Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 451 Soul Possession

Chapter 451 Soul Possession

Undoubtedly, it was Magneto, who said proudly: "I have always wanted to tear down this goddess, but I never thought that the president would pay me to tear it down."

While speaking, Magneto's big hand shook, and the screws on the goddess' feet turned quickly at the same time, leaving the goddess's body.

"Magneto, promise your conditions, we will definitely fulfill it, don't worry."

The president yelled that Magneto's terms were tough, but he didn't care because he was about to step down.

"sucker Punch."

Accompanied by Mr. Cabo's voice, a large amount of black aura emerged from the feet of the goddess, and all the screws were screwed back. Immediately afterwards, the Statue of Liberty leaned forward, and huge amounts of the torch hit Magneto like a meteorite.

Magneto raised his other hand, and the torch was stuck in the air. Immediately afterwards, Magneto raised both hands up at the same time, and the Statue of Liberty lifted off the ground and flew up slowly.

This is not over yet, Magneto took a deep breath and controlled the Statue of Liberty to fly towards the sea. Obviously, he wanted to throw the