Marvel: Get super serum at the beginning

Chapter 65 The Ancient One Supreme

SHIELD must have sent someone to check on this weird situation.

However, their inspection revealed that Blick 177A was just an ordinary antique store.

Selling some old furniture and antique clocks.

The people inside were also clean and there was nothing out of place.

Thinking about it, the Ancient One Supreme Mage, a Heavenly Father-level master, was very skilled in space magic.

If she didn't want to show up, SHIELD wouldn't be able to find any flaws in her investigation. (Although the actor of the Ancient One is a female, the official Marvel data does not have a gender at all. Let’s just think of her as a woman. As for where the Ancient One is from, just follow the comics and say that she is Chinese. That’s all I remember. of!)

The ancient mage suddenly appeared and threw a business card with an address near Thor's hammer. Then this matter must have something to do with Thor or Asgard.

As for what the relationship is, Qin Xiao has to go there in person to find out.

It seems that I have to go to the opening ceremony of Stark Expo.

Qin Xiao, who couldn't wait for the God of Thunder, had no choice but to take the initiative to come to the door again.

What surprised him was that this stupid man had somehow reconciled with Jane.

The two of them once again returned to the state where they looked at each other and sparks crackled in the air.

He comforted this girl so quickly, and he certainly said a lot of sweet words, this is a scumbag.

Qin Xiao felt indignant.

But on the surface, he still comforted Thor with a few words, saying that he had to go out for something and asked him to wait here for his return.

As for the Ancient One Master, no matter how Coulson reported to Nick Fury, Qin Xiao would go when he should go and say what he should say when he came back, and not say a word of what he shouldn't say.

I flew all the way from New Mexico to New York, used Stark's car and driver, and sent me all the way to Bleecker 177A.

This street is located in Manhattan, the busiest district in New York.

He doesn't know how the three major temples operate. If the location can be changed, Qin Xiao would rather rent out the temple and find a cheaper place.

Let’s forget that in Avengers 3, Wang Dangtang, a mage, is so poor that he can’t even eat.

Standing at the door, he slandered the temple for occupying a busy street and it was a waste.

After hesitating for a while, Qin Xiaogang was about to reach out and knock on the door.

There was a flash of golden light under his feet, and a portal appeared under his feet.

In an instant, the soles of his feet were empty, and he fell down along the hula hoop.

In a corresponding study room on the second floor of the temple, Qin Xiao fell out of a hula hoop.

He fell straight onto a single sofa.

Three full bookshelves on three walls formed a small, square study room with no doors.

Three single sofas were arranged in the direction of the bookshelf. After Qin Xiao fell down, there was an empty sofa on the right, and directly in front of him was Master Gu Yi, who was reading a book with his head lowered.

Just now, it was Master Gu Yi's spell that allowed Qin Xiao to go directly from the door to the second floor.

But after arriving, Master Gu Yi stopped talking and just lowered his head to read in silence.

This is the advantage of having strength. You don’t dare to speak up even though you are pretending to be cool.

If it were an ordinary person, he would call me over and then lower his head to read a book without speaking.

Qin Xiao turned his back on his back when he slapped him, and the book in his hand flew into the sky.

However, the person in front of him was the Supreme Mage Ancient One, and Qin Xiao just complained in his heart and did not dare to take action.

Of course, Qin Xiao has never been one to sit still.

Seeing that Gu Yi kept staring at the book without even looking at himself.

He took out a cigar from his pocket and started puffing on it in front of Gu Yi.

If you don't say anything, I'll spray you in the face and see if you choke?

Qin Xiao, who was full of bad taste in his heart, took a deep breath and pretended to inadvertently blew a large puff of smoke towards Master Gu Yi.

It’s just that the Supreme Mage is the Supreme Mage.

Gu didn't even raise his head, but a golden hula hoop the size of an ashtray suddenly appeared in front of Qin Xiao's eyes.

It stood less than half a meter in front of Qin Xiao's eyes. As soon as this small portal appeared, the smoke that Qin Xiao breathed out rushed towards the small portal.

Qin Xiao took a closer look and saw that there was a snow-capped mountain opposite. Although he didn't know where it was, it was definitely a high-altitude place.

The weather was sunny and there was no wind. Due to the air pressure, there was no wind here in Qin Xiao. The smoke and the ashes on the cigarette end drifted towards the small hole.

The effect is the same as driving at high speed and opening the window a little to smoke. (In fact, if a small portal is really opened in a room at a high altitude, it is estimated that all the books on the bookshelf will have to fly through. But don’t worry about these details. After all, Master Gu Yi always has a way, right? )

Awesome, an ashtray with built-in ventilation effect.

"The ashtray is nice. If I have one in my bedroom, not only will I not need an air circulation system, but I will also save a trash can!"

Qin Xiao had nothing to say. Facing Gu Yi at this stage was indeed a bit stressful, especially because he didn't know why she called him here.

"If you open one in your bedroom and there's a snowstorm, your house will be filled with snow within an hour. Are you sure you want to open one? I can help."

Gu Yi looked up and said with a smile.

"I asked you to come all the way here. Don't you have nothing to say or anything to ask me?"

Gu Yi finally closed the book and put it aside.

"Yes, of course I have questions to ask. Since I'm already at the door and you used the portal to pull me up directly, why don't you just pick me up from New Mexico? Air tickets are very expensive."

Now that Gu Yi had spoken at the beginning, Qin Xiao threw the cigar towards the ashtray and asked a question that was definitely not the point.

"First of all, I don't need to spend money on the air tickets. Secondly, if I go down and open the door for you, or open a teleportation gate to open the door for you, the energy consumption for such a small distance is about the same as teleporting you up!"

Gu Yi waved his hand to close the small portal, and then answered Qin Xiao's question seriously.

I couldn't refute what I said. I didn't expect that Gu Yi would be so serious about settling the accounts for himself.

Qin Xiao had no choice but to follow her wishes and ask.

"I wonder why you came to see me?"

Probably asking Gu Yi the question he needed, she looked at Qin Xiao and said seriously.

"Odin and I are considered friends. He exiled his son to the earth while he fell into a deep sleep. Of course I had to pay attention, but I was surprised because a person who shouldn't have appeared appeared. You shouldn't have appeared here. that place?"

"So I'm curious, why are you appearing where you shouldn't be and why haven't you been arrested by the Time Difference and Variation Administration?"

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