· · Flowers · ·

  It's a normal thing for Major, but he has to protect himself while choosing flowers. That is to say, he didn't take his own safety into consideration while saving Major, and completely put the beast on the other side. to ignore.

  I always feel that these beasts can't do anything to me, and my body doesn't mean that these beasts made of steel can't do anything to you, but this is a human body, but it's different from a body of steel.


  These beasts all have sharp teeth and sharp jaws, and their claws are particularly sharp, even if they are thick, they will leave marks, just like those stones on the top of the mountain.

  When I was observing the external situation on the top of the mountain before, I found the paw print on the stone, but it left deep marks on the stone. It is conceivable that these ferocious beasts should be no problem with steel. .

  Aschret and the others nodded as they listened to Murphy's command, knowing that Murphy was doing it for their own good, and that there were a lot of things they paid attention to, so they couldn't be careless.Ding.

Chapter 433

  Chapter 437 Murphy's Prophet

  Murphy glanced at the time on the wall, which now showed that the blizzard had passed, and it was no problem to go out at this time.

  It's just that the snow is thicker and it can easily affect the way forward. Everyone needs to pay attention to this.

  Murphy looked at the message Anina sent to herself. Now it showed the blizzard, and now it has been bypassed. The thickness of the snow in their area can now reach a distance of one meter. This thickness is really a bit of a hindrance.

  "This snow is so thick, it's actually one meter thick."

  Anina sent these weather conditions to everyone, but Murphy was the first to send them, because Murphy, as the commander-in-chief, needs to send them to Murphy first. After Murphy read it, reprint these to Everyone.

  Because some things need to be filtered by Murphy, if there are no useful things, Murphy will not forward them to them.

  Murphy's reading ability is very powerful. As long as you glance at it, you will know if this thing can be forwarded. In a flash, you can scan it with your own eyes and forward it to other people.

  It's not that everything needs to be forwarded to Murphy at all times, but it is like this within the scope stipulated by Murphy.

  Because there are some problems that they can't solve even if they see it, and if it is sent to them, it will add to their troubles.

  Therefore, I also set a rule with Anina, that is, when Anina thinks this is a problem, it can be sent to herself, and there is no need to send it to them separately.

  Major Kelly looked at the weather posted above. The snow was simply too thick. She had never seen such thick snow when she grew up, so it was not very difficult to travel.

  "I don't think I've ever seen such heavy snow in my life. Can our sleds be able to move on it when we go out? Or do we need to find another way?"

  Esquilette frowned, looking at the picture posted above, the information also showed the weather conditions, it was over a meter thick, the snow is not there now, and it is impossible to see it at all. Is it soft or hard, what is the thickness like...  

  Is the carrying capacity of the sleds enough to allow them to travel on top of this snow, if not, then they can only advance in the middle of the snow, which will make it more difficult tomorrow, and after the snow has just fallen , some places are deep and some places are shallow.

  "Ascillet go to the warehouse on the far right and take out the sleds."

  Murphy didn't answer their questions, and just told Escheret to go to the cabinet over there and take out the sleds. When Escherlet heard it, Murphy had something new. Well, all the worries before this were all over 1.2.

  I don't know how many new things Murphy still has. Every time he encounters a problem, Murphy can solve it smoothly, and it is very fast, not to say that it is currently developed.

  It is conceivable how prescient this Murphy is. He has already thought about what is about to happen and has already figured this out. .

Chapter 434

  Chapter 438 Murphy's New Technology

  Esquire hurriedly went to the warehouse that Murphy had ordered to get the sled out. Before that, he really hadn't discovered that there was a sled in that warehouse.

  It can be said that in this base, there is no place that Esquilet does not know. Esquilet is also very careful sometimes, and he is familiar with every location.

  But I really haven't seen the warehouse on the right of the sled. Esquilet has been there before, but when I went there, I was watching the situation when I first came to the base. Every small warehouse, Esquilette has seen it on every corner.

  Murphy suddenly told himself that there are sleds 12 in this warehouse, and he was very curious. He had never seen it before, and he didn't know when Murphy designed it.

  This Murphy is like this sometimes. He sleeps very little. It's not like he and Tony want to sleep to replenish their physical strength when they have time. Let's just say, it's not sleeping or eating. .

  Another is to exercise your body, and there is nothing to do with guns, but Murphy is different. Murphy has to study a lot of things every day and it is suitable, and there are many things to do.

  It always feels like Murphy has a lot of unfinished business. Murphy's life is really not in vain. Unlike themselves, they waste all their time eating and drinking every day.

  However, Murphy is not. Murphy is experimenting or verifying his own experiments every day. He is busy every day, and he uses those colorful potions.

  Anyway, even if I don't understand it, I don't follow Murphy anymore, and I ask this question and that out of curiosity. Every time Murphy is very patient while doing the experiment and explaining to them, but slowly But they found that they couldn't understand it, so they stopped listening, and they were not interested in listening.

  Murphy slept very little, maybe it was spent on these experiments, and what they did every day was to eat and drink, and they didn't take into account the surrounding situation at all.

  Maybe because of this, I didn't realize that there was a sled in the small warehouse, and it was the latest type of sled.

  "Wait a minute, can you get Esquilette alone? It's just the four of us."

  Tony followed in the footsteps of Ascillet, and Tony was also very curious about what kind of sled this was in.

  Now the sled they wear on their feet is very good. It has an invisible function. It can completely hide the school under the feet of their 447, and it will not be exposed at all, and they are also invisible. clothing.

  Unless there is a special device that can observe them, or they can't be observed at all, even if they appear in front of others, they will not be perceived.

