And whether it's the projector or some other equipment, the few friends who looked at it also disassembled and assembled it very carefully, and also found a lot of packaging bags in the corner.

  Wait until all these things in the house are packed in.Murphy patted the dust on his hands with satisfaction, and said to a few people.

  "Okay, let's rest here for a while, this basement still looks very solid, and it has already allowed us to make it like this.

  Tony, have the people on your side already contacted you?Are they leaving now?If not, let them bring us something to eat.

· · Flowers · ·

  This place is really hard. We have been here for a few days, and we can't stand it anymore. Let them hurry up and treat us well. After all, when we went back, they gave them so much good. thing. "

..... 0...

  Tony knows that several people are out-and-out foodies, so.When he asked the headquarters for help this time, he had already done this very well.

  And there's already a rescue team at the foot of this mountain at their headquarters, so maybe they're on their way up the mountain now.

  "Don't worry Murphy, I have already arranged this place, and I have also arranged it properly for the rescue team.

  I also told the rescue team that they had to get us some food. I also knew that our current supplies were not enough, so I had already contacted them.

  They should be on their way by now, and maybe it won't be long before we see them. "Ding.

Chapter 513

  Chapter 511

  The sky outside had gradually darkened, and Murphy decided that they would set up camp in this place tonight, otherwise they really didn't know where to go find a safe house.

  Although this place has his Hulk's monitoring, for Murphy at this time, he can't take care of that much at all, not to mention that he knows this kind of thing better than anyone else.

  Instead of being outside when the time comes.Being watched by her Hulk might as well make yourself warmer, and it was enough that her Hulk could see it.

  "Well, since things are almost done, let's stay here tonight, I also know that staying here may make everyone very uncomfortable.

  But we are also a good place to shelter from the wind and rain in this place, who knows what it will be like outside in this weather.

  Moreover, such a snow-capped mountain has a very changeable climate on weekdays, so it is possible now.It is not easy to find such a sheltered place.

  So let's just forget it for now. After a while, we will clean up the house and put our own tent here, which can be considered to be more warm.

  What's more, our current living materials are relatively guaranteed, so I think it should be quite good. After the rescue team comes up, we will see what needs to be improved. "

  Several people nodded.They all understand that Murphy is doing this for their own good, and they all know that there is no way to do other plans under this situation.

  And the supplies they brought up the mountain this time were not many, so if there was no rescue team, it would be really troublesome.

  And this place if you want to continue to stay.They are bound to spend the night here, and the rescue team doesn't know when they will be able to come up, so everyone is in favor of Murphy's decision at this time.

  Everyone here is a very strong person, so it didn't take long for them to tidy up the room and clean him very well...  

  Seeing that the friends had already set up their tents, Murphy quickly packed up his belongings, and he Murphy was a leader in the hearts of these people.

  So in this case, Murphy's actions are also very fast. After Murphy has done everything, the little friends have also done their own things, and then everyone has a baby in this house. fire.

  The temperature in the whole room has risen a lot at once, which also makes everyone feel the real warmth in their hearts.

  After all, it was a very lucky thing that they were able to have a trace of warmth outside when it was icy and snowy.Seeing all the children being so happy together.

  Murphy also feels that he is happier than anything else, and Murphy feels that the most important thing for everyone to be together is to be happy, as for what scientific research.

  They don't feel that they have to do those things in their hearts, as well as those struggles and ideals.And sometimes. .

Chapter 514

  Chapter 512 The future direction

  They really even envied the Hulk very much. After all, he lived so old, and he was always free and could do whatever he wanted.

  There is no need to think about anyone's thoughts at all, not to mention that such a life is actually very comfortable and very happy for them.

  Take out what little food you have left.Murphy made a simple dinner, and after eating, everyone sat in front of the fire, baked the fire, and chatted about the day before yesterday.

  Silently waiting for those rescuers to arrive earlier.

  They all know that even if they are thinking about the need to track at such a time, this Hulk is simply impossible, and the weather outside 12 is too bad.

  And the weather outside would never allow them to continue doing that. When they entered the house, Murphy and the others had already read the weather forecast.

  There will definitely be heavy snow or blizzards in the entire mountain range tonight, which is tantamount to adding to the fire for a few of them.

  And if something happens again at this time, think about it.Whether they can leave alive is another matter.

  What's more, Hulk is something that must be done in the end, but the first premise is that several of them must have their lives, otherwise you can think about who can ignore their own thoughts and risk their lives at this time. .

  At this time, Sister Mei Kaili was particularly wronged, and it really made him feel very uncomfortable as a girl stayed in such a cave with the three of them.

  Although I didn't feel it when I was working, after writing it down like this, Sister Mei Kaili really felt that she was a little uncomfortable.

  And seeing Murphy and the three of them chatting happily, Sister Mei felt that she was.Like outsiders.Thinking of this, he couldn't help but pouted and said to Murphy.

