Chapter 560

  Chapter 558

  Linda and Alyssa glanced at each other, and they didn't feel that they really couldn't move Murphy, and looking at Murphy's small body, they both felt that they really had no problem at all. .

  And both of them knew how embarrassed Murphy was, but for the two of them, Murphy was just their patient.

  Regarding other things, the two of them had never thought about it at all, not to mention that the two of them were very professional people, so both of them felt that Murphy was a bit unreasonable for this request of Murphy.

  What's more, their St. Petersburg Hospital really has no male nurses, and all the nurses in this hospital are very tough.

  Don't look at the two of them are very weak, but their knowledge of nursing is also quite skilled, and they are also very good in other aspects.

  This guy really looks down on these two people. Linda is a very enthusiastic girl, and her character is also very pungent, so after hearing what Murphy said now, he said to Murphy very angrily. .

  "Mr. Murphy, I think what you are saying now is really an insult to us, and you also know that the two of us are very professional nursing talents.

  We do not know how many times we have done nursing care for a fracture like yours, and we can become your nurses because of your father's choice.

  So what you said really made us all feel especially ashamed that we didn't know you.Dissatisfied in what way.

  If we have requirements in this regard, then please understand your father's good intentions. ¨. "

  After Murphy heard what Linda said, he knew that he had misunderstood, and he didn't think that he was not satisfied with them.

  And just some.It's just a little embarrassing to see these young girls serving him here, knowing that he has been since he was a child.

  She grew up with her little maid, so she has been more or less resistant to other girls over the years.

  Now suddenly there is such a girl helping him and taking care of him. Those things that are very embarrassing also make him feel particularly inconvenient.

  ".¨linda, I think you have misunderstood me, for me you are really excellent nursing staff, but you also know that I am such a boy.

  And I have to be moved in this hospital for such a long time, if you really want to help me solve some physical problems like this every day.

  I really feel very embarrassed, let alone if it were a male nurse (Li's), we would.It's not that embarrassing anymore, right?

  That's why I have this idea, but please don't you two.What a misunderstanding of me.

  After all, between boys and girls, both in terms of physical strength and other aspects will be.There is a certain difference.So I hope you can understand my good intentions and don't take this matter to heart. ".

Chapter 561

  Chapter 559

  After hearing Murphy's explanation, Linda and Alyssa directly rolled their eyes and did not continue to distance him from him.

  Instead, seeing that Murphy had nowhere to take care of himself, he sat in the two chairs next to him.

  I feel like I'm eating a cake now, being guarded by two people like this, as if my life is in danger anytime, anywhere.

  I feel very uncomfortable in my heart, but after Murphy just underwent such a big operation, the blood loss is also quite a lot, but the sequelae of it is that he is very willing to sleep.

  The dazed Murphy fell asleep again, and the days went by. Murphy was really bored lying on the hospital bed every day, so he asked Thomas to bring him some professional books.

  Just as the time he was in the hospital bed, he was adding some himself.Professional knowledge is always better than watching Linda and Alisha every day.

  Time has passed quickly. It has been more than two months since Murphy completed the operation. At this time, Murphy's other functions have completely improved, but his feet are still not dry. Walking on the ground, and when you step on it, it hurts.

  During this period, the white doctor had already done an x-ray for Murphy in a few days to protect the growth of Murphy's bones.

  It's just that after such a long time, Murphy's bones have not grown completely, and some bone spurs have grown inside, which also makes the white doctor feel particularly puzzled.

  And Murphy's bones are also placed with steel plates, it is impossible for this situation to occur, but such a special case has really appeared on Murphy's body.

  Murphy also knew that his injury was not progressing day by day. It was very likely that he had some accidents during his previous experiments, so it was caused.

  On this day, the old Thomas also stayed in Murphy's room, and the white doctor also came to the kid's ward to inspect.

  The white doctor held Murphy's latest X-ray in his hand and felt very puzzled. If it were any one person, Murphy's body would have been healed by now.

  And he has been able to do some simple rehabilitation work, but why he Murphy can't even get out of bed now is really incredible.

  His body knew that Murphy had a little medical accident in an experiment he did before, and he didn't tell anyone about it.

  It's just that he took it silently, and it didn't actually hurt him Murphy, so he didn't take it as one.

  How to deal with special things, now it seems that the injury of his body can't be recovered quickly, which is also affected by this incident.

  After Murphy reached out and took his x-ray from the white doctor, he said to the white doctor and his father.

  "I know that the two of you must have these thoughts in WeChat, and you want to know what happened to me. Why is my illness so serious.

  But this time, it seems that I really have no way to hide from you. You can come and see this x-ray of mine. ".

