by anyone, especially in Karlu. This place in the mountains is like the avalanche that Tony encountered before, which is beyond the control of man, who can resist the power of nature.

  There is no way to do this. It still depends on your own luck. Majorelle's luck is the better one. In that case, there is actually a cave that can accommodate him.

  I also found something that can send a signal in it. The luck of Meijerkai is simply too good. I have never had such luck. Rei's luck, then just fine.

  "The two of you don't have a serious topic anymore. You are actually joking here. Let me tell you two. You two are not too nervous at all. You two are just too relaxed and have no sense of crisis."

  "Murphy, didn't we hear it wrong? You said that the two of us didn't have a sense of crisis to make mistakes. No, it's such a sense of crisis. How can you say that the two of us have no sense of crisis? You're wrong. ."

  "Yeah, I agree with what Aschret said, the two of us didn't think he was too relaxed."

  Esquire and Tony didn't agree with Murphy's point of view at all. They felt that they were not like what the cat said at all. They easily felt that there was no sense of crisis at all. Such a serious thing happened, how could it not be? What about a sense of crisis?

  This is not in line with what the two of them thought at all, but Murphy said so, Tony and Escherett felt that they had no idea in their hearts. After all, Murphy couldn't tell lies and lie to the two of them.

  Are the two of them really like this?I can't help myself without feeling too relaxed.

  "Look at me saying that the two of you still don't believe it. Do you two recall that the two of you made mistakes when you went out on a mission before? Tony has changed since Avalanche came back, and Escherett came from outside. When you came back, you found that the two of you were just too relaxed..."

  "The two of you are there wondering if this is the case and then replying to me."

  Murphy felt that it was necessary for the two of them to think about it, otherwise the two of them would feel that what they said was wrong, and it was indeed like this. Things as big as an avalanche have been solved perfectly, and Tony will relax his mind.

  Esqilet even walked around the boundary line. Where is the boundary line, it is a place where there are crises everywhere, and it was handled so easily.

  Of course he will relax his expression. After returning to the base, his nervousness has not recovered, so there will be mistakes. This is what Murphy analyzed. Only after the two of them became nervous, they Two people can't go wrong.

  This is how people are. As long as they encounter something that has a sense of crisis, their expression will immediately become tense. As long as the sense of crisis is over, their mood will immediately relax. If you want to recover from the tense sense of crisis, you still need to experience Other things will have that kind of feeling. Otherwise, the tense mood of 1.2 will be suppressed. Once it is relaxed, it will be out of control.

  "Murphy, you seem to have a point. I think meeting Avalanche was the most stressful time in my life. It was because of the disappearance of Majorelle, and I felt that my companion disappeared in front of my eyes. My expression I was very nervous, and after I found Majorelle, I was relieved, and I don't feel nervous anymore."

  After Tony finished summarizing, Esquire also thought about it, and he seemed to be doing the same thing.

  "I seem to be the same. The border line is so dangerous, but it is much more dangerous than here. When I came back, I relaxed my mind. When I returned to the Carlus Mountains, I felt that the matter here was still the same. Very simple.".

Chapter 344

  Chapter 343 Finding the Root

  Both Tony and Escherett summed up by themselves, and felt that Murphy seemed to be talking about that. thing.

  There is no need to be as nervous as when I came here before, just like meeting that ferocious beast, and the things that happened after that, I feel that those are not important, so I don't need to pay attention. These troubles you have encountered are not more than that trouble, but are they much more serious?

  When I first came to the Callus Mountains, everyone was very nervous, especially when Tony and Escherett came to this place of ice and snow for the first time, and they were all white. I don't know. How to hide yourself.

  Fortunately, there is a Geely suit designed by Murphy, which can have a stealth effect, which makes my nervous mood a little relaxed, and then I meet the ferocious beast.

  That ferocious beast is often highly poisonous, and contains biochemical toxicity in its body. These 12 all need attention, and it also has the ability to replicate infinitely, which is very difficult to deal with.

  "Look at me and say it, the two of you are too relaxed, so that's why this happens, or you two won't make wrong judgments, right?"

  "I may have told the two of you that people are like this when they are relaxed, so the two of you have to be nervous all the time, and hurry up and do things, or when will this be finished?"

  Murphy just wanted to make the two of them nervous, so hurry up and finish the plane, otherwise, these two people are just dawdling here, and I don't know when the two of them started to dawdling. live.

