That's the way Majorelle's character is, she pays attention to a quick word for everything. .

Chapter 456

  Chapter 459 Fire Support

  The sooner you complete the task, the better. It is the happiest thing to return to the base to rest well after completing the task quickly.

  Suddenly there was the sound of a machine gun, sweeping in front, Tony hurriedly slid and dragged Major Kelly aside, Tony's speed was very fast this time.

  I didn't have the ability to respond to Major Kaili at all. The reason for reacting so quickly was because I was frightened by the previous things. If Major Kaili said it, it was really a waste of time. This time, I quickly put Major Kelly dragged to her side, you are the safest thing.

  "No, we're in an ambush, hurry up and inform Murphy." After Major Kelly said this, she quickly joined the battle. Tony quickly notified Murphy and started the 460 battle.

  The firepower of the other party is still very fierce. Tony doesn't understand why these people are here, and how does he know their travel route?

  It may be where they were exposed, and now I don't know where they were exposed?This fellow Hulk doesn't mean to eat rice.

  Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to hide for so long and still have some strength. If he didn't have some strength, how could he hide for so long, and all the teams were holding Hulk.

  Murphy and Esquire moved quickly towards Tony and Major Kelly. They heard the sound of violent gunfire not far away. Murphy listened to the sound of gunfire and could hear it. It can be seen that there are not many enemies on the other side.

  Tony didn't use a heavy machine gun, but a light pistol, which was enough to prove that Tony felt that the opponent's enemy was not strong enough, so he didn't need to use such a heavy weapon at all.

  Murphy's ears are very sensitive, and he can hear the sound of the gunshot. Is the opponent's weapon the most advanced? Is the opponent's weapon still very advanced? It seems that he was underestimated before. As for him, I thought he didn't have any particularly advanced weapons. Listening to the sound of gunfire, the weapon was not bad.

  "It seems that the opponent's enemies are not many."

  "Yeah, but let's not underestimate the enemy now. Tony and Major can deal with us completely. We don't have to go over to copy the front from the back."

  Esquire's ears are the same as Murphy's, and they can hear the sound of the gun very sensitively, as well as what kind of equipment the gun is. The idea is the same, and I don't think there are too many frontal enemies.

  This needs to be outflanked from the back, which depends on the positioning of Anina. This place is steep and the enemy cannot have a base in this place.

  It should be found and encountered occasionally, and the number of these enemies is not large. Although the weapons they bring are the most advanced, there should be few of their people. This is still very easy to deal with.

  Esquire nodded in agreement, followed Murphy's direction and walked towards the rear. This place is still very easy to judge. There is a cliff here, and there is a support point on the cliff.

  Seeing that the direction of their firepower is coming from that support point, the firepower is not particularly fierce, and there should not be many people stationed here. .

Chapter 457

  Chapter 460

  "Tony, we are going to the back to outflank now. You advance from the front. This time, we must catch a live one. If we don't catch a live one, we will never know the whereabouts of Hulk."

  Murphy thought very simply. This time, I must tell everyone that if you can catch the live ones, try to catch the live ones, and keep them alive. If you can't keep them all, then you must also catch a live one and ask them. Why did he come here, how could he be in this place, and where is Hulk?

  These are all questions and these questions need to be solved one by one, so this is the biggest problem now, and I have never had a head-on conflict with anyone here.

  This time, I finally got the chance to have a head-on conflict, which is a good opportunity to seize the opportunity to get useful information.

  I just don’t believe it myself, don’t any of them know important information?That's impossible. This person has such a thing, the more they don't want them to know, the more they want to know.

  Therefore, they will inevitably know some words. Whoever wants to die like this wants to live and stay, so they must know where the Hulk is, and they will definitely say it.

  In this way, the two sides are pinching Anina here. Listening to the situation over there is too intense. The sound of gunshots came out of my ears, but I was very excited. If it was me It would be nice to be there.

  This scene is simply too handsome, I really want to be in the scene, but unfortunately my technique is not good, this time I must come back and practice hard, and I will be able to participate in it at that time, I really want to Experience ~ experience it.

  "In such a dangerous place, they can choose their abilities, but they really shouldn't be underestimated."

  Aschret had already dragged the sled down and carried it on his back. This cliff was not something that could be reached with a sled.

  This place is simply too dangerous. They were able to choose this place. This place is simply too good. It is easy to defend and not easy to attack. The choice of this place is simply too perfect.

· · Flowers · ·

  "Is this Hulk still a little brainy? I didn't even think about losing in this place. I feel ashamed now. This Hulk chose this place to monitor the external environment."

  Murphy thought about the terrain that he had just entered here. There are two mountains here. These two mountains form an encirclement. The place in the middle is an encircling sacrum. The two encircling mountains are very high.

...... 0

  A perfect encirclement is formed to perfectly surround the place in the middle. The highest point above the mountain can be seen for dozens of miles in a radius. This place may seem like they are monitoring the surrounding conditions. place.

  And the road that he and Esquillet took did not pass through here at all, but came from another road, so that was their disadvantage. What Murphy did not expect was that the most difficult place was them. disadvantages.

  They didn't think that someone could go to the wrong place, and when they came to their place, they must have ignored that place.Ding.

Chapter 458

  Chapter 461

  Hulk's head is indeed very useful, but he often ignores the most dangerous places. He feels that no one will try and walk in the most dangerous places, but what he didn't expect is himself, the one who is willing to People who try dangerous places.

  The previous blizzard had buried all the cliffs and cliffs there. What I didn't expect was that after covering it up, it brought so much convenience to myself.

