Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 404 Maleficent Curse

Chapter 404 Maleficent Curse

"In that case, we will watch the battle quietly."

Strange nodded upon hearing this, and said no more—in fact, he didn't really want to help Satan.

Mind space, Wang Burt smiled at Astor Ross: "Am I right? Both Strange and Doom have won."

"Seth and Shuma are so useless."

Astor Ross scolded unhappily, but was shocked in his heart, the ancient god projection, can't beat the god-level Mage?

That is the projection of the ancient gods, and it stands to reason that it can easily crush the god-level Mage.

Astor Ross couldn't help sighing: "Kamar-Taj will produce another, no, two Ancient Ones."

"They are useless, isn't that the same as you? You are at the same level."

Wang Burt waved his hand and said, "Don't talk about this, when are you going to die?"

"If you can't speak, you don't have to."

Astor Ross rolled his eyes and said, "Let's talk about Sithorne's face when he's dead."


Wang Burt did not object. With his current status and status, there is no need to compete with the 'young man' for glory.

Seeing Seth and the beholder rushing to the street one after another, Sithorn couldn't help frowning. Two ancient god projections can't compete with two Mage? Can you be any more crap?

"The earth is growing too fast. This time, they must all be eliminated, otherwise there will be endless troubles in the future."

Sithorn thought to himself: "Seal Satan first, and then deal with Supreme Mage and Dr. Explosion."

Sithorne is sure to take care of Strange and Dr. Doom, even if they just defeated the Old God Projection, because he is Sithorne.

Then, Sithorn stopped wasting time and shouted at Adam who was trapped in the small world: "Adam, last chance, surrender, or, be sealed forever by me."

"Sithorn, what are you talking about now?"

Adam sneered: "Didn't you see what happened to Seth and Shuma? Let me tell you, you are next."

"I'm not them, Satan, what's the point of you helping humans? The Supreme Mage and Dr. Explosion have no intention of coming to help you at all."

Sithorn said: "In their view, the best ending is that you and I die together."

"So what? Since I, Satan, have promised the blood god, I will help mankind wholeheartedly."

Adam said impassionedly: "Even if human beings are wolf-hearted, even if human beings are ungrateful for profit, I will not change my original intention. I, Satan, keep promises and nails."

Strange was a little ashamed when he heard the words: "Senior Brother Doom, haven't we gone too far?"

Dr. Dum said blankly: "We're not too much, at least, we don't beat around the bush and curse people."

Strange said: "If we don't make a move, it's normal for Satan to scold us. Brother Doom, why don't we go and help?"

"No, he will win."

Dr. Doom said angrily, that's blood god duplication, how do I need any help?

That is to say, Sithorn didn't know about this, otherwise he would never be so arrogant, that is a blood god.

"Satan, since you are looking for death, you can't blame me."

Sithorn lost his patience and cast spells with nine duplications at the same time, and a huge amounts of altar emerged in the void.

The lower part of this altar is densely packed with magic runes, and the upper part is just the small world that traps Adam.


Adam, who had been running away, rushed towards Sithorne with an angry and worried expression on his face. At this moment, the finger of death that was chasing him and the skull integrated together, turned into a giant black skull, and swallowed him in one gulp. .

Adam Projection hit the skull hard, but was bounced back, unable to break through at all.

Sithorn ignored Adam's projection, and with his master hands, he shouted: "The supreme source of destruction, I will sacrifice the world to you."

Sithorn didn't say what he wanted, because the key this time was the sacrifice. As for the due reward, there was the source of destruction, and they would pay together next time.

The runes on the altar shone brightly, and then the small world began to collapse and disappear. Sithorn said triumphantly: "Satan, your breath has been connected with the small world. When the small world disappears, you will disappear too. This is the price you pay for fighting against me.

After the sacrifice is over, I will seal your soul, making it impossible for you to live or die. "


Adam suddenly smiled, and shouted loudly: "Great prophecy, anyone who wants to hurt me will end up with their own consequences."

"Great prophecy? What is that?"

Everyone was astonished, Sithorn sneered and said, "I've never heard of this magic... Ah, how is this possible?"

Sithorn's voice was shocked, because his body was disappearing, yes, his body was disappearing together with the small world.

"I haven't even heard of the great prophecy, and dare to call myself the ancestor of magic?"

