Murphy and the others watched as if they were watching a good show.

  I guess if Tony didn't remind me, Major Kelly would not have thought about it at all. Now I just think about how we can cooperate with each other so that we can better complete the task and understand each other and know each other. How 403 communicates between yourself and the other party.

  "No, when did this happen? Besides, you were just rescued from where you were trapped, and your body hasn't fully recovered yet."

  In fact, Tony knew about Majorelle's strength. Don't look at Majorelle's weak appearance, and it can't be said to be weak, but she just looks like a normal woman.

  But his strength is quite strong, especially his Jiu-Jitsu is very powerful, which I cannot ignore. Besides, I have done a day's work today, although everyone helps me, But aren't you also working? .

Chapter 375

  Chapter 374 Major Kaili's Physical Recovery

  I don't have much energy in this either, so don't compete with him. If it's like last time, if you lose, then you'll be embarrassed.

  "Yeah, your body hasn't recovered very well yet, so don't make any big moves."

  Anina is very concerned about Majorelle. If there is any problem with Majorelle's body, then there is only one woman left in this base. What can I communicate with their men?There seems to be little in common between them.

  It's still more convenient to have a woman by my side, and the other is that I really take Major Kelly as my friend, and I don't want my friend to have any physical harm.

  "Yes, what Xiaoben said is right. You still said to pay attention to your own body. You think there is no problem, but it is not necessarily no problem. You should talk about it later. ¨."

  Esquilette thought the same way, because in that hypoxic environment, Major Kaili had already fainted. People can easily affect the operation of the brain in the hypoxic environment. When there is a lack of oxygen, the body will also have a continuous response.

  "Don't worry, I must have no problems today. Look at my body, don't look at me as a woman, but my body is very strong."

  Major Kelly already felt that there was no problem with her body now, especially if she played with Tony, it would be fine.

  "I think it's better. If I hurt you, then I won't be a sinner through the ages? Then won't my partner be gone? I don't want to have another partner."

  Tony actually said the same thing, but he just didn't want to be with Major Kelly. If Bihua knew that he might win Major Kelly, it was not so easy, and it was a very laborious thing.

  Don't look at him as a woman, but his strength is stronger than that of a man, but you can't underestimate a woman.

  Sometimes people really can't look at their appearance, and they feel that the appearance is a weak and weak person, but his body is completely inconsistent with his appearance.

  "How come I don't believe what you said came out of your mouth? It's a bit too surprising to me."

  Major Kelly felt that Tony could say such a thing, and it was a little bit disbelieving. This really did not believe his own ears. If he could say such a thing, wouldn't he have to reply to himself?It's been a long time since the two of them spoke so peacefully to each other. Since the first day they came to the Callus Mountains, the two of them started to fight each other.

  Major Kelly felt that it might be a little too late to say it was the first day. It should be said that the two of them started to fight each other at first sight. What they didn't expect was that Murphy actually And let them cooperate with each other.

  Tony didn't believe it either. He said it from his own mouth, but he just felt that he was very tired today, but he didn't want to continue gesturing with him here. It was like playing a monkey, and the person on the other side was watching, Doesn't this make people see jokes? .

Chapter 376

  Chapter 375 The shameful thing

  Another new member has been added now, and that is Anina. With Anina here, I have lost face again, but I am not sure if I can lose face, but I still have to have a very big one. The only thing you can do is to grasp it. If you are a woman like Majorelle, if you compete with him, you need to be treated like a man, but you can't do it yourself. I think he is still a very weak woman. In fact, it is the opposite .

  "Do you think there was any accident? That's what I thought. You've been trapped for so long. How can you recover in this day?"

  Murphy didn't speak all the time beside them. In fact, Murphy also had the same thoughts as them 403, but Murphy just wasn't worried about Meghanie's body. How was she recovering? The body must have recovered very well, because it can be seen that her physical strength is a particularly good person.

  What I just know is that everyone is very tired today, and assembling that plane is also a lot of brains. Another thing is that what will happen in the later stage, I can't be too sure. This Meijiekai It would be better for Li to be a little less active.

