Two people sat in front of the ruins, and then carefully observed the whole house.They didn't see what kind of cave behind the house, but when they entered the house, they could feel that the back was connected.

  And such a result also allows them to understand that there must be some mystery behind it, and they can't find it at the front.

  This also enables them to understand that this kind of place is not a place where everyone can come in casually, and they themselves are a power user, so now.They also truly believe in the existence of these powers.

  And the two of them stayed in front of the ruins like this, staring at the room motionless.

  Murphy could already understand at this time that Esquilette was really scared at this time.

  Hands outstretched.He lightly held it in Esquilette's hand, and then shook it.

  "Asqirei thinks so much about it, we are actually really good now, and don't you think we are still alive now?

  And no matter what we have right now, we can solve it ourselves, isn't that enough?Do you know how many people are envious of us here now?

  And if we were not for the Hulk now, how could I have come to this place?Now just find - his secret base.

  We can know what kind of conspiracy he has in the end, so we can.Know what he's going to do. "

  Escheret also knew that Murphy had the ability to probe people's hearts, so he could only nod his head, and waited for more than an hour before they saw Tony and Majorelle coming over .

  "Why did you two come? We've been waiting for you for an hour."

  Major Kelly glanced at him, and Tony, who was behind him, said helplessly.

  "When I was walking up the mountain just now, my foot was swollen all of a sudden, so Tony came up with me on his back, and he had so much equipment on his body.

  How could he be able to move so much by himself?So the two of us walked a little slower. Originally, I was thinking of sending a message to the two of you for you to go down and pick us up.

· · Flowers · ·

  But he disagreed with life and death. He said that the two of you must be working very hard now, so let the two of you have a good rest here. "

  Seeing that at this time, Major Kelly's legs were still a little unfavorable, and her walking posture was also a little strange.


  Murphy quickly walked in front of Major Kelly, and after helping her over, looking at the equipment in Tony's hands behind him, he couldn't help but sighed helplessly and said.

  "If you can't come up, just use the communicator to talk directly. Why do you have to be so brave? Look at the current situation. Tony has already been exhausted by you into this virtue.

  And your feet are now swollen, I have to check it for you quickly, otherwise it will be troublesome if something really happens. "

  While talking about Murphy, he helped Meijerkai on the ruins next to him, and after letting him sit directly there, he gently opened Meijerkai's legs to see that at this time, Meijerkai The place where Li's twisted foot was already swollen a lot.Ding.

Chapter 488

  Chapter 486 Inexplicable grievance

  After Murphy took off his shoes directly, he gently pressed the swollen part with his hand, and then kept rubbing it there. At this time, Tony had also brought some spirits from the back. .

  "Murphy, hurry up and rub him with this wine, his current situation is really bad, and I really couldn't help it just now.

   So now I can feel how much pain he is, and at the same time I can feel how wronged he is. "

  He reached out and took Tony, handed the spirits to himself, poured it on his hands, and rubbed it repeatedly. After the alcohol evaporated a little, he directly covered the position of Majorelle's cramped feet with his hands. .

  Then I kept rubbing it there. It didn't take long for that part to slowly start to swell, and at this time, Major Kaili also felt that kind of severe pain, and it happened all at once. Significant relief.

  At this time, Major Kelly felt that she was too useless. At the beginning, everyone helped her, and at the beginning, everyone saved his life.

  Now because of a small problem of my own, everyone is worried about it, which is also true.Some of it was unreasonable, and she, Majorelle, felt like an idiot now.

  No matter what he does, it will be a hindrance for everyone, so at this time, his emotions are also a little bit excited, and tears flow down involuntarily.

  "Majorelle, what are you doing? Do you know that we didn't want to say anything when we fought, and you can't get emotional now that you're injured.

  If you go on like this, those of us will really feel very embarrassed, and you are like this, we really think you are going to cry again.

  We all feel that we are not a man and did not protect you. A girl is already a little guilty, and now you are crying and crying will make us feel even more guilty.

  is not it?It hurt a little when I rubbed it just now. You must hold on. If you don't, your feet will be damaged to a certain extent.

  And if it really relapses in the future, it will be very troublesome at that time, and those of us are all for your own good..."

  Major Kelly knew Murphy, they had misunderstood him, he wiped his tears and said choked.

  "It's not like that at all, I just think I'm an idiot, no matter what I do, you all have to worry about it, and no matter what I do.

  Y'all wipe my ass for me, how can this work?I am also one of them, and I can understand everyone's concern about me very well.

  That's why I feel that I'm holding you back, that's why I cry, it has nothing to do with you at all, and I also know that you 1.2 are all very worried about me, and I also know that you are all for my good. "

  Hearing these words from Majorelle, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. They are really afraid of Majorelle's crying now.

  At the same time, they were all very afraid of Majorelle, and said something embarrassing to them, but Majorelle didn't say it out of her mouth. .

Chapter 489

  Chapter 487 Murphy's Arrangement

  This also made everyone feel relieved, and everyone knew that girls are not a reasonable species. They originally thought that Majorelle and those girls were really the same.

  But now it seems that Majorelle is very different from them, and this time she has all the faults on her own, which makes everyone feel that Majorelle is really special different.