  Finish the plane early, do other things early, I don't want to waste time here, why is Escillet and Tony suddenly like this, they are too relaxed and make them nervous. can be completed quickly.

  "Neither of us are idle with one hand, who asked Esquilet to bring so many things back, and it hasn't been moved yet. I doubt how Esquilet moved to the plane. "

  Tony is also very annoyed now, although Murphy has come to help, Murphy has been getting those small things there, and then Tony and Escherett have been carrying things off the plane, and some boxes are very small. Large, some boxes are small.

  But there are a lot of things, and I don't know how Esqilet got them on the plane. He didn't finish moving them for a long time. Why do you feel that the more you move, the more things you move?

  Murphy still wants to speed up, this speed is already fast enough, and now it's all to blame on Esquire. If Esqilet didn't bring so many things, where would there be so many things.

  Maybe the plane has already been assembled in half, and now I've run out of alcohol, I just blamed Asclete Tony is very angry now, although he let himself crash into the plane, he would admit that he lost the bet.

  But this moving thing took so long and the plane has not been assembled yet.Esqilet actually thought of how to assemble these parts into a plane, and then sell it to others and use it as a rescue. There are a lot of ideas for selling the plane to others. There is no stuff yet, and all are moved. How to sell it to others is not practical at all.

  "You don't have to wonder how I got on the plane. You should wonder how I packed it. I went out and did so many things, and I can pack it quickly. Do you think I'm good?"

  Murphy didn't need to doubt himself Esquilette, and he began to doubt himself when he saw this thing. He didn't know what he was thinking at the time. He actually packed so many things, but it was only with the help of robots.

  There is a robot on the side of the package that can be transported to the plane. There is no need to think about how to transport it. Only some small parts can be taken on the plane.

  Who would have thought that it could hold so many things? I never thought that such a small plane could hold so many things. Otherwise, when I flew back, why would I feel that the back is heavy, but I have already taken it back. There is no way.

  "Murphy, look at Escherett, he's quite proud of him. In the future, you don't need to design those high-tech things. Look at this design, you can be lazy over there, but you can't be lazy here. already."

  Tony thinks that this is where Esquilette can be lazy. He just needs to pack it, and the robot can transport it up, but all the things here need to be transported manually. Where is the base in this base? It can hold so many robots, and the transmission tools need to be replaced by humans.

  "I didn't think of this either. I felt that there was something missing here, and then I started packing, but that's all I could pack."

  "Tony, your muscles can't eat so many sweets. You eat so many sweets. If you don't exercise now, aren't your muscles all in vain?"

  Escherett knows Tony's 373 complaints now. He is very reluctant to let him install this plane. Who made him lose the bet, but now he is complaining that he has too many things. Yes, I thought so too.

  Who let himself install so many things, he can only comfort Tony and tell Tony not to complain there, get these things quickly, and everyone should do what they do after they are done.

  Otherwise, it will all be consumed here, and when will it be a waste? Escillet has thought that if he can't finish these things, he should deal with them quickly, otherwise Murphy and Tony will complain about themselves. of.

  Who makes himself think a little more and take a little more things, but maybe these things can be used in the future, and maybe Tony and Murphy will thank them in the future.

  Tony thought for a while, it seems like this is the case, there is not much more, hurry up and move things down, or else eating so many things will affect your muscles, the mouth is cool for a while, but the muscles on the body can make it worse. It took me a long time to train myself to get this way.

  Anina and Xiaohua stayed there with nothing to do or know what to do. After taking care of their skin, they felt that today was the happiest day to come here. .

Chapter 345

  Chapter 344 The Lucky Man

  In particular, Major Kelly herself survived the hardship and was treated so well, of course she was extremely happy.

  "Annina, don't you think I'm very lucky? I really think I'm very lucky. That one can actually meet a cave. I'm just too lucky."

  "That's right, to be honest, when I heard about Majorelle, I really thought you wouldn't come back. This was what I was thinking, and I was very sad at the time."

  Anina talked about her mood at the time, Anina, she was really sad at that time, and the good friend she just met stayed in this place in the Karlus Mountains, who is not sad.

  Wei Xue Beng knows how serious it is. As long as it is buried in the snow, the chance of surviving is extremely small.

  It's a miracle that Major Kelly met that cave, and the cliff below is so high, I have seen it on the map, the snow has already covered the cliff, you can imagine How much snow fell from the avalanche.