Adam looked disdainful: "This is the magic of fate. I can do whatever I say, as long as I want to."

"real or fake?"

Everyone looked skeptical, Astor Ross looked at Wang Burt and asked, "What big prophecy does Satan really know?"

"Yes, in a dream."

Wang Burt complained, it really deserves to be his own duplication, and he has the same virtue as himself.

Others didn't understand what was going on, and Sithorn quickly came back to his senses. He asked the nine duplications in surprise, "Have you produced yourself?"

"Yes, so we must kill you."

The nine Sithorn duplications no longer concealed, Qi Qi turned around and cast a spell on Sithorn, Sithorn's body disappeared at an astonishing speed, at the same time, Adam escaped from the small world, grabbed it with his right hand, and the great sword of Lucifer appeared in his hand out of thin air superior.

"Sithorn, you really let me down, I didn't even use my hole cards."

Adam smiled disdainfully, and Lucifer swung his sword vigorously, and the skull trapped in the projection was directly chopped into pieces. Then, he pulled the power of hell to gather on the sword, and the sword became bigger and bigger.

"You think you can kill me like this?"

Sithorn roared, and the power of the sacrifice that he wanted to save for the next time burst out suddenly, turning into nine jet-black lightning bolts of destruction and blasting towards the nine Sithorn duplications.

The expressions of the nine Sithorn duplications changed drastically, and they hurriedly set up a defensive barrier to resist the destruction lightning. To be honest, this was completely different from what they expected. Logically speaking, shouldn't Sithorn eliminate Satan first? No matter how you look at it, he is the biggest threat.

At this moment, the magic power in the nine Sithorn duplications ran away at the same time, and the defensive barrier flashed a few times before disappearing.

Immediately afterwards, nine destructive lightning bolts bombarded the nine duplications, and the nine duplications directly turned into nothingness, ending their short lives.

"Sithorn is a very cautious person. He tampered with the bodies of nine duplications early in the morning."

Sithorn from Zombie Universe introduced: "That's why he killed nine duplications first, it's easy to kill."

"As expected."

Adam didn't care, and continued to condense the sword of hell.

After a while, Sithorn's body disappeared together with the small world, leaving only a black heart still beating.

"A veritable black heart."

Adam sneered and said, "Sithorn, I really like the eight words: "If you want to live, if you want to die, you can't." I will return it to you right away."

"Satan, even if there is only one heart left, I can still deal with you."

Sithorn Rage, he has never suffered such a big loss, he roared angrily, his heart burst open, and the blood condensed in the air into a bloody rune that seemed like an illusion.

Immediately afterwards, the bloody rune disappeared suddenly, and when it reappeared, it had reached between Adam's eyebrows. Adam immediately felt boundless drowsiness, and he couldn't even hold the big sword in his hand.

black magic, sacrifice to sleep.

"Sithorn, who has only one heart left, is definitely not your opponent, but he has always been proud and will not allow himself to fail, so he will definitely choose to lose both."

Ten minutes ago, Sithorn from the zombie universe said to Adam: "You are the demon king of hell, ordinary methods are useless to you, so he will sacrifice himself to cast a curse on you.

This curse is probably a sacrifice to sleep. "

Adam asked: "Sacrifice and sleep? I am Satan, and I am the body. The curse of sleep will not work for me, right?"

"The Sacrificial Sleep is not a curse. Those who fall into the Sacrificial Sleep will absorb the power given by Sithorn in the form of sleep and become stronger."

Zombie Universe Sithorn said with a smile: "This is a positive spell for buffs."

"Positive spell? Sacrifice your own projection to help others become stronger?"

Adam was a little speechless, isn't this magic a little too weird?

"In fact, this is the essence of this magic. The buff magic is different from the curse magic. It will not touch its own defense mechanism. That is to say, unless it is prepared in advance, it is almost irresistible."

Zombie Universe Sithorn said: "Based on this characteristic, Sithorn created the 'Sacrificial Sleep' magic. Although a projection will be sacrificed, as long as it is cast, it will definitely make the other party fall into a deep sleep for at least a day.

There are many things that can be done in one day, and a single projection is nothing. "

"Sacrifice a projection, let the other party fall into a deep sleep for more than a day?"

