However, Mephisto, who opened his mind to perceive, figured out the cause of the matter in the silence of the other party.

  As he said.

  Connors does have a grudge against Umbrella, which scrapped his research.

  But one of the incentives for the other party to go to the Umbrella company building to destroy, and the other incentive is the instigation of Norman Os, who also holds a grudge against the Umbrella company.

  According to Connors' inner memory.

  Norman Osborn had promised Connors research funding to help him restore his human status.

  But the premise is that Connors will take revenge on the Umbrella Company, which both hold grudges as the Lizardman.

  After knowing the cause and effect...

  Mephisto doesn't waste time on Connors.

  After just letting the researchers in the laboratory draw a certain amount of blood from the other party as research materials, they handed over Connors himself, together with a set of restraint equipment, to the relevant personnel sent by the government to negotiate. As for the final meeting of Connors Whether it will be a just trial, research by government agencies, or coveted by some forces has nothing to do with Mephisto.

  And what he has to do next is to solve Norman Osborn, the unsettling factor hidden in the dark.


  Connors was handed over by Mephisto to a government agency, which brought the 'Lizardman Incident' to a close.

  And the people of New York.

  There are also official reports.

  'The Lizardman Incident'

  'It is reported that after Umbrella acquired Osborne Industries, it abandoned a research project with major problems in it. However, the chief researcher of the project carried out research privately after leaving, which eventually led to a major experiment. The accident caused an unknown mutation of an experimental lizard...and caused it to escape the test site, causing riots in Queens, but was eventually captured by a joint operation by the government and Umbrella Corporation. '

  'The researcher, will face court proceedings. '

  'At the same time, according to the latest news, although this incident was caused by the personal behavior of the 1.2 researcher, Ms. Ruiwen, the new president of Umbrella Company, still stated that she would be responsible for the citizens who suffered losses in the Lizardman incident. '


  The truth about the Lizardman incident seems to have been covered up by the government just like that.

  This report allowed Umbrella's image to be further beautified in this incident.

  in the days after.

  In New York City, when the Lizardman incident came to an end and the Green Goblin disappeared, there was a feeling of being able to see the moon.

  And Mephisto was also in this period of time.

  Prepare to kill Norman Osborn, the Green Goblin.

  ps: To be honest, if I want to continue writing, I have to review the book from the beginning, and there is no one else. .

Chapter 114

  The dark rainy night seems to be the best time to kill.

  It will help all criminal acts.

  Norman Osborn's home.

  Norman Osborn, who has not vented his inner desire for destruction for nearly half a month, is now standing in front of the bedroom window, looking out at the heavy rain and the deep, dark night sky, which is almost a line, thinking about it. Do you want to take advantage of this perfect opportunity to wreak havoc in the city.

  In fact, he did not want to take risks.

  But Norman Osborn knew clearly that a terrible personality with only the desire to destroy had been born in his mind.

  And once he can't meet the needs of this personality, he may be swallowed by the other party.

  This was an unacceptable result for Norman Osborn.

  At the same time, this is also the reason why he often turned into a green goblin to wreak havoc in the city during the period of half a month ago.

  Now he seems to have been unable to suppress the personality with a terrible desire to destroy.

  Yet just as Norman Osborn was about to risk arrest.

  When he was dispatched 12 times as a green goblin again, a special firelight flying towards his villa outside the window suddenly caught his attention.

  Accompanied by a sharp sound.

  Pupils contract violently.

  Norman Osborn recognized it as a booster flame from the tail of the rocket as it was fired.

  And the target of this rocket was obviously his bedroom.

  in a hurry.

  Norman Osborn could only quickly move away from the window, rushing in the other direction like a blockbuster movie.


  "Boom~~!" The violent explosion sounded, but it was limited to a certain range by the heavy rain and did not spread to further places.

  And all the residents around the villa.

  Twenty minutes ago, it had been transferred to another place by the aftermath troops of the Umbrella Company.

  With the help of night and heavy rain.

  All the channels for the transmission of information around are blocked.

  Therefore, the rocket did not cause any disturbance at all except for a huge hole in the bedroom on the second floor of Norman Osborn's villa.

  even during this time.

  Anything that happens in this area, the outside world will not get information, this is the huge energy that Umbrella has in this era.

  And such a solemn action is obviously more than just killing the Green Goblin.

  Not far from the villa complex.

  Inside an RV.

  Mephisto was sitting in front of the real-time surveillance screen, watching the villa that had fallen into silence.

  "Please, don't solve it with one RPG!" Mephisto, who was looking at the silent villa, said to himself.

  You must know that this time he used a lot of resources.

  If the RPG is rushed, then all the arrangements will be in vain.


  The Green Goblin, the supervillain, wasn't so unfortunate.

  When the green figure appeared, Mephisto gave a satisfied smile.

  Pick up the walkie-talkie in front of you.

  Mephisto gave the order with a serious face: "All attention, fire blockade the area within one kilometer around the villa, and prohibit the target from escaping the test area."

  "Eric, centered on the villa."

  "Prevent the target from flying out of the test area and cover the ground forces."

  "Ada, command the transport helicopter."

  "Put a freezer over the villa, and at the same time wake up the 'Sleeping God Tyrant'."

  Accompanied by Mephisto's orders one after another.

  A large number of troops with heavy weapons have blocked the area within one kilometer of Norman Osborn's villa.

  at the same time.

  A large transport helicopter is staying above the villa, and inside it is 'Magneto' Eric, who was dispatched by Mephisto.

  He was closing his eyes tightly, paying close attention to the wind and grass around the villa.

  And Ada on the same transport plane.

  According to Mephisto's order, the pilot instructed the pilot to drop the protagonist of the operation into the villa area.

  'Sleeping Tyrant'

  If we say that other types of tyrants are made of 'mass-produced weapons'.Then this 'Sleeping God Tyrant' is completely made of tyrants as works of art, so regardless of the cost, it is not about mass production, just to create the 'strongest' 'ultimate' experimental product."

  It's like a car enthusiast who will refit a super racing car that is not practical regardless of the cost.

  'Sleeping Tyrant' is a 'weapon' made by Mephisto regardless of cost.

  And this 'weapon' will test the super villain 'Green Goblin' in the Marvel world tonight to prove its worth.


  In the ruins of the second floor of the villa.

  Norman Osborn, who was not killed by the bazooka, has now transformed into a fully-armed Green Goblin and quickly rushed out of the villa on a flying skateboard.

  Because of wearing a mask with night vision.

  Therefore, even in the dark, the surrounding things are reflected in his eyes one by one.

  After ten seconds.

  In the madness of the Green Goblin, there is still a trace of calm mind, and he has already judged his current situation.

  He also realized that he had fallen into the premeditated siege of the enemy.

  Facing this circumstances.

  Instead of rushing out to fight in a feverish manner, he directly drove the flying skateboard to retreat.

  However, when the Green Goblin tried to get out of here, he ran into a wall everywhere.

  First of all, the dense firepower network built by the 210 units around the villa, it is estimated that even a mosquito could not fly past.


  When he tried to get out of the air on a flying skateboard, or when he tried to throw a pumpkin bomb to blow up the troops' defense lines.

  There will always be an unknown force that will bounce it back.

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