Chapter 562

  Chapter 560

  Along with the x-ray that Murphy's hand pointed to, the white doctor and Thomas saw a small white spot.

  This white spot will have its image in every X-ray film, and Dr. Ban Ren didn't think that this little white spot is any different.

  After all, he did the operation himself, and he had already made any reinforcements where the bones were connected, so there would be no problem at all.

  So when he saw this little white spot of Murphy, he just stared at Murphy in confusion.

  At this time, Murphy was telling them a story.

  After all the people heard this story, they could clearly know that Murphy's current body has actually undergone a certain mutation.

  And the reason why Google can't recover quickly is actually very different from this mutation, because the density of Murphy's bones is already very strong.

  And the density of the bones no longer allows him to continue.Grow together, if you really want to make Murphy's body get better quickly.

  Then it Murphy must develop an antidote by himself, so that it can change its bone density.

  Then change the shape of the bones of his feet and change the mutation of his own body, so that he can get better quickly.

  That little white spot is the most important thing, only that little white spot is forcibly removed, or only that little white spot is dissolved.

  The bone density of the small bones can return to normal, so that the two bones can gradually fuse, otherwise Murphy's leg will always be the way it is now.

  Moreover, no injuries can be seen from the outside, but the inside of his bones has completely undergone qualitative changes.

  When he heard these words of Murphy in his life, he was also very surprised, because he knew the human body's bones and everything about the human body better than anyone else.

  And at this time, there are already many biological and chemical weapons, but he did not expect that he would be able to see the after-effects of a biological and chemical weapon in this place.

· · Flowers · ·

  Murphy is a very good scientist, and his research in these biochemical fields has really reached a certain height, so Murphy knows his own body better than anyone else.

  It is really difficult for this white doctor to imagine that Murphy has reached such a level of sleeplessness for scientific research, and has reached a point where he experimented with himself.


  It was other people who mutated to make themselves stronger, but Murphy because this experiment was a failed experiment.

  So for Murphy at this time, it really felt that he was too sad, and such an experiment made him change only a little bit of bone density.

  And it's hard to make his body no longer as fragile as when he was just doing the experiment, but this trip to the snow mountain has changed a lot of his life all at once.

  It also made Murphy feel that his life was really too difficult.

  Little Thomas felt that his son was really disobedient at this time.Do such a dangerous experiment.Ding.

Chapter 563

  Chapter 561 The Consequences of Experiment Failure

  And people do experiments with other small animals for experiments, but he Murphy greeted people directly, which is too different from others.

  I felt that he was looking at his son very angrily and really didn't know what to do with him, but he looked at his son in such pain.

  He also knew that no matter how much he lost his temper at this time, it would not help at all, and it was his biggest idea to help his son change his own genes.

  "Murphy, you bastard is really annoying, since things have already happened, why didn't you tell me earlier?

  And you know what?If you had told me earlier, I would have prepared everything for you so that your body would not be injured in the slightest.

  Now you see that you have come to such a point before you say it, how can you make me angry like this, and do you know that you are like this now, what do you want me to do? "

  Facing old Thomas' complaints.For a month, he could only helplessly shrug his shoulders, and he also knew his current situation.

  He could only listen to the old man's muttering like this, and he also knew that old Thomas was in a very unsightly mood now.

  "Father, listen to me, in fact, I wanted to tell you about this for a long time, but because we are busy with each other, we are also busy and confused.

  Don't be angry, now I have a general direction, and after this incident of my own, I have also done an experiment on myself.

  And now my body's bone density is very strong, and I won't continue to be injured, but some special medicines are still needed for healing.

  Otherwise, I will be discharged from the hospital now, and then I will prepare the medicine myself, so that I can really make a little change in my own body.

  In this way, I also know what to do. This white doctor, I think he is a very good doctor, so now I can only let him follow me every day. What do you think? "

  How could Thomas say anything else at this point?He really looked at his child helplessly, and stretched out his hand, patted his shoulder vigorously, and nodded, even if he agreed to Murphy's request...

  At this time, the white doctor was in a dazed state. He didn't know Murphy. This was any plan that had been made, and he might also be a member of this plan.

  "Mr. Murphy, Mr. Thomas, I want to ask what you mean by what you just said, why should I keep following you?

  I have my own job and at St. Petersburg Hospital, I am a 1.2 very good surgeon, if I follow you.

  Will I be your poet's health doctor? That's not my ideal, and it's not my wish. My biggest wish is to be a doctor who saves lives.

  More people can be relieved of their pain because of my treatment, and I don't want to be your personal doctor. ".

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