  "I think it's better for the two of you to take the written test today. We'll talk about it later when you have a chance. The other one is you, Major Kelly. You still need to pay attention to your body, although you're recovering well."

  As long as what Murphy said, everyone would listen. No matter which one of them was, they listened to Murphy very much. They felt that what Murphy said must be very meaningful, otherwise Murphy would not will speak out.

  "You can feel that you haven't been affected much. Your ability to recover is simply too fast. It seems that it has a lot to do with your usual sports."

  Major Kelly is still wondering, is there surveillance in her room?Or how?How does this Murphy know that he is exercising at ordinary times? He is in this base, but he does not usually come out to exercise.

  Thinking that Murphy couldn't have installed surveillance cameras in the lady's room, that would be a little too bad, there was nothing to see anyway, but it just felt a little bad.

  "How do you know that I usually exercise, but I haven't exercised at this base."

  Major Kelly pointed to no exercise in this base, but not in the base, no exercise in her room, just wanted to hear what Murphy had to say.

  Who is Murphy? In an instant, he can understand what Major Kayleigh means. He won't think that he has installed surveillance in the room. Then he is too perverted to do such a thing.

  Although there are various kinds of monitoring in the room, this monitoring also means that the room will not be monitored.

  But the room that cannot be monitored is also their women's room, and all other rooms are monitored. After all, women, how could it be possible to install monitoring in their rooms?

  "It can be seen from the muscles on your body that if a woman trains her muscles so strongly, you must be someone who always exercises."

Chapter 377

  Chapter 376 Ruthless Characters

  Major Kelly is indeed a ruthless character. He can train his muscles to be so strong, and he doesn't care whether his body looks good or not, which shows that he pays great attention to this aspect of training.

  Major Kelly understood, it turned out to be such a thing, and she thought that there would not be such a strange problem.

  "Yeah, isn't it just for self-defense, especially women who must beat your men. Just give me two of Tony's body, and I can still beat you."

  Everyone believes this. If a woman is ruthless, she is much more ruthless than a man. It is also a man. It is really incomparable.

  "I agree with what you said. If a woman becomes ruthless, both Tony's bodies will become a woman's defeat, so I never underestimate a woman."

  Murphy will never underestimate a woman from beginning to end. She will not underestimate a woman in front of her, knowing that this woman must have extraordinary abilities.

  Sometimes it is easy to get a blind eye, that is to pretend to be weak, in fact, he is not weak at all, he is much more powerful than a man, so he is very watch out for this, no matter where or when, no matter when he is young. Whether old or young, as long as women appear within their range of activities, they will be on guard.

  I will never let myself be careless. I also told Esquire and Tony about this, but Esquire is very obedient. He can always remember what he said, but if Tony said it, Then it's not easy to say, he has always been special ~ underestimating the enemy.

  As for his rival in love, he was used to it, and he was always urging him, and he knew that if he didn't urge him, he would easily make some mistakes.

  So I reminded him all the time, Escherett didn't have to worry about it, and the one I worried about most was Tony. Although he made very few mistakes during the arduous task, but Often in the smallest things he is most willing to do evil - to get out of danger.

· · Flowers · ·

  "Now I want to tell everyone, don't clean it up easily, that is, no matter who the other party is, you must observe it, because you think he is not good at all, but in fact he is often better than you."

  "Everyone also knows that there are a lot of wanted criminals on the Internet in this place in the Carlus Mountains. These people are all people who are very good at hiding."

.... 0 ......

  Murphy felt that it was necessary to remind him, especially that Hulk recruited these people here, which is enough to prove that these people have a very strong ability to hide, and Hulk just took a fancy to them.

  I don't know what the Hulk's idea was. He actually attracted so many people like this, and he used money to support them there, and then disturbed the world here. Now he has recruited troops from various countries to Stationed here as their practice base.

  Is the Hulk capable of this?It is impossible to think that he will be able to disturb his sight and make it look better by doing this. No matter where he hides, he will find him, but now it is a matter of time.Ding.

Chapter 378

  Chapter 377

  Another is that I have just arrived here, and I have been caught off guard in many places, and the magnetic field here is simply too strong. Fortunately, Anina's father has sent this clear position, although it is still needed. Cooperate with the inside of the base, but at least it is better to have such a thing than not.