  "Murphy, when will we be able to finish this time? It's been so long, we've been chasing for days.

  But this Hulk is really too cunning, I really feel a little powerless, and I didn't think there would be any kind of reaction in the past.

  But now it seems that at this time, I really feel a little exhausted, and I don't know what the situation is with the few of you.

  But it's not easy for me to feel myself, and at the same time I feel myself.Want to go back this time, we should just give up or say to follow the rescue team.go back together? 507

  Or should I follow the rescue team to search?So if we continue to search, what should we do? "

  During the quiet time, Murphy also thought about what to do at this time.Sister, their current situation at this time is also a little not optimistic.

  The final Hulk has been so long until now, there is no clue at all, and he doesn't even know where he is now.

  This is also a very annoying thing for Murphy.Although the friends are in their mouths.How should this be done? .

Chapter 515

  Chapter 513

  But Murphy can understand how unwilling they are in their hearts at this time, and Murphy can also understand how much grievances they have in their hearts at this time.

  After all, I brought them here to do too many things this time, and this time.They have been gone for so long.

  I don't know if there is any problem in my laboratory, so the few people now are actually Murphy who is like an arrow, and they can already see it.

  So at this time, Murphy is also seriously thinking about what Sister Mei Kaili said. If they go back now, maybe they can really go back and do a lot of things.

  But if they really let them give up pursuing the Hulk now, maybe Murphy is still a little uncomfortable, and he can also understand that this time is really a dilemma for him at this time.

  Tony knew how difficult it was for Murphy to decide now, and he also knew that he had to deal with this matter, or else something would really go wrong when they went back.

  And for all of them, following Murphy to this place too.Because of their trust in Murphy, and thinking about him at this time is particularly difficult.Imagine what Murphy is really doing right now.

  "Murphy, you don't need to say that Sister May Kelly's thoughts are actually quite good, and this time you also know if we are at this time.

  If it goes on like this, the few of us will really be in trouble, and the most important thing is us now.It has come to the point where he is everywhere.Hulk's eyeliner.

  What do you think we can do?So at this time, I think I should think about how to do it.

  What's more, don't you think I should do more in this case?And in this case, I also feel that I should try my best to do better.

  So under such circumstances, I think it's better to go back first, because only in this way can we all recover a little.

  Because only this way can make us feel better. I know how sad you are in your heart, and at the same time I know how sad you are in your heart.

  But Murphy, you must think about all of us, and I also know what kind of connection you have with the Hulk.

  But at this time we really can't do that, and we really can't make this choice anymore. ¨. "

  Tony is not a person who is willing to talk more on weekdays, so now after hearing what he said.

  Murphy can be considered to understand, he really has regarded himself as his own, and he can also understand how they should (Li's Zhao) deal with this situation.

  Now that he has already thought of all this when he leaves, other people will also think of this, so even if he wants to continue to follow it.

  Maybe these few people won't be able to follow him anymore. Instead of everyone being very uncomfortable at that time, it's better to take advantage of the time when everyone can report into a group.Go back home, in this case, they also have a concern for each other. .

Chapter 516

  Chapter 514 Worry

  Murphy looked at the crowd, and after Zijian and the others nodded, Murphy said helplessly.

  "What you said is very reasonable, and I can understand what it means, but you should also be able to know.

  Now that we have all come to this point, waiting for rescue is the most we should do.And we've gotten to that point now.

  How can you do it if you don't do it?There are Hulk's eyeliner everywhere here, and we can even do this in front of him.

  But.Those of us are under his supervision all the time, and under his guidance, it is inevitable that many things will not be done very well.

  And he is a cunning and cunning person. This time, we are not a failure. At least we know that this place is really his thickest base.

  That's enough, wait until we go back and look for some more clues or get a little more stuff.Come out and look for it slowly. Anyway, we know that his base here is enough. "

  Several other people also know that what Murphy said is the truth, not to mention that they are really unwilling to stay in this place this time, and he Murphy.Everyone's heart has been spoken.

  What's more, they didn't make adequate preparations this time, so it's understandable to go back like this.

  The sky outside was already dark, and the wind was blowing, and the entire snow-capped mountain was covered by a silver-white sky, and a goose feather-like snow had already fallen.

  Murphy looked at the snow falling outside and couldn't help but worry, knowing that their rescue teams hadn't come up yet.

  If you can't come up at this time, then waiting for them.The mountain will be covered by heavy snow, and these people will be honestly trapped on this mountain.

  If they are really trapped in such a body, then what is waiting for them is very clear in one's heart.

  It's just that everything now depends on the rescue team, and they didn't even read the weather forecast when they came back.

  And in such a season, I never thought that there would be such bad weather in this mountain range, and it was really hard to imagine why such a bad weather would suddenly come.

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