Tony touched the place where he had just been pinched by Anina. This Anina didn't know what was wrong, so she walked over and pinched her arm.

  "It hurts, then what I see is real, I thought my eyes were spent.".

Chapter 415

  Chapter 410 Sudden Thoughts

  Esquilette came over and took the opportunity to pinch Tony's arm, which really hurt Tony all of a sudden.

  "Aiscillet, are you crazy? You dare to pinch me so badly that it has changed color at first sight."

  "I'm really sorry, but I just wanted to test it out to see if you're real? I've seen it before, but this time it really surprised me."

  Esqilet took the opportunity to praise Tony again. In fact, Esqilet deliberately pinch Tony all of a sudden, there is no other meaning, just want to play.

  This Anina pinched a bit, so she also played with him. What she didn't expect was that her hand would be so heavy, and she had already tried her best to control her strength.

  But what I didn't expect was that Tony still left such a heavy mark on his body, but I dared to guarantee that I really only felt that my hand was very heavy just by pinching Tony lightly.

  Because I have been practicing all the year round, even if the strength of the hand is light, it is a fatal injury to a person who has never practiced.

  But to Tony, it's nothing at all, it's just that there will be a little mark on his body. If this is placed on an ordinary person, it is estimated that there must be something wrong with his bones.

  Usually, I rarely shake hands with others, because when shaking hands with others, I must pay attention to the strength, and I am afraid of what kind of damage it will cause to other people's hands.

  "I think you did it on purpose. If you didn't do it on purpose, how could you leave such a heavy mark on me? Can you have the same strength as Anina's hand?"

  Tony looked at the mark on his arm, it was purple now, and he knew that Esquire had already controlled its strength, but he could be regarded as a strong man.

  I tried my best to control the force, but still pinch myself like this, which is completely understandable.

  I can only blame Esqilet for his strength, and I don't know how he got it. His strength can be so strong.

  "Well, don't worry about it so much. Esquilette's strength is not ordinary. If you think your strength is small, your strength is not small."

  "Let's talk about it quickly, how can you be like this, to be so like a woman, it's really amazing, this is really amazing to me."

  Major Kelly interrupted the conversation between Tony and Esquire, feeling that the two of them were discussing this topic completely unnutritious, and it was pointless to discuss it now.

  What should be discussed now is how Tony can do this in such a short time, which is exactly like a woman standing in front of him.

  I can't see it from anywhere (okay), this is Tony, I can't tell from any point, if it's in an unfamiliar environment, even if Tony walks in front of him, he still sees it can't come out.

  ".¨Yes, yes, I also want to know if I can make up a man, and become a tall man like you."

  Anina had a whim, the idea came out of nowhere, and Tony dressed up like a woman. .

Chapter 416

  Chapter 411 It's Hard to Get Big

  Then can I become a man and make up to look like a tall and mighty man?

  This makes me a little curious. Didn't Murphy say before that you have to learn to disguise yourself and how to disguise yourself under what circumstances, so sometimes you need to make up to look like a man.

  "You, don't even think about it. You really can't talk about how tall and mighty you are. It's entirely possible to become a man, but with your size."

  Tony took a look at Anina's stature. Anina's stature was too short, and he dared to think about dressing up as a tall and mighty man. See what your height looks like in 433.

  "What's wrong with my size? Then a man as tall and mighty as you has become such a weak woman, so what's wrong with me? Can I only shrink and not grow bigger?"

  Anina thinks that the problem with this head is not a problem, how can Tony become so short from a tall and mighty?Is there anything special about Murphy that can make a tall and mighty man instantly smaller?

  Murphy's high-tech stuff is simply too much, maybe there is something novel, I haven't seen it yet.

  "You're right, you can only shrink, but you can't get bigger, because your bones are there, and no matter how big you get, you can't get bigger, so don't think about this, you have to It's okay to be a little boy."

  Tony said that it was Anina who wanted to get rid of this idea. It was impossible to realize this idea.

  "Yes, I advise you to give up this idea. Otherwise, let's turn you into a little boy. What a little boy. It's better than being a tall and mighty man. I like little boys."

  Anina's stature is indeed a little short, but Meijiankai is much taller than Anina, so it is said that Meijianjia directly put Anina in her arms and told Anina that she liked it. Little boy, this also means to ease Anina's unhappiness about his lack of stature.

  This child's problem is a congenital problem. This is not a problem that can be solved by anyone. I comforted Anina like this to let Anina know, and it doesn't mean that everyone likes tall and mighty men. There are also some A lot of people like short people.

  Murphy watched the four of them have a heated discussion there, under what circumstances they need to pretend to be what they should look like, and pay attention to where there are weaknesses. They are really having a very heated discussion.

  Looking at their appearance, I felt very relieved. What I didn't expect was the idea of ​​​​disguise that he put forward, and they all agreed with it, and they all studied it carefully.

  At first, the two women didn't believe that Tony could become a woman, and they wanted to help Tony with makeup. Maybe now the two women thought that Tony's makeup skills were better than both of them.

  I looked at Tony up and down as if I had never seen it before, and revolved around Tony. In fact, this time I should really praise Tony, because he did a great job this time. .

Chapter 417

  Chapter 412 Money and Safety

  Even I was amazed by him this time, maybe it really is better than every time, this time is completely much better than the last time.

  Even in the crowd, I don't think I can recognize it at a glance, but I need to observe it to recognize that it is Tony's.

