Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 440: Performance

Chapter 440: Performance

"It doesn't matter, I will send the gravel to the sea outside. Your task is to chop the meteorite into pieces with your 80-meter long knife."

Wang Burt took out the Green Goblin skateboard from the storage space and said, "As for Flight, this skateboard can help you."

The Green Goblin skateboard was made by Wang Burt. It is not difficult, at least, it is much easier than the Adamantium nano battle suit.

Psylocke blinked, suddenly realized, and asked in a low voice: "Boss, do you want me to take this opportunity to officially debut?"

"Yes, or do you think I need help for a mere meteorite? As soon as I waved my hand, it was gone."

Wang Burt laughed: "Psylocke, the show has begun, show your professionalism."

"no problem."

Psylocke was so excited that he immediately tore off the long skirt on his body—don't get me wrong, Psylocke was wearing a tight purple battle suit inside.

Wang Burt snapped his fingers, and Psylocke's long knife appeared out of thin air. This knife was made by him. It has his space imprint on it and can be summoned at any time.

Psylocke held the long knife and jumped onto the Green Goblin skateboard. Then, a piece of information flooded into her mind, but it was the control method of the Green Goblin skateboard. The information was passed to her by Wang Burt. Can crash.

"Boss has a lot of abilities."

Psylocke was a little surprised, she didn't waste any time, and controlled the skateboard to fly towards the meteorite in the sky.

At the beginning, the skateboard was a bit crooked, but it soon became extremely smooth. Wang Burt nodded with satisfaction, Psylocke's ability is very good.

Mystique walked up to Wang Burt, pretended to be scared and said: "Chairman, I don't know what you are going to do, but I think it's better for us to stay away."

Wang Burt's face turned cold, and he shouted: "Stay away from me, you scourge, and don't spread bad luck to me. Also, you have been fired, so don't come to work in the company again."

Mystique was dumbfounded, but after thinking about it, she thought it was reasonable, because she was really unlucky.

"I'm here to save you. If you lean closer, there might be a tsunami in New York."

Wang Burt complained secretly, as for the real Dai Lin, it was just a compensation afterward.

At the same time, on a New York TV station helicopter, a reporter was live broadcasting a meteorite hitting a building, and he said: "My friends, this is Manhattan, and right now, a meteorite is falling towards Manhattan.

This meteorite is not big in size, and its speed is a bit slower than imagined. However, a meteorite is a meteorite. The building below will definitely be smashed by it. At that time, the people inside and the people around will be unable to escape doomed.

Let us witness this moment of disaster together, and New York TV will broadcast everything for you. "

"Why do you feel this guy is very excited?"

The audience in front of the TV was very dissatisfied. This meteorite will kill at least a thousand people. At this time, they should report in a mournful voice.

"God bless them."

Many viewers prayed secretly in their hearts - in this case, they can only pray to God, except God, no one can save Manhattan, after all, this is a meteorite.

At this moment, the reporter suddenly shouted: "Hey, what's going on, it seems that someone is approaching the meteorite? Take a picture, zoom in the lens a little bit."


The photographer adjusted the lens, and soon, a purple figure on a green skateboard appeared in the lens.

The reporter exclaimed: "There is really someone, wow, where did she buy her skateboard, and she can actually fly into the sky? Speaking of which, I seem to have had such a dream when I was a child, flying freely in the air on a skateboard.

Cough, aside from this, what does she want to do? Stop the meteorite? This is impossible, with the impact of the meteorite, no one can stop it. "

The audience nodded one after another, they were full of doubts, what exactly did the woman in purple want to do?

At this moment, all of America's eyes were on Psylocke, and Psylocke didn't know it because all her attention was on the meteorite.

"The speed of the meteorite is slower than expected, I should be able to cut it off."

Psylocke flew to the side, silently calculating, if nothing happened, ten seconds later, the meteorite would pass by twenty meters in front of her—not too close, too close, her body couldn't bear it.

"Twenty meters, that is to say, my knife is twenty-five meters long."

With a thought in Psylocke's mind, the Adamantium long knife in his hand suddenly came out of its sheath. Immediately afterwards, the long knife was enveloped in purple light, and the long knife quickly became longer. Soon, a twenty-five-meter-long purple sword appeared in everyone's sight.