  "I thought so too at the time. I thought I couldn't come back. I didn't expect myself to be so lucky, but to be honest, I still have to thank Tony and Murphy for not giving up on me."

  Major Kelly thought about what happened at that time. If it had been placed on someone else, she might have given up on herself long ago, and that place would happen at any time. The danger of the second avalanche, Tony kept looking for him outside.

  And Murphy also rushed over and did not give up on himself, just like Tony said yes, even if he died there, he would bring his body back, which means that Tony did not give up on himself whether he was dead or alive. , I am still very impressed.

  "Yeah, both Tony and Murphy were very anxious, even Escherett had to rush back when he was outside. Later, I finally contacted Murphy and Escherett didn't rush back. Shows how harmonious their team is.¨."

  "Annina, you may not know that some people in our industry don't care whether you live or die. If you encounter danger, no one will save you. Everyone is in charge of themselves. I feel like I meet them. Very lucky."

  "I was deceived when I came to this place at the time. I was reluctant to come here at all. I didn't expect that so many things happened here, and I felt that I didn't come here in vain."

  Major Kalib thanked the others and felt very relieved to know them. He also learned a lot here, especially seeing the solidarity between Murphy, Tony, and Ascillet.

  This is the first time I have seen such a united person together, especially in such a dangerous industry as they are, and Murphy can do anything. I am very envious of this. I always thought that Murphy was fundamental It is the myth that others say, there is no such powerful person at all. When I came here, I realized that what I heard turned out to be true.

  "Yeah, I also think I didn't come for nothing. I also met Major Kelly, your friend."

  After chatting for a while, Majorelle and Anina suddenly thought of Tony. They seemed to be assembling the plane, and they wanted to take a look.

  "Majorelle, the two of us have nothing to do here, otherwise we will go and see Tony and Ascillet assemble the plane, let's go and have a look."

  "Okay, okay, by the way, we can help as much as we can. Although we can't help with some things, we can still help them with something."

  The two hit it off and walked out of their lounge, then went downstairs, and saw the three of them busy there, Murphy was assembling parts alive, and Tony and Escherett were still carrying this thing there.

  "Hello everyone, here we are, do you need any help?"

  Majorelle and Anina walked arm in arm in front of them, asking if they needed any help.

  "Yes, yes, of course there are. There are still many small parts on the plane that need to be taken down. The two of us will move the big one. How about the two of you moving the small one?"

  "Tony, you actually let two women work with you. You really don't have the responsibility of a man at all."

  "Don't treat the two of them as women, okay? It's not like you don't know the strength of the two of them, especially Majorelle, I defeated them all."

  After Tony said this, everyone laughed and knew that Tony was joking, but it was still scary that he could do it himself.

  ".¨Okay, then we'll remove all those things from the plane. Can't we all be faster together?"

  After saying this, Majorelle and Anina were already on the plane, ready to carry those things down. The small parts themselves are not heavy, but they are just too many, and need a little bit of it. Moving down, because it needs to be classified, if it is messed up, it will be very difficult to find in the future.

  At this time, all the people in the base had arrived, and there was no one left here. Everyone was busy moving things down, and Meijerai and Anina also joined in so that they could enter the city faster.

  After Escherett and Tony moved all the big things down, they started working on it. They were going to refit the plane. Majorelle and Anina were still carrying the small parts, and these small parts were handed over. It was transported to Mei Jiekeli and Anina (Hao Zhao Zhao), and Murphy was doing experiments there. After all, this is an invisible plane, and it needs a lot of modifications. It can't be as big as it is now. Still need to make it smaller.

  Everyone is busy with their own affairs, which is a joy. Since Anina and Major Kaili joined in, everyone's speed has improved. The number of people is more powerful. This sentence has of his roots.

  Finally, with everyone's unremitting efforts, all the work has been prepared, and the installation will be installed immediately. This is the fastest job. Mejkelle and Anina sat next to each other and looked at Tony. It was installed there with Esquilette, with Murphy in command.

  "As long as this part is installed, we are now done. This is the fastest time in history. It is really a lot of people and strength.".

Chapter 346

  Chapter 345 Are You Very Free?

  Tony stood aside and looked as if he had nothing to do with him, and was already resting beside him.

  Looking at this small stealth fighter has finally been completed, although there are still a few parts that have not been installed, but this has now been initially completed.

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