Click, click,

, Natasha put on the girls' version of Transformers, flew into the sky, and stopped next to Chen Feng.

"Helper, what are you looking for me?" asked Natasha.

Chen Feng told the story in detail.

Natasha didn't think much about it, and said cheerfully, "No problem, leave it to me!" I promise to make her cooperate with you willingly in a few minutes.

Natasha followed Chen Feng back to the villa.

She entered the guest room and kicked everyone out, leaving only herself and Gwen.

A few minutes later.

The guest room door opens.

Natasha walked out with a smile and said to Chen Feng: "Helper, everything is done, you can go in and ask her any questions."

Chen Feng gave Natasha a thumbs up and praised: "Awesome."

Zhao Hailun pouted, a little unconvinced.

In fact, people like Chen Feng and Zhao Hailun, these people with superior intelligence are also very powerful in terms of feelings.

But they are too science-oriented, so they ignore feelings.

As a result, they are far inferior to Natasha in terms of feelings.

If they want to achieve something emotionally, with their ingenuity, it's definitely a breeze.

Chen Feng took the lead and entered the guest room.

I saw Gwen, sitting at the head of the bed, looking sullen.

"Gwen, is there anything wrong with your body?" asked Chen Feng.

Gwen shook her head and said, "No, I'm in good health, but I'm not in a good mood." "

Is it because we deceived you?" Chen Feng asked.

Gwen continued to shake her head, "No.

"Why is that?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

Gwen took a deep breath, then spit it out, and said, "When I injected the serum, I really thought I couldn't bear it, so I regretted it at that time, I wanted to give up, I didn't want to die."

When I plead with you, you refuse, and that's normal.

But Peter rejected me, and was indifferent to my pain, and I had a pimple in my heart. "

Oh, I see. Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it's not the body that's fine, the brain is fine, and the memory is normal, it's fine.

Spider-Man couldn't help but come out and say, "Gwen, you listen to me-"

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Gwen.

"You don't need to explain, just give me a moment. Gwen said with a blank face.

"Ugh-" Spider-Man sighed, knowing that Gwen was in so much pain when he fused with the serum, which is why he had such a big opinion of him.

"Gwen, if you can, can you go out with us and test your fitness. Chen Feng said.

Gwen nodded, "Okay, no problem. "

Came outside, on the beach.

Chen Feng stretched out his right hand and said to Gwen, "You pull my hand with all your strength and test your strength."

Gwen grabbed Chen Feng's wrists with both hands and pulled hard.

Chen Feng is in a normal state, using the ability of Spider-Man, and has a strength beyond ordinary people.

Gwen's body shook as Gwen tugged desperately, but he still stood still.

After Gwen tugged for a minute, Chen Feng shouted, "Gwen, it's okay."

Gwen let go of Chen Feng's hand and stood aside panting.

"Helper, how powerful is Gwen?" asked Professor Lizard, impatiently.

"The limit of ordinary people, an object that can bear twice its own weight, is the same as Natasha. Chen Feng said.

"It's amazing, just a little worse than Peter. Professor Lizard said with satisfaction.

"Gwen, you run along the seashore as fast as you can. Chen Feng said.

"Let me rest for five minutes. Gwen gasped.

Although she has the same abilities as Natasha, she has never been trained, and she is not as good as Natasha in all aspects.

After five minutes of waiting, Gwen ran along the seashore, running with all her might.

After running for ten minutes, Chen Feng still hadn't called to stop.

"The speed is normal. Professor Lizard said.

"Now test her stamina. Chen Feng said.

Gwen kept running, and after half an hour of running, she stopped running, because she couldn't run, her feet were sore, and she was so tired that she simply sat on the beach.

"Endurance belongs to the enhanced. Chen Feng said.

"Combat skills, do you still need to test?" asked Professor Lizard.

Chen Feng shook his head: "No need." "

Not at all.

The reason why Natasha is so powerful is not that she was transformed.

It is through continuous training and learning Xi that we have the strength we have now.

So all he values is Natasha's slow aging rate, and as for the rest, he doesn't look at it.

"Chen Feng, if the test is over, then I'll take Gwen back. Spider-Man said.

Chen Feng waved his hand and said, "Let's go!"

After Spider-Man and Gwen left, Chen Feng began to transform Zhao Helen.

The method is the same.

Helen Zhao lies on the weird device.

After getting everything done, Chen Feng said softly to Zhao Hailun: "Helen, it hurts for a while, you must hold back, and you can't help but shout." "

Well, don't worry, I'm not afraid of pain. Zhao Hailun is strong and authentic.

Chen Feng nodded to Professor Lizard, signaling that he could start.

Professor Lizard injects Helen Zhao with Natasha serum.

Slowly, Zhao Hailun bit her lip, and cold sweat appeared on her forehead.

Chen Feng hurriedly brought a towel and said to Zhao Hailun: "Helen, you bite the towel." "

Zhao Hailun has been biting her lip and will definitely bite it.

With a towel, it can be avoided.

Zhao Helen was very obedient, obediently opened her small mouth and bit the towel.

Don't look at Zhao Hailun's usual weak writing, in fact, Zhao Helen is very brave, especially in terms of perseverance, far beyond ordinary people.

No, the severe pain, Zhao Hailun just snorted a few times, unlike Gwen, who wants to die or live.

Half an hour later, Zhao Hailun's face was pale, her facial features were distorted, and her body was trembling.

Chen Feng didn't say anything, just held Zhao Hailun's hand tightly and silently gave support.

"Helen's fusion speed is much faster and better than Gwen's. "Clone out the voice.

It may be that Helen did not have the slightest rejection in her heart and accepted it wholeheartedly, which is why the effect is so good. Professor Lizard said.

Half an hour later.

Helen Zhao is a perfect fusion of serums and has become a superhero, with a slow aging rate, an immune system and the ability to fight against blows.

Zhao Hailun didn't faint, but just lost his strength.

"Helen, you are worthy of being my woman, you are different from others, especially brave. Chen Feng said with relief.

Zhao Hailun smiled with difficulty and said happily: "I can finally accompany you all the time." "

With Natasha's serum, as long as she doesn't take risks, she is almost immortal.

Because she doesn't get sick, her body ages super slowly, and even if she gets old in the future, she can use the regenerative cradle technique to make herself younger.

So she is very happy to be with Chen Feng forever.

Chen Feng held Zhao Hailun's hand and said, "When I am invincible, I will create the most perfect world for you, and there are only you and me in it." "

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