  If there is no snow, I don't think I can reach this place at this time, because since the snow cliffs have been covered up, my own sled has played a role, and the sled can be easily rowed on it. It's over, no matter how soft it is underneath.

  This snow is already thick enough, the thickness can be imagined, the cliffs are covered, enough to prove how thick this thickness is.

  This gave me a perfect opportunity to come over here directly. What I didn’t expect was that it brought convenience to me. I thought it was my obstacle, but now I feel that this is really my own. convenience.

  "This is the first time Murphy heard you say that you are ashamed of yourself. Every time you are very confident, this time you have really met your opponent."

  Esquilette has been with Murphy for such a long time, and I have never heard Murphy say that when I was ashamed, I was very confident. This time I heard it for the first time. arrive.

  The gunshots in front were still thinking, the range is still quite far, Murphy did not expect their equipment to be so advanced.

  "Damn it, this marksmanship is really accurate, and it almost hit me. Fortunately, I dodged quickly." Tony muttered to himself there, and now his role was to distract them.

  To let them not look at their backs, Escherett and Murphy copied them from behind. This is to leave a living hole, and Tony did not directly shoot them to death.

  Now I can't see where their specific direction is, but I can tell from the direction of their bullets, but the bullets come from all directions. Tony is dodging here, but he doesn't attack them head-on. . . .

  If he might have killed them all with a single shot, how could he still be alive?This life is very important, and you can know the specific whereabouts of the Hulk.

  Looking at their desperate resistance now is enough to prove the importance of this place, and the Hulk might be among them.

  At this time, everyone was very excited. Finally, they found the clue of Hulk, and they were able to quickly leave the Callus Mountains. Everyone was looking forward to it.

  No one wants to stay here all the time in the Karlus Mountains, and they feel that this place is very unsuitable for his 1.2 people to play here. It is icy and snowy here, and it is particularly boring.

  "That's because you didn't dodge in time, you see which shot I aimed at me, that's your problem, I think it's a bit like a dance right now, it's boring, if this can make me kill two Enough."

  Major Kelly.Looking at these vicious people really tickles my teeth. .

Chapter 459

  Chapter 462 Headshot

  This gang of vicious people hid in the Karlus Mountains, thinking that they would enjoy the free space here, but they were all used by Hulk before they came here.

  Isn't that Hulk's scapegoat?This is just to catch them alive, or else I will give them all headshots one by one with their own thoughts.

  Although the location where they hide is indeed very hidden, so what if it is hidden?Isn't that a place where you can expose yourself?

  There is no place in this world that is [-]% safe, and there is no place where you can hide yourself [-]%.

  The safest place Majorelle felt was the grave, which would never be digged.

  "It's so hard to find a survivor. You still want to kill two people. Your heart is too cruel."

  What Tony didn't expect was that Major Kelly was a very ruthless person to the enemy. If this woman were not her teammate or her own enemy, it would be a very ruthless role to overwhelm a woman.

  This anger can't provoke a woman. If this woman is ruthless, she is really much more ruthless than a man.

  Listening to Majorelle's words between the lines can tell, and it can be seen from some things that she is a cruel woman.

  "If I wasn't cruel to them, wouldn't it be ours who died? You still installed it here. Your hands were stained with so much blood before, why didn't you tell me."

  Major Kelly had to refute this Tony, Tony actually said that he was a ruthless character and a ruthless woman, why didn't he say himself.

  Although those are his opponents, if the opponent doesn't die, then he will die. This is a matter of life, and his hands are also covered with blood, aren't they?

  These people are different from those before. These people are all evil, and the wicked people are used by the Hulk. Those who come here should not be alive, and they are also a scourge in the world, which can be regarded as a replacement. Heaven is on its way.

  "I have no way to refute what you said. What you said is simply too right. I want to apologize for this."

  "Tony, I found a problem. This is more flashy, but it is much more tiring to attack directly."

  What Major and the others have to do now is to constantly change their positions, and then they must avoid the bullets of the other party, and they must always pay attention to the bullets in their hands, so as not to kill or injure them, then It doesn't matter, this really requires a high degree of concentration.


  This is really a very difficult task. Before this happened for the first time, when I went out to do things, I was alone. Cooperation, but now it is different. Now it is necessary to have the cooperation of the opponent.

  A person who is accustomed to being alone is not particularly comfortable with others. When he is comfortable with himself, he will probably find some teamwork.

  If Murphy takes him in, then he will continue to stay in this team, after all, everyone has been very in harmony. .

Chapter 460

  Chapter 463 Attack from the Back

  If this is not necessary for me, I will also start to feel uncomfortable being dispatched by myself.

  Because I feel that if everyone is dispatched together, they can still take care of each other, just like what happened before. If this is my own, then I will surely die today, how can I still have today's me?

  "Of course, now our main purpose is to distract them, and to avoid these bullets, their weapons are also the most advanced."

  "It seems that we really can't underestimate them. Underestimating them means putting us in danger. This weapon is really good. It seems that they also have experts who design weapons."

  Tony felt that he had come up with an experience that was absolutely impossible since he played against them this time. Those who underestimate the Hulk, must be experts in the Hulk team with professional weapon design.

  This person is still very mysterious, and the weapons they use are all cutting-edge technology, unlike ordinary weapons that can be seen on the ordinary market.

  It is absolutely impossible to underestimate Hulk. Before this, I always thought that Hulk was a person who was chased and fled. What I didn't expect was that his ability was so powerful.

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