It is worth mentioning that only the front end of this 25-meter-long broadsword is Adamantium, and the rest is just the purple energy of Psylocke.

The reporter exclaimed again: "Wow, such a long knife? She is a Mutant, what is she going to do?"


The audience looked a bit complicated. If it was a month ago, they would have cursed, but now, they only have sympathy and guilt in their hearts. Mutant, it's so miserable.

Here comes the question, what exactly does this Mutant want to do?

A few seconds later, accompanied by the strong wind, the flaming meteorite flashed in front of Psylocke who was concentrating on it. Psylocke's eyes widened sharply, and she swung the long knife at the fastest speed in her life. In one breath, she swung six knives, six knives The shadows floated in the air at the same time, looking extraordinarily gorgeous.

Immediately afterwards, the meteorite flew away from Psylocke. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with it, but as it flew, it gradually disintegrated and became more than ten pieces.

"It worked."

Psylocke breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly adjusted her breathing. She wanted to meet the camera in the most perfect state.

"Wow, her purpose was to cut the meteorite, she succeeded, she is so powerful."

The reporter shouted excitedly. At this moment, he suddenly reacted and said, "However, it doesn't seem to be useful, does it?"

The audience was speechless, wanting to kill the reporter more and more, but the bastard reporter was right, it seemed useless to cut the meteorite.

At this moment, Wang Burt swung his right hand repeatedly, and with each swing, some meteorites disappeared. When he stopped, all the meteorites were transferred to the open sea, crashing into the sea, setting off huge amounts of waves.

In fact, with Wang Burt's strength, he can turn all the meteorites away in an instant. The problem is that this will make everything Psylocke does meaningless.

"It's done, call it a day."

Wang Burt clapped his hands in satisfaction, and disappeared from the rooftop. He is the boss of superhero, not superhero, so there is no need to compete with Psylocke for the limelight.

"What exactly is Bert Wang trying to do?"

Mystique frowned greatly, she decided to take it easy, this guy is a bit evil, she almost died several times today.

In other words, there should be no other disasters, right? Mystique was made to have a psychological shadow.

"Wow, all the meteorites have disappeared, what's going on? Did God take action?"

The reporter shouted in shock, what did he think of, and continued: "Whether it is God's shot or not, it is a miracle, Harvey, fly over, let us see the front of this heroine."


The driver nodded immediately. He also wanted to know what that figure looked like. From the figure, it should be very beautiful.


The citizens who escaped from death below and the audience in front of the TV applauded loudly at the same time. They witnessed a miracle, a real miracle.

Soon, the helicopter approached Psylocke, and her appearance was clearly captured by the camera. Many people's eyes lit up, she was so beautiful.

Although Psylocke is Asian, both westerners and orientals think she is beautiful. Coupled with her perfect figure, everyone has only one comment on her: that is too good.

In the strong wind from the helicopter, Psylocke's purple hair fluttered like a goddess, and many people shouted in their hearts: "I feel like I'm in love."

"Damn, if it wasn't for the live broadcast, I would definitely kill the helicopter. The wind is so strong, I can hardly keep my eyes open."

The goddess Psylocke cursed in her heart, she took a cool look at the camera, and controlled the Green Goblin to fly away on the skateboard.

"Goddess, don't go, I'm a New York TV reporter, and I want to interview you."

The reporter shouted hurriedly, and at the same time asked the pilot to chase Psylocke. Unfortunately, the helicopter was too clumsy and quickly lost the target.

The reporter said: "It's a pity. I still want to ask her for an autograph. Although I don't know who she is, she is undoubtedly a hero. She saved Manhattan."

"Yes, she is a hero."

The audience nodded, and many people were looking for information on Psylocke on the Internet, and then they found Psylocke's photo.


The men rushed to collect it as if they had found a treasure. At the same time, they were full of doubts. Why can a model chop up meteorites?

Inside the manor, Wang Burt handed the wine glass to Psylocke, said with a smile: "Psylocke, your search volume has skyrocketed, congratulations, you will soon become a big star."

Psylocke asked puzzledly: "Boss, why don't you let me be interviewed?"

"It's called appetizing. It's like writing a novel. You have to lay the groundwork first. I hired a team to hype you up online, so that your popularity will continue to rise."