Adam thought for a while, then exclaimed: "Sithorn really deserves to be the ancestor of black magic, such magic can be created."

"That's definitely."

Zombie Universe Sithorn nodded, and continued: "However, this magic is not without flaws. Once the caster senses the threat of death, he will wake up immediately. Therefore, this magic can only be used to hold the enemy, and cannot be used kill the opponent."

Adam was stunned: "Will you wake up immediately after sensing the threat of death? What is the use of this kind of magic?"

Zombie Universe Sithorn said: "definitely useful, I ask you, a Mephista, who finds that he is about to fall into a deep sleep, what will he do?"

Adam suddenly realized: "definitely ran back to his hometown to hide, so as not to be killed, uh, I understand."


Zombie Universe Sithorn continued: "In addition, Sithorn's magic has never been used, and no one knows the characteristics of being awakened."

"It turns out that this magic is really extraordinary. According to normal circumstances, if I am hit by this trick, I will definitely escape back to hell immediately and fall into a deep sleep."

Adam nodded and said, "In this way, I can no longer stop Sithorne, it is no different from being defeated by Sithorne."

Zombie Universe Sithorn nodded: "That's it, Sithorn will probably use this magic to restore the situation, definitely, there is another possibility, that is to use concepts.

However, this possibility is unlikely. Sithorn's plan is too big, and he will not use concepts easily. Once the concept is missing, his plan will definitely be affected. "

Adam laughed: "If you say no, then you definitely won't."

Time went back to the present, Adam was drowsy, Sithorn's residual consciousness secretly snorted coldly, duplication's betrayal was indeed beyond his expectations, but he, Sithorn, would never lose.

At this moment, 'Adam Projection' suddenly sneered and said, "Sithorn, you really are an idiot."

Sithorn's residual consciousness froze for a moment, then thought of something, turned his head to look at the 'Adam Projection', and asked in shock: "You are the main body? This is impossible."

Sithorn is not an idiot. He has learned the lesson from last time. This time, he used the Eye of Reality to lock on Adam's real body early in the morning. There is no reason to admit his mistake.

"Nothing is impossible for Ben Satan."

Adam proudly said that he was indeed real at the beginning, but when the nine Sithorn duplications were activated, he quietly used the concept of chaos to exchange himself with the projection. At that time, Sithorn had no time to distinguish between the real and the fake.

Adam said solemnly: "Although I don't know what your magic is, but the projection of this seat seems to have become stronger. Sithorn, thank you, you are a good person."

"Satan, I will kill you."

Sithorn's residual consciousness roared wildly. Since Sithorn has traversed the universe for tens of millions of years, when has he suffered such humiliation?

"In this case, you have said a lot, but you have never realized it once. Hmph, the so-called ancestor of black magic, Xi Thorn, is nothing more than that. Famous is not as good as meeting."

Adam pretended to shake his head again and again. Sithorne was indeed strong, but Adam was not afraid of the other party at all, because he also had a Sithorne in his hand.

With Sithorn in the hands of the zombie universe, no matter what Sithorn wants to do, it is doomed to fail, because no one knows Sithorn better than Sithorn.


Sithorn continued to roar, and Adam waved his hand to disperse his remaining consciousness. Then, he sent the projection back to hell, officially marking the end of this battle.

"Satan won."

Strange breathed a sigh of relief, so he doesn't have to feel guilty, but then again, Satan's scheming is too powerful, right? Actually playing Sithorn in the applause, that is Sithorn.

Dr. Dum didn't think it was strange at all, that's a blood god, how many enemies are he 'playing' with?

"Wow, Satan actually defeated Sithorne, and made him fly into a rage? Isn't that incredible?"

Astor Ross said to Wang Burt in amazement: "I have never seen Sithorn so angry. He has always looked like he has everything under control."

"Sithorn is out of date."

Wang Burt didn't explain too much, he said with a smile: "Astor Ross, please go to hell."


Astor Ross stood up and threw the bag of potato chips on the ground without any sense of public morality. Then, he clapped his hands and said, "When the gods come down, I will follow the plan and deal with the snake god Seth."


Wang Burt nodded and said, "The snake god Set, the beholder Shuma, and the great Mephista Sithorn, their fate will be the same as this battle. They will all fall."

Astor Ross laughed: "I'm looking forward to it."

(end of this chapter)

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