Marvel: Get super serum at the beginning

Chapter 71 Justin Hammer’s Invitation

"Look who this is, this is our superhero Qin Xiao!"

"I'm so glad to see you, this plane is really nice, I'm Justin Hammer, maybe you've seen my photo on the cover of Time magazine recently, that's nothing compared to what you've done!"

Qin Xiao didn't expect to meet this guy, he's not a villain, not even a good guy, he's more like a clown in the movie, and he even deliberately imitated Tony Stark.

Qin Xiao didn't expect that Justin Hammer would be so enthusiastic when he saw him, not only did he come up to greet him, but at the end he even stretched out his hand to make a gesture of Qin Xiao holding a Tang sword to cut open the Iron Overlord's leg armor.

"I have to say, your sword is really cool, by the way, compared to that guy Stark, I'm your loyal fan!"

Justin Hammer stretched out his right hand towards Qin Xiao.

Qin Xiao stretched out his hand and shook hands with him.

This is a contradictory guy, he has always regarded Tony as his opponent, and he also regards him as his idol.

He has been imitating Tony's style of speaking and walking, especially after Tony recently announced that Stark Industries would no longer manufacture weapons.

Justin Hammer's company was overwhelmed with orders from the Ministry of Defense. Not only did the company's stock price soar, but it also appeared on the cover of Time magazine several times in a row.

This made him even more complacent, thinking that he had firmly surpassed Tony.

Unfortunately, Tony's Iron Man Armor was born. No matter how many orders the company had, in the hearts of outsiders, Tony was still the well-deserved No. 1.

Looking at the man in front of him who was trying to act like Tony, Qin Xiao felt a little ridiculous.

He was imitating others, and his jumping up and down and thinking he was humorous was completely different from Tony's inherent cynicism.

"Hello! Qin Xiao!"

Qin Xiao didn't plan to say anything more to this guy who looked extremely awkward, and was ready to leave with Daisy and others.

Unexpectedly, Justin Hammer stepped in front of Qin Xiao and blocked his way.

"Wait a minute, I have something to talk to you about. Are you going to watch the car race? Me too. There's a helicopter waiting for me over there. I think we can go up and chat together. If you don't mind, are these two beautiful ladies and strong handsome guys your friends? Together?"

As the saying goes, if you don't take advantage of it, you're a bastard. Anyway, I have to find a way to get there. It's really a good idea to get on a helicopter.

Qin Xiao nodded slightly, Justin Hammer cheered, and hurried to the front to lead the way.

"I don't like this guy. He speaks in a weird way, like a stage actor!"

Thor commented very straightforwardly.

"I don't like this guy either. I bet he has no good intentions when he comes to you!"

Daisy said, holding Qin Xiao's hand.

The two of them made rapid progress on the plane. Daisy was quite satisfied with Qin Xiao, and Qin Xiao was also a long-awaited sweet dew, so the two decided to continue this dewy relationship until the end of this journey.

"It doesn't matter. We just happen to lack a means of transportation. That helicopter looks good!"


Compared to Tony Stark, Justin Hammer is more like a pure businessman.

In terms of material, he is no worse than Tony, and it can be said that he is even better.

The helicopter that came to pick him up was a modified Mi-26 developed by the former Soviet Union, with a length of more than 40 meters.

It is simply the size of a small passenger plane, and the decoration inside is like a small nightclub, which is quite exaggerated.

"You know, our company is developing armor for single-soldier combat, just like Tony Stark's, Iron Man, biubiubiu! But ours is bigger and stronger. This is a project jointly developed with the Ministry of Defense. I believe that the finished product will appear soon!"

As soon as he got on the helicopter, Justin Hammer pulled Qin Xiao to find a sofa to sit down, and came up with a few words without beginning or end.

"But I heard that your project has been suspended after Tony played your experimental video in the Senate last time!" Qin Xiao mercilessly exposed his scars. A few days ago, he was simply hit by Tony in the Senate. "That was just for outsiders to see. In fact, we have been continuing and even signed a secret agreement!" Justin Hammer looked proud. "Then I wish you success! I just don't know what this has to do with me?" Qin Xiao said bluntly without any politeness. "To be honest, we have signed a contract with the Ministry of Defense. The order will definitely not be lost, but the people don't think so. They need our country to have a more powerful armor than Iron Man to protect their safety. The people need confidence, and you are their confidence!" "Me?" Qin Xiao was a little puzzled. "Yes, it was you. Tony was defeated by Obadiah's Iron Monger. It was you who defeated the big guy. Everyone saw the video. Tony was sitting on the side in tatters. It was you who defeated him, wasn't it?"

"At the Stark Expo, I will apply for a booth from Stark Industries to display our new armor. I hope you can attend and fight with our armor on the spot. It doesn't need to be serious, just act. Do you understand what I mean?"

Of course, Qin Xiao understood what he meant. This guy wanted Qin Xiao to lose to his armor in public, so that he could show to the whole world that he was more powerful than Tony Stark.

This is not only what he meant, but there is also a bit of political flavor in it.

You know, just a few days ago, Congress held a hearing specifically to ask Tony Stark to hand over his armor.

No matter what the purpose is, the government hopes that the weapons in their hands are more powerful than Iron Man, even if it is only superficially powerful, just to make the people think it is powerful.

"Of course I understand. I will try my best to achieve some earth-shattering effects and then be defeated by your armor, right?"

Qin Xiao said with a smile.


Justin Hammer snapped his fingers.

"That's what I mean. Of course, we won't let your efforts go in vain. I will give you an endorsement fee based on the celebrity with the highest commercial value in the world, and you will also gain the friendship of some members who have considerable say in the parliament!"

Justin Hammer made his own terms.

Qin Xiao originally wanted to tease this guy and then refused directly.

Then he didn't know what he thought of, and said with a smirk on his lips.

"Of course there is no problem, but we have to have a good talk about the endorsement fee. You know, I have to lose it in front of the whole world. This is about the honor of my superhero, isn't it? How much is it worth?"

For Justin Hammer, nothing is more important than defeating Tony Stark.

Unless he really develops a armor that can defeat Tony, no one except Qin Xiao is more suitable for this matter.

One of them was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer, and soon the most expensive endorsement fee in history was born on the helicopter.

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