Wang Burt said: "For example, make up stories for you, create a persona, or deliberately question your identity, in short, in the next few days, you will become a global hotspot.

When the heat reaches a certain level, I will let the police department hold a press conference and officially hire you as a vigilante to protect New York.

At that time, public opinion will be in an uproar, and you will become a super star. "

"I'm looking forward to that day."

Psylocke's eyes were as bright as light bulbs, and she asked curiously: "Boss, you seem to be very good at hype?"

"These are pediatrics."

Wang Burt waved his hand. Compared with the hype in the era of smartphones, the hype in the Internet age is really childish.

"The boss is mighty."

Psylocke complimented, and then said impatiently: "I hope the day of revealing my identity will come soon."

Wang Burt reminded: "Don't be too happy, you are the first Mutant star, and you are destined to attract a lot of criticism and even protests. At that time, you will receive countless attacks and opposition. It is not so easy to be a pioneer. "

"I am mentally prepared. I can withstand the attacks of conservatives and pink eyes."

Psylocke said confidently, she is not a little girl, she is a well-known Psylocke in the mercenary world, what has she never seen in her life?

"It's best if you're prepared."

Wang Burt said with a smile: "Although it is difficult to open up wasteland cattle, it will gain the most benefits."

"The more you give, the more you gain, I understand."

Psylocke laughed: "As long as I persist, I will not only become a big star, but also go down in history."


Wang Burt said: "Even after thousands of years, human beings will not forget your name, because you are the first Mutant star."

Psylocke blushed with excitement. She thought of something and asked, "By the way, Boss, do you sell your skateboard? I think it fits me well."

"Good things go with you, right?"

Wang Burt complained: "If you want, I will sell it to you for 20 million US dollars. This is a super fracture price, that is, I don't want to sell it to others, otherwise each one will cost at least hundreds of millions of US dollars."

Psylocke clicked his tongue: "Twenty million dollars? How about I rent it for three months and buy it after three months?"

Wang Burt said: "Yes, but if it is damaged in the middle, you have to pay for it in full."

"That's definitely."

Psylocke nodded, and she asked curiously: "BOSS, why don't you sell such a good skateboard? With its function, buyers must flock to it."

Wang Burt asked: "The price is too expensive. Only the military will buy it. Do you think I will sell such a good thing to the military?"

Psylocke said: "definitely not, but the military will definitely ask you for it."

Wang Burt said: "I would say, that is my variant Ability."

Psylocke laughed: "Good idea, anyway, you are a multi-ability person."


Five days passed in a flash, and because of Wang Burt's secret promotion, Psylocke became more and more popular both on the Internet and in reality. Countless reporters looked for Psylocke everywhere and wanted to do an exclusive interview with her.

It is worth mentioning that the evaluation of Psylocke is very positive, both on the Internet and in reality. There are two reasons. First, Psylocke is very beautiful. Those model photos are like giving benefits, and countless people collect them immediately.

The second one, Psylocke prevents the meteorite disaster and saves at least a thousand people—unless the psychology is dark, who would hate such a beautiful hero?

On this day, the New York Police Department held a press conference. At the meeting, the reporters not only saw the hot Mutant Psylocke, but also got a shocking news.

Psylocke will become a vigilante of the NYPD, working with the NYPD to protect New York.

This news was undoubtedly extremely shocking. The reporters were stunned for three seconds before they realized it. Then, all the reporters raised their hands at the same time, wanting to ask.


The director of New York pointed to a reporter and signaled him to ask first. The reporter stood up, but instead of asking the director, he turned to the cool Psylocke and asked, "Miss Psylocke, are you going to be a superhero?"

"You can say that, but I'm a little different from the superhero in the comics."

Psylocke said: "I am regular, I have the law enforcement authority granted by the New York Police Department, and my behavior is protected and bound by the New York Police Department.

For example, if I destroy a lamp on the side of the road, I have to pay for it. This is very different from the comics. In the comics, Dragonfly never pays for damage to vehicles. Definitely, he can't afford it either. "

The reporters couldn't help laughing. Dragonfly is the protagonist of Mutant Planet's best-selling comics, similar to Spider-man.

(end of this chapter)

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