"Haha, then I'll wait for you to wait for the day you find me, and then come to beg me."

  After Hulk said this, he turned off the screen in such a great atmosphere that he didn't believe that Murphy could catch him, so he would play with him and have a try.

  Murphy watched the screen go black, and knew that the Hulk must have made himself angry with him, so he couldn't be so angry, so he just turned it off.

  "This Hulk is really a little too self-aware. He doesn't know how much he weighs. He wants us to join his team. This is simply whimsical."

  "Ascillet, let's get out of here quickly."

  Esquilette hadn't reacted yet, Murphy just turned around and quickly ran out of Esquilet, just not far from the house, when suddenly the house exploded.

  It was only then that Escherett realized what was going on. What I never thought about was that they actually installed a bomb in the house, and it was the kind that exploded remotely. Really are some life-threatening molecules.

  "No, the top actually exploded..." Tony got up immediately and was about to go upstairs to take a look at the situation.

  Major Kelly pulled Tony at once and came back to stay in this position.

  "What are you pulling me for? There's an explosion here, shouldn't we go up and take a look?"

  "Don't move, we are still here, they will have no problem, you heard their conversation just now, Murphy will not be unresponsive."

  Major Kelly felt that she must be calm at this time, because it is impossible for Murphy to be unresponsive at this time. She knew that Hulk would definitely do something, so Murphy must have reacted quickly.

  At this time, just when Tony was about to say something to Major Kelly, a voice came from the ear 1.2 machine, "There is still such a step."

  Hearing the voice over there, Tony instantly put his heart in his stomach. He was really nervous just now, for fear that something would happen over there and he would not be able to get there in time. Go to rescue them, and now I can finally put my heart in my stomach, so I don't have to worry. .

Chapter 479

  Chapter 482 It's making you nervous

  "Look, Tony, I'll tell you that there's nothing to worry about, Murphy and Ascillet are both very capable. How could this bomb hurt them?"

  Major Kelly is scolding Tony here. This Tony really doesn't care about the big sniper at all, and he just wants to rush up like this. If he rushes up, what if Hulk's reinforcements come to this place, then they can Just no backing.

  If they hadn't figured out the situation, if they had rushed up, they would have been completely on the edge of the cliff. The cliff was a place where they could go up but couldn't come down.

  If it is said to be surrounded, then it can only be 12 times with them. There is no place to hide. This Hulk is also not to be underestimated, so sometimes when you do things, you must not do things impulsive.

  It must be done after understanding the whole story of the matter, just like the voice from this Escheret just wanted to pass.Headphones to tell Tony and Major that they're fine and that they're still fine.

  If there is any problem with this, then there will be no news directly. Murphy has already told them before, don't act impulsively.

  I don't know what happened to this Tony. Maybe it's because the Karlus Mountains is too dangerous, so it is said that Tony is impulsive when he does things.

  "My brain was short-circuited just now, probably because this place in the Carlus Mountains is too dangerous, because we don't understand the power of nature in this place, not that we can understand it."

  Tony feels that his worries are not unnecessary, because he now knows a little bit about the Callus Mountains. This place is very mysterious and has a magnetic field. The weather is also changing, and I don't know if it will change at any time. What kind of situation happened.

  Hulk now everyone knows a little bit more or less. He is also a very ruthless character. In addition, his mind is also very flexible. Another point is that his weapons are also very advanced. It can still be balanced.

  Unlike those people who dealt with it before, it was an easy task, but for Hulk, it was absolutely impossible to let down his guard.

  Hulk is definitely the person their opponent Murphy thinks is an opponent, can they still regard Hulk as a simple character?

  "Yeah, I know what you said, but don't be too impulsive."

  Major Kelly knew Tony's worries because of the unpredictable changes in the Cal 477 Luth Mountains, because of the reasons here, not because of how powerful the Hulk is, because of the world itself where the avalanche had occurred before. Being buried underneath, Tony might be afraid of that.

  "Tony, didn't you say that you were afraid of the bomb hurting them? You were afraid of the avalanche incident here." Major Kelly thought that Tony probably thought so.

  Tony glanced at the Major who was next to him. In fact, he really thought so, because Major was trapped there before, and he still deeply blamed himself for not protecting the Major who was beside him. .

Chapter 480

  Chapter 483 The consequences are very serious

  The same people in their own team did not have the awareness of protection, and completely ignored Meijiankai. Otherwise, how could Meijerkai be in such danger?

  Major Kelly could see from Tony's eyes that Tony thought the same thing as her, but Tony didn't say it, maybe it was because of the Xuefeng incident that made Tony a little nervous.

  "That's what I think about it, because I didn't protect you well before, so you are in such danger, so I am afraid that they will also encounter such danger."

  Tony had never entered the snow-capped mountains before, so when the avalanche occurred, he kept his memory deeply in his mind.

  Because being trapped must be a very dangerous Major, that's a good idea. Entering a cave, or being buried, is really a sure thing.

  "I don't blame you for this matter, so you shouldn't think about so many things at all, and it has nothing to do with you, just because I was too careless."

  Tony and Major Keili faced the same problem after encountering the avalanche. The two of them talked to each other about what their counterparts thought at the time, and also explained why such a situation occurred at that time.

  No one wants to see such a situation, so both of them have said it, and what they think in their hearts, so they both know each other better now.


  Esquilette patted the dust on his body, which made him covered in dust and snow. If Murphy hadn't tugged at him just now, he would have really stepped on the bomb.

  What I didn't expect is that I still use this kind of operation. I have encountered such a situation before, but this time I didn't think it would happen again, so I said I was careless.

