Marvel: Frozen Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 2 System Activation

Chapter 2: System Activation

Carl's body trembled when he heard the voice, and his whole body froze in place. If he heard it correctly just now, that voice was the system! Having read a lot of online articles, he naturally understood that it was Gold Finger! He could even gain powerful power. Carl couldn't help but think that maybe he wouldn't have to leave America...

【Ding! The system has been activated and you now have a chance to sign in! After signing in, you can obtain items, props, characters, creatures, and other things from all over the world. The characters who sign in will be loyal to the host forever! 】

[The number of items obtained by signing in is random, and the sign-in time is random. Are you signing in now? 】

"Yes, sign in now!" Carl said immediately after hearing the system's explanation, and his tone was very exciting, because this is the system, and now it is completely Carl's life-saving straw. You must know that there are dangerous Marvels everywhere, and he has nothing He felt so safe that he might even be robbed by niggas while walking on the street. If the gun went off, he would probably be taken away directly.

Not to mention that Carl knew about the Sorcerer Supreme: Ancient One in Cam Taj on Earth. That was the big guy holding the Time Gem. She probably couldn't tell where she was watching him, not to mention that she had been observing the Earth all the time. To defend against invasions from all major dimensions, Karl is not sure whether Ancient One has discovered his own appearance. He must have appeared in the Marvel world because of the system. Which one is more powerful than the system and Ancient One, it must be the system.

【Ding! Sign in successfully! Congratulations on getting: Frozen Fruit x1, Nijia Mask x1, Woodcutter's Fountain x3! 】

[Frozen Fruit: A unique fruit from the world of "One Piece". It is a natural frozen fruit. After eating it, you can gain the ability to control ice and even elementalize yourself. However, you will be cursed by the sea and will not be able to swim or touch. The sea water will lose its ability and become weak!

Nijia Mask: This unique mask from "The Adventures of Jackie Chan" can summon humanoid ninja soldiers from the darkness, and each ninja soldier's combat power is equivalent to that of a special forces soldier! Because the system has modified its rules, you can summon ninjas without wearing them. They will not be demonized by the mask, but will slowly strengthen the host body. If you collect 10 masks, you can get the entire Shadow Kingdom!

Woodcutter's Spring: From the world of "Doraemon", as long as you throw something into the water of Woodcutter's Spring, the Woodcutter Goddess will emerge from the water in front of you... If you can be truthful Tell me what you are leaving behind, and she will give you something better! 】

"Hiss! These are all good things! Frozen Fruit, Niga Mask, Woodcutter's Fountain! Now we finally have a foundation to establish ourselves in the Marvel world!"

"The frozen fruit is the fruit of Aokiji in One Piece, but if you eat it now, you will still be cursed by the sea. It seems that you can only waste the Woodcutter's Fountain once!" Carl looked at the three items in front of him and muttered to himself. , he has decided to put the frozen fruit into the Woodcutter's Fountain to see if the curse can be removed.

Then Karl placed a small swimming circle on the ground, threw the frozen fruit in, and put the Nijia mask on his face. After all, the Woodcutter's Fountain must have its own merits. How could the Woodcutter Goddess do it? It is so easy to give you better items. Carl is not a fool. Although he has not watched Doraemon very much, it is definitely not that easy to answer, so he put on the Niga mask just in case. After all, he is also a member of the Shadow Kingdom Ten One of the great masks.

Then the Woodcutter's Spring flashed with a burst of colorful light, and a beautiful goddess wearing a straw hat appeared in the spring, and then slowly said to Karl:

"Is it this imperfect frozen fruit you are throwing away, or this perfect frozen fruit?"

As the Woodcutter Goddess spoke, Karl secretly thought that it was true, because Karl felt that her words were full of temptation, making Karl keep looking at the perfect frozen fruit. If the Nijia mask hadn't begun to strengthen Karl's body, and his The reason for wearing it on the face is probably that Karl has already said that: the perfect fruit was lost.

"What I lost was...that...imperfect fruit!"

Carl suppressed his desire and answered the Woodcutter Goddess. Perhaps because of his increased mental power due to time travel and the contribution of the Nijia Mask, Carl gave the correct answer. After hearing this, the Woodcutter Goddess replied happily:

"Congratulations, you got the answer right! Then I'll give you this perfect frozen fruit!"

Then the perfect frozen fruit appeared in Karl's hand, and the Woodcutter Goddess dived into the spring and disappeared. The Woodcutter's Spring bloomed again, and then disappeared, leaving only the first slap File size swimming ring in place. Karl didn't care about the swimming ring, but looked at the frozen fruit in his hand.

[Frozen Fruit: A unique fruit from the world of "One Piece". It is a natural frozen fruit. After eating it, you can gain the ability to control ice, and you can elementalize your body. After passing through the Woodcutter's Spring, there will no longer be the curse of the sea! 】

Karl smiled slightly after seeing the system's annotation, and then took a bite.


As the fruit pulp entered his mouth, it was not as unpalatable as Carl's impression, but it was very delicious and especially sweet. Then Carl finished the frozen fruit in several big mouthfuls, and then stood there and felt the ability in his body. Then he gently raised his hand, and the floor, walls, wine bottles, and sofa in the room began to freeze!

And the speed was very fast. Carl dispersed the ability, and then used elementalization. He turned into an Iceman, which also meant that he would be immune to physical attacks. There is no armed domineering in the Marvel world. Carl was not afraid at all. Being attacked, although there are many people in this world who can attack him, there are only a few on the earth right now. Ancient One, or Charles, Dark Phoenix, Wanda...

But that is also the future, and Karl is a little wary of Charles's mind control. After all, if his memory is seen by Charles, there will probably be big trouble. Karl thought about it and asked the system:

"System, is there any way to protect my memory from being invaded?"

[The host does not have to worry, there is a system in place, and no one can invade the host’s mind! 】

"I can rest assured that!"

Carl was relieved when he heard the system's words, because Charles' ability was so incredible. With the addition of a brainwave enhancer, he could even destroy the entire human civilization instantly, but he wouldn't, and Carl also believed that Ancient One wouldn't just see it that way. Well, if human civilization is doomed, then what is the use of protecting the earth?

Now that Ancient One has not come to him, he is happy and at ease. What's more, talking to such a big boss will be very stressful. Maybe he will shake something out accidentally. If she regards herself as an intruder from the Otherworld It wouldn't be fun if he was locked up in the mirror space.

Then Carl used the Niga mask to summon the shadow ninja from the darkness. The whole house was full of shadow ninjas. The black ninja uniform and the scarlet eyes looked very evil, but Carl didn't care at all. Try After checking my own limit, I could barely summon a thousand shadow ninjas, but it was because my physique was too poor that I couldn't bear so much dark energy. After all, this place was different from the original world of Jackie Chan's Adventures.


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