  It is also through constant training that it can become like this, and it does not mean that it will become what it will become.

  "Okay, how are you discussing now? So let's talk about your thoughts."

  Murphy gathered them together and wanted to hear what they were thinking. Before, they thought that disguise was not a particularly good thing.

  I feel that disguise is the easiest to expose, but this time Tony has taught them a deep lesson, letting them know that if a person is really disguised, there will be no flaws, just like Tony Same.

  "I apologize for what I thought just now. I really thought that disguise was useless before, but now I feel that if Tony was in front of me, I really wouldn't recognize it, and my thinking is a little old. "

  Without waiting for others to say anything, Major Kelly took the lead in self-examination, because Major Kelly laughed at Tony the most before, and she laughed at him in her heart, thinking how could a big man become like a woman~.

  The flaws can be seen no matter where, but when Tony appeared, he knew that he was wrong and shouldn't be so narrow-minded.

  If you think that you can't do something, you think others can't do it, but your own thinking is completely wrong. There are people who are different from others, and it does not mean that everyone can be the same as you.

  "Yes, if you have this kind of thinking, you must protect yourself when you go out on missions in the future, and you must also observe the surrounding situation."

  "Isn't what we are facing a problem of money? As long as you complete the task and get money, on the premise of getting money, do you need to protect yourself? I hope you will keep this in mind."

  Murphy felt like a very.Real people came to this place in the Carlus Mountains because of their money, otherwise how could they come to such an icy and snowy place to hunt down Hulk?

· · Flowers · ·

  Don't you just see this money request?That's why I called everyone to this place. If you want to get money, you must protect yourself first. This disguise is the most important thing.


  The four of them, Aschret, nodded at the same time, because they knew that Murphy was right, and everyone came here for money.

  You don't have to think how noble you are, chasing a wanted man. In fact, if there is no temptation of money, even if Hulk stands in front of him, he will be indifferent to him.

  Murphy wants more money, that is, to support his own biochemical toxicity research, so that he can find a drug that will make him immortal.

  Who doesn't want to get immortality, even if he is no exception, this requires a lot of money to support himself, so that he can achieve his goal, Murphy feels that he can do nothing.Ding.

Chapter 418

  Chapter 413 Agree with Murphy

  What no one knows is that there is another idea of ​​appearance discrimination, that is, if you can't achieve immortality and immortality, then you have to keep your young face forever and make yourself look very young.

  The reason why they tell them this is to let them know that protecting themselves is the most important thing, and nothing is more important than protecting themselves.

  "I think Murphy is absolutely right, and I agree with what Murphy said."

  Escherett was the first to conform to what Uncle Murphy said, because he felt that what Murphy said was really right. If you protect yourself, you can have everything. If you can't protect yourself, then everything will be in vain. of.

  Anina and Major nodded in the same way, and felt that they were all very right, although Major came to learn, and wanted to learn more skills from Murphy, so that they could play in the future. There will be more Anina in the mission, not to mention, Xiaoben is here to visit Murphy's base.

  Although his family is not bad at the money, who would think that the money bites his hand too much, and what Murphy told them is also right, otherwise they have encountered so many dangers before, they think they are too careless .


  Murphy studies his own biochemical toxicity in his own laboratory. This biochemical toxicity has been developed by himself for a long time, just to make his body have an ageless appearance, but he has tried a lot before, but they all ended in failure. .

  The reason for the failure is because it cannot be kept for a long time, and it can only have a one-month limitation. If you don't take it within a month, this will keep you looking forever, and your body will slowly age.

  Now I don't want to be reborn into another world, which I feel very satisfied in this world, and I have two partners, Esquire and Tony, to accompany me.

  If you can't keep your youth forever, if you can't tolerate the expiration date, and you just die, you will be reborn in another world and start again.

  I don't want to start all over again. After all, I have put in a lot of hard work in this world...  

  The way I am thinking now is to extend the time limit, at least to three months. I can't always stay in the laboratory and study this thing. Now the Hulk has not caught it, only the Hulk has been caught. to be able to provide more funds for themselves.

  It can be said that Murphy is now rich enough to rival the country, but Murphy feels that this is far from supporting the funds for his research on chemical toxicity, and he feels that if his research is successful, he will need a lot of people to keep his staff forever. Funding, as well as the need for very advanced weapons.

  As long as you have advanced weapons and your own 1.2 status and international status, you can reach the top figure. Your goal is to be a good person, or you are not worthy of being a person. This is the requirement for yourself.

  Murphy's requirements for himself are very strict. He is only very strict with himself. He is not particularly strict with his partners. He just feels that it is okay to be strict with himself, and others should leave. .

Chapter 419

  Chapter 414

  If they were strict with others, then it would be a little inhumane. After all, they are still young, not like themselves. Although their appearance is young, their body is not in line with their appearance.

  This Hulk, you are really able to hide from stupidity. If you believe that it will take a little effort to catch him, what I didn't expect is that this time, it is a waste of time to catch him so heavily.

  Murphy is still meticulously developing his own biochemical drugs here, hoping to find the curative effect of prolonging time earlier.


  "Aiscillet, look, there is a situation here, look at this place, I found that all the densely packed 12 are hot spots."

  Anina sat in the monitoring room, bored looking at the pictures on the monitoring room, and did a comprehensive search here. Although the magnetic field here is very strong, the distribution of the magnetic field here is not so uniform.

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