  Murphy is also cleaning himself. This place has been razed to the ground now. Fortunately, this is at the top of the cliff. There is not so much snow here. Even if it causes an avalanche, it will go to the bottom of the cliff. Falling, it will not fall to their place at all, and can only expose this mountain to the outside.

  They now belong to the top of the cliff, and the place above is the sky. This place can observe the surrounding situation, and they are all at a glance.

  "How is it? Are you uninjured?"

  "It's okay, it's okay, you grabbed me just now. If you didn't grab me, the bomb would explode under my leg, and my leg would be scrapped now."

  Escherett was thinking about what happened just now. When the video hung up just now, he just wanted to ask Murphy if he could find the Hulk's specific location through this video.

  But when he hadn't asked this sentence, Murphy suddenly pulled himself out of the door, and his body ran out.

  Because I know that if Murphy drags him, something must happen. Just when he wants to open his mouth, in just a few seconds, the explosion has already happened. .

Chapter 481

  Chapter 484 The Bomb That Didn't Explode

  It seems that this Hulk is prepared, knowing that if they find this place, they must blow up this place without leaving any traces.

  This is good, now there are no traces left, and there are no clues, because the whole place was blown up.

  Even with great ability, it is impossible to find any clues from these ruins, so they have never been to this place.

  Although it is said that they have never been here, there is one thing to be happy about, that is, they have found their hiding place and then go inside.

  They must be able to find their location, otherwise, how could they set up a card point in this place and come to 477 to monitor the situation around them.

  "This matter is just that you ignored it. If it were me, I would do the same, because this way all the evidence can be destroyed. You can see that this place is a big hole, and nothing is missing. "

  Murphy looked at the location of the house where they were standing. The house was now a big hole, and the thing was gone.

  It can be said that everything is waste and has no meaning. Even these fragments can't organize any evidence. What this Hulk has done is really amazing, and he thinks too much. thoughtful.

  Although his bomb is powerful, it is not particularly powerful. If it is powerful, it is this mountain, which has already been razed to the ground.

  There is no way for Escherett and himself to escape what the Hulk here wants to do, but they just want to blow up this house, and they don't want to raze this place to the ground at all.

  The simplest thing is that they don't want them to find any evidence. This is Xiaohong's idea. It seems that this Hulk also wants to challenge himself, otherwise the other bombs will not be able to blow up at all, only But the bomb went off.

  The reason for the bombing is just to blow up any traces in this house to find the traces of Hulk.

  "Murphy, look, there are still bombs. Why didn't these bombs detonate together? It seems that we are really looking at it. Hulk, it's just that the bombs didn't explode directly."

  When Murphy was standing here thinking about this just now, Escherett was already there looking for any chips or the like that could be used, but he didn't find anything, but he found it all around. More bombs are in this underground side.

  Is the Hulk capable of that?After so many bombs were buried, only one exploded. It seems that the Hulk still has not reached the top level.

  "Hulk did it on purpose and didn't let the bombs explode. He didn't mean that he didn't connect, but he did it on purpose. He was provoking us. If it exploded, we would have nowhere to run. , and now the two of us are a corpse."

  Murphy knew that Hulk was doing it on purpose, he just wanted to challenge Murphy, otherwise he couldn't have detonated those few. Isn't this just challenging himself, Murphy felt that he was really suffering Kind of humiliating too. .

Chapter 482

  Chapter 485 It's Simple As You Think

  No one has ever dared to challenge me like this before, Murphy, I feel that I have really met my opponent this time, but I have to cherish this opponent's opportunity, I have never encountered it for so many years before. over a real opponent.

  What Escheret didn't expect was that this matter could be so serious, and he really didn't think that he thought these bombs were not connected just now.

  "Murphy, are you saying that this Hulk can remotely control which bombs can be reported and which bombs can be reported?"

  "It can be understood that every move here in the remote control is obviously challenging us. This time we must be prepared enough."

  Murphy felt that he was really a little careless before, and his previous research directions were all in, and he completely ignored the Hulk in terms of biochemical toxicity.

  Before entering this place, I already knew that Hulk was my opponent, but at that time I knew the power of this opponent, and I didn't know much about it, but now, this Hulk is really different from myself. Comparable.

  Murphy looked at the ruins. Every drop of the ruins was carefully designed by Hulk, but no matter what, he was slightly better.

  Because he was the first to find his longevity technique, and this Hulk must have known that he had entered the Karlus Mountains before, and may have also tried to find his base, where it was built.

  But this Hulk just didn't find his own motivation, so he chose to monitor his every move in various locations, and he knew that he was here when he entered his area.

  But if he wants to find his own base, he can't find it, and he completely beats the Hulk in this.

  When I go back this time, I must make good preparations again, that is, if I strengthen all the things in my base, this time I must catch the Hulk.

  Just like what he said when he was talking to Hulk in the video just now, he must catch the living Hulk and let him know that he must be above him. What kind of attitude will be used to torture him in the future.

· · Flowers · ·

  Murphy is now thinking in his heart whether he should go to the place designated before and have a look, whether Hulk has left the place now or whether they think they will never go there at all.

  Because this place has already been blown up, in my mind, I will think that Hulk must also leave that place, but I am still not sure if that place is the foundation of Hulk and the others.

...... 0

  There is still no way to be sure of this. If this is according to psychology, this Hulk will definitely not think that he will go to that place again.

  Hulk probably thought that when he got to this place, he wouldn't go to the place before, because he felt that they had already escaped by that time.

  This is using psychological tactics. I will never be fooled. You can play anything with yourself, but if you play psychological tactics with yourself, you will definitely be superior to them. You can be completely sure.Ding.

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