  What I have to deal with now are these ferocious beasts, and what kind of background are the troops stationed here, and why are old friends here?

  Are those weapons he bought to deal with his mother lying to him?I used to trust her very much, because everyone worked together a lot.

  Could it be that he also has a rival in love, and he told them not to be a rival in love, maybe he will make mistakes this time.

  "I also noticed this, and all these wanted criminals are here. This is a place no one cares, and they are all desperados."

  Escherett had seen those documents before, and it could be seen from the documents that these people were really desperadoes, just like the car bomb, they were all made by them, and they didn't even risk their own lives. Just like this.

  The Hulk doesn't know how to teach them a lesson, let them flee to this place so desperately, no one will come to this place to catch them, because no one thought that they would be able to run to the Carlus Mountains. This place is in the Carlus Mountains, this place with such a strong magnetic field, it is easy to get lost in this place.

  This can't be done in order to catch a few fugitives, and without regard for everyone's safety, no one would do this to come to this place.

  "Yes, I also read all the information that Anina sent me before. It's really all there. I don't know how this Hulk did it."

  "I think it's really difficult for us now. Hulk has no trace yet, but we have to beware of these fugitives, as well as those ferocious creatures. I think those ferocious animals are the most hateful."

  When Murphy thought of that ferocious animal, he also found it difficult, because those ferocious animals have infinite replicating energy, and he has studied it several times, but he has not been able to study the wireless replicating energy. What is it? once?

  This Hulk actually used the energy of infinite replication to this, maybe he also thought of himself, he would come to this place, so he did it like this...

  This is obviously guarding me. I can still see this. I believe that Hulk now knows that he has come to the Karlus Mountains, so it is just a way to change this place. If you don't know If you come by yourself, it may appear in one place.

  Hao 1.2 grams is like this, he is very good at disguising himself, maybe which one is his disguise, this also needs everyone's attention.

  "Also remember that in addition to the people around us, we must pay attention to outsiders. No matter what he looks like, whether he has any offensive power, it may be disguised by Hulk.".

Chapter 379

  Chapter 378 Disguise

  Murphy feels that it is very necessary to remind everyone, especially because it is easy to make mistakes at this point, so this point must be very, very careful, because people are very easy to do in this regard Careless, especially for some weak and weak, I feel that these weak and weak are very pitiful, in fact, sometimes these weak and weak are the most lethal.

  It's like those ferocious beasts have been purified, and after they are purified, there will be infinitely replicating energy, and all their bodies are highly poisonous. As long as they are injured, they will definitely die.

  Tony had a good idea and met himself. If he hadn't been there at the time, it is estimated that Tony would have become the Tony of the past by now, or he would have turned into a photo and put it there.

  "I also think this is particularly important, because Hulk is very good at addiction, otherwise he wouldn't have any clues for such a long time, and it's hard to know that he came to this Kallu with a little clue. Mountains."

  Escherett felt that what Murphy said was very right, because when he got the news, Murphy informed him immediately, because Escherlet was with him at that time. .

  That's why they agreed to come to the Callus Mountains together to catch the Hulk, and then called Tony again. Tony didn't know this, because he only told Tony that he was good at disguise.

  But he didn't say how good he was at disguising, and now he just happened to introduce them to them, especially now that there are more and more people here.

  It turned out that there were not many people in the Karlus Mountains, but now it is certain that there are really many people here.

  It is very likely that there is a Hulk hidden here among these people, because his face is completely different from theirs. The memory of this Hulk's brain should be very good, otherwise he would not be able to find such a thing. Many people are beside him.

  I just want to see the one-of-a-kind person beside me who can be sure that Murphy and the others are in this place in the Callus Mountains without knowing how to read.

  In this way, the base will be completely exposed to the outside world, and everyone is the most dangerous. Therefore, the base cannot be exposed anywhere. As long as you find yourself exposed a little, you cannot return. We are in the base, so these are very important to pay attention to.

  "How come I don't know what you said? I only know that he is good at hiding, but I don't know that he hides to such an extent? Is he better than me? 407"

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