Marvel: Frozen Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 62 Yelena’S Allegiance

Chapter 62: Yelena’s allegiance

Carl said calmly to Tony. He has always been a mortal in the timeline. Now that Carl has become Tony's friend, he must at least increase his strength, not to mention that Raven, Aunt May, and others will also use it. .

"Thank you, Carl." Tony said to Carl sincerely. After all, life extension is not easy to get, not to mention that Carl planned to inject him and Pepper, because recently his and Pepper's relationship continued to heat up, and the two of them It was not expressed but it was already tacitly understood.

"Okay, let's go first. By the way, come to our place to spend Christmas and New Year. At least it will be lively." Carl said after waving to Tony. He really couldn't stand Tony's expression. It was like killing him. He still felt uncomfortable, but it was much more pleasing to the eye when he farted.

"OK OK, I'll take Pepper there." When Tony heard Carl mention it, he remembered that Christmas would be in a few days and he didn't have any decorations here. Usually, Pepper had done it for him before, and even She even bought the first Christmas tree. When she heard Karl's invitation, she immediately agreed.

After Carl nodded, Aunt May, Raven, and Wanda appeared behind them, and then led them into the world of shadows. Even Speedy appeared next to him, taking it to sneak into Carl's manor. go.

After taking them back to the manor, he immediately sent out the shadow ninja to clean up the mess and had all the damaged furniture replaced. After that, he summoned the servants in the manor and handed the matter over to Aunt Mei and Raven. After dealing with it, he came to the Warehouse of the manor. The shadow ninja behind him moved a chair and placed it behind Karl.

After he sat on the chair, a woman was brought out by the black shadow ninja in front of him. It was Natasha Romanoff's sister: Yelena. At this moment, she had broken her broken leg back. Because of the gene injection, her recovery power was also better than Ordinary makes her much stronger. She slowly raised her head and saw a burly man with black hair and blue eyes sitting on a chair looking at her.

"Give you a choice to become a security guard in the manor. You can continue to live, and you don't have to kill and perform tasks every day. I can even give you a holiday. Maybe you don't know, but Natalie Romanoff is actually still alive. That is your sister." Karl leaned on the chair and looked down at Elena and said to her.

"What! Impossible! Taskmaster clearly said that she was dead!" Yelena heard the news that her sister was still alive, and said to Karl in disbelief. In her knowledge, her sister died while performing a mission. That's why the red house started to choose the next Black Widow, and he will...

"Haha, Taskmaster or Dekov must have told you. She did not die, but changed her name to Natasha Romanoff, and she is a S.H.I.E.L.D7 level agent. Naturally, they cannot fight against Aegis. That’s why I lied to you that she was dead, but in fact you have met her before." Karl said to Yelena with a chuckle, and explained why the red house said her sister was dead.

This is normal. SHIELD is relatively powerful in the European and American regions of the world. The reason why Natasha Romanoff joined S.H.I.E.L.D was because of Hawkeye. Hawkeye was originally going to kill her, but for some reason he brought Natasha Romanoff to join S.H.I.E.L.D. And became a level 7 agent. In the comics, Hawkeye and Black Widow are both level 10! It’s level 7 in the movie!

"This... this is impossible. We have never met at all. Even I have been performing tasks, either to obtain intelligence or to assassinate." Yelena said in a daze. This news was a big blow to her. , because they still entered the red house together.

"Nothing is impossible. Don't you remember? When you came to apply for the job of being the housekeeper of my manor, I chose Green among you, Gelin, your sister, and you three. Do you have an impression now? That person is you. Sister, she just used a fake name. It must be that you have been separated for too long and don’t remember both parties."

"So, you have only one choice now, either work for me and become the security guard of the manor. Definitely, I don't need you to spy on intelligence or assassinate anyone. You just need to protect the people in the manor. If you don't agree, If so, I will crush your head directly." Karl said his request to Yelena casually, and it was still the same in the last sentence, as if it was insignificant to him.

"Okay, I agree! But... you said before that you could give me a holiday..." Yelena hesitated and agreed to Karl. If it is true as Karl said, then compared to the Red House, this place is simply It was almost like heaven, and besides, her sister was still alive, so at least she still had a relative.

"OK, then come with me to get to know the people in the manor. Definitely because you have just joined, so I will let the dark ninjas keep an eye on you in your shadow. Once you betray or do something that harms the lives of the people in the manor, , or some dangerous things, they will kill you directly." Karl said to Yelena expressionlessly, and after he finished speaking, nearly thirty shadow ninjas entered Yelena's shadow.

"Yes, boss!!"

. . . . . . . . . .

After he appeared in front of Aunt Mei and others with Yelena, and told them that they were the security personnel of the manor in the future, Aunt Mei was a little surprised, but she didn't say much. Karl's arrangement naturally had his intentions. After getting to know each other, After a circle of people, Yelena was taken away by Raven. After all, she had just straightened her feet and had to let Raven show her.

On the other side, Gwen woke up in bed, and after seeing the unfamiliar and luxurious ceiling, she became wary, but found that her clothes had been changed, and the Spider battlesuit was not around. She immediately understood that her identity was exposed. , then the room door suddenly opened.


"Hey, our little Spider-Man is awake." After Carl walked into the room, he happened to see Gwen sitting on the bed thinking, and then he joked loudly, and Gwen's appearance made Carl's eyes light up. Her golden hair, beautiful face, and hazy feeling when she just woke up make her look particularly attractive.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Gwen looked at the handsome man with black hair and blue eyes who pushed the door open, and asked a little doubtfully, but at this moment, her muscles were all tense, and she Spider Telepathy is telling her to escape from here immediately. The man in front of her is extremely dangerous.

. . . . . . . . . .

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