  And this time, there was only one girl in the entire team, such as Major, but they injured Major again at 12. This was originally the problem of these boys.

  It doesn't matter if these people shed blood and tears, but they will never forgive themselves for hurting a girl.

  Esquilette looked at Major Kelly, who was no longer crying, and said at a loss.

  "Majorelle didn't blame you at all for what happened this time, just let him Tony, if he hadn't left and didn't take good care of you, think about how you could have been hurt.

  And if so many of us hurt a girl, don't you think we feel particularly speechless?And I really feel like we people really are.It's so out of character.

  Let a girl like you get hurt, how can we forgive ourselves?So don't talk so much now, and you can take good care of your wounds.

  Stay here and wait for us for a while. We're going to go into the front room and look inside.Found some other sounds, so we need to investigate.

  And now that you are injured, you are still honestly staying in this place and waiting for us. If we need your rescue for something, you will be able to rescue us. If nothing happens, it is the best. "

  After hearing Esquilette's suggestion, several other people couldn't help but nodded. For them, they really felt that Major Kelly was a vulnerable group now.

  And since she, Majorelle, has been injured now, she should take good care of her injuries, although they can't provide so many conditions for Majorelle in this place.

  But it's really impossible to let Major Kelly continue to go inside with them. You must know what kind of things are going on inside, so it's safest to let him stay outside.

  "Majorelle, just listen to Esquilette, we don't know what's going on inside, and the bursts of roars inside made us all feel a little creepy.

  So at this time, you just stay here honestly and wait for us. If something happens to us at 483, you'd better be able to rescue it.

  And you're out alone, and if that doesn't work, let Tony stay here with you, just as the two of you have a company. "

  Tony felt that she really didn't take good care of Majorelle, so she felt very guilty, so now she nodded quickly and agreed, after all, this was something she didn't do well.

  Even if Majorelle had already suffered such a serious injury, how could she have the heart to let Majorelle go in with them and be frightened?And the unknown dangers inside are so naked. .

Chapter 490

  Chapter 488 Strong Request

  "Majorelle, I think what Murphy and the others said are very reasonable. I'll wait here with you, okay? In case something happens to them.

  We can also save them in time, not to mention that if there is nothing, they will be able to come out soon, do you think? "

  Major Kelly also knew that everyone was for her own good, but how could he leave his friends under such circumstances, and the place they went in this time was really very dangerous.

  It is simply impossible.Leaving everyone, and he still doesn't know Xiaogou and the others?Even if there is a real danger, it will definitely not let yourself take the risk.

  So now Major Kelly feels that what Murphy and the others said are all deceiving themselves, and they are treating themselves as a three-year-old child, and they don't know anything at all, and they don't understand anything. .

  "Murphy, if you want to lie to me, shouldn't you also find a better reason? Do you think I'm a three-year-old?

  Or do you think I'm really that gullible?Everyone is friends, and everyone has their own division of labor. This time, a few of us came out together.

  Think about it, you have already taken care of me like this, how can I not be grateful?And now we don't need to go on like this anymore.

  I know you are doing it for my own good, but you should also know how I can bear it in this situation, so let me go in with you.

  All three of you guys can protect me, and if I stay outside with Tony, if something happens, it's really only the two of us left, so think about it for yourself at this time. This is not the case. ¨? "

  Looking at the majorities who were making such strong demands at this time, they actually understood very well in their hearts.

  And he is such a stubborn person, if he is allowed to stay like this, it is impossible, and if he really does not follow.

  The guy outside was Hulk.If something really went wrong with Major Kelly during a sneak attack or when she was outside, the rest of the people would definitely be very sad.

  Murphy looked at it, and after the other two little friends nodded, they said what Tony said.

  "...That's it, Tony. Let's go in together. No matter what, it's okay for us to carry it together, and at this time, we are very clear in our hearts.

  Majorelle said it all very much.That's right, and if something really happened to the two of you at this time, we wouldn't be able to rescue you inside.

  Why don't you (Qian Zhao) if you take advantage of this time, let's all go in together. If there is something, we all carry it together, it's better than staying here alone.When you go in for a while, you can carry her, Majorelle, on your back.

  It just makes him feel more relaxed, and the rest of us can just go in with these supplies. I feel that there are many unexpected surprises waiting for us in this place, so we should hurry in and have a look. Just a moment. ".

Chapter 491

  Chapter 489 The Shocking Laboratory

  After several people listened to what Murphy said, they started their own preparations, and Murphy began to feel sad. After the equipment brought by Tony and Major Kelly was divided equally with the two of Esquire, I saw that Tony had crouched down.

  "Come on, the beautiful Miss Major let me serve you, I'm carrying you on my back now, what do you think? I also know that you are a very beautiful lady, so I hope you can give me such a Opportunity, let me serve you."

  Major Kelly stood up, climbed onto Tony's back, smiled and looked at the other little friends and said softly.

  "Thank you so much, Tony, I really didn't expect that one day I would have such an honor to be able to receive such service from 487.

  And I also know that you are a very reassuring person, so I am also very happy with your service. I will entrust all my life and wealth to you. Don't let me I am disappointed. "

  A few friends laughed together. Everyone really understood what they said at this time, and it was just an excuse.

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