  This invisible technology, Murphy, is perfectly designed, and it is also unmatched in the current technology. As for Murphy, the international response is very big.

  Many people wanted to buy this technology from Murphy, but Murphy rejected them one by one. .

Chapter 435

  Chapter 439 Invisible Battle Clothes

  At the time, I didn't understand why Murphy rejected it. Later, I realized that the reason why Murphy rejected them was that they didn't want to earn their money, but they felt that this invisible technology could not be easily known to others. .

  This can easily mess up the market, and once this invisible technology is searched for applications in the market, the incidence of this case will be very high.

  Although Murphy attaches great importance to money and status, he also has a principle, and he knows what can be done for himself and what cannot be done for himself, and it is beneficial to himself, he can do it for himself Unprofitable Murphy will never do it. Murphy is a person who puts interests in front of him.

  Murphy thought at the time that this invisible suit could indeed sell for a very good price, and it has been since

  At that time, I also wanted to sell this invisible battle suit. If I produced it myself, I would just sell it, and wouldn't I just sell the technology to make money?

  Isn't it very easy to make money selling technology?And you don't have to be in danger.

  But then I thought about it later, there are too many disadvantages of making invisible battle suits like this. If this invisible battle suit is sold, then many people will use this invisible battle suit to deal with themselves in the end. of.

  After all, this invisible battle suit is not like the real-name system. Anyone who buys it knows it because it is sold by himself.

  It may be that others will buy it from others at a higher price. This is not to say that it is impossible. Once the invisible battle suit is sold, if others crack the method of their own research, then This is not to say that his unique technology.

  At that time, I did not hesitate to keep this technology in my own hands, many high-class people.I came to find myself to spend a lot of money on the purchase, but I all blamed this technology for the failure of the development, and I refused one by one because it could not be mass-produced.

  After Aschret entered the small warehouse, he found that there was nothing in the small warehouse. Where is the sled that Murphy said, is it invisible?

  If this is invisible again, it will be difficult to do. Since this has no thermal sense, I can't use my thermal glasses to see where the invisible sled is placed, and how can I get it.

  ".¨What are you dawdling about there? Hurry up and take me outside to meet you in this blizzard, but it will be over soon.¨."

  Since the space of this small warehouse is not particularly large, Aschret is a tall and big man, and Tony can't get in when he stands at the door, so Tony can only be blocked at the door of this warehouse (? Zhao).

  Waiting for Escherett to go in and pass the sled to himself, and then take it away by himself, but after waiting for a long time, Escherlet was dawdling there, what's the point of dawdling, isn't it just to take one Does something last that long?

  When do things like a woman, dawdling there, everyone is waiting, he is alone, this Murphy doesn't know what to think. .

Chapter 436

  Chapter 440 Murphy Didn't Lie to Us

  Why don't you let yourself do it, let him do it so slowly, "I also want to be fast, but there's nothing in it, how can I get it?"

  Tony was stunned when he heard Escherett say this about dieting. Escherlet was not kidding himself, he was able to make such a joke at any time.

  But after thinking about it, Escheret didn't mean to make such jokes. The person Escherlet is still very fashionable. When encountering things, he will never joke with you, and even if it is In normal times, there are very few jokes.

  He doesn't seem to know how to joke, he just says whatever he wants, and he speaks very straightforwardly, which he understands relatively well.

  But at this time, he suddenly said nothing at 447, so there must be nothing left, otherwise he wouldn't be able to say words that have nothing here at such a critical juncture.

  "How could there be nothing, if there is nothing, Murphy will not let us come here to pick it up, you take a good look, or you will let me take a look."

  Esquilette stepped aside, and after watching for a long time, he couldn't see anything. Could it be that he could see after Tony came in? If he can see, then there is a problem with eating his own eyes. .

  Then he is not suitable for this sleigh, because he can't see it, how can he use it himself, so this sleigh is not in line with his own five elements.

  Tony walked into the small warehouse. This time Tony went directly into the warehouse. He was not like Escherett, but stood at the door of the warehouse. What could he see?Might as well just go in and take a look.

  Although there is not much space inside, they can barely stand in it, but after looking around for a week, they find that there is really nothing in this warehouse. What is this all about?

  "Ascillet, let's go back and ask Murphy, there's nothing in here, what should we get?"


  "Why did the two of them come back empty-handed?"

  Major Kelly was very curious, seeing the two of them go away happily, how come back with their heads drooping, and their faces are particularly unhappy, these two songs are also empty, what the hell is going on? ?

  It stands to reason that Murphy would not lie to them. Major Kelly looked back at Murphy and Murphy as if everything was under his control. Murphy was not too surprised or had any expressions. .

  Major Kelly couldn't understand, Murphy's Murphy asked the two of them to get it, and the two of them didn't get it, but Murphy didn't have any response. What's going on?

  Murphy knew for a long time that the two of them would not be able to find it. At least say a word to the two of them. If the two of them can't do it, can't they figure out a solution for themselves?Haven't you told them enough?

  At that time, Murphy's idea was to tell them that the school was in the small warehouse, and let them find it without telling them how to find it. If they found it, then praise them and reward them for the firearms they like. Kind of stuff, reward and punishment a lot. .

Chapter 437

  Chapter 441 It's Empty

  This time, they know what to look for with their hands, not just with their eyes or their brains. There are still many things in this base that are worth exploring.

  However, after Esqilet came to the base, he turned the base around, but he still didn't find much in some places, as if the sleigh had already been placed in that warehouse.

  Esquilette still didn't find it, let alone Tony, after coming to this base, he simply turned around, and he didn't look at it carefully at all.

  It's not as good as Anina. Since Anina entered this base, she has really carefully observed it, and she has observed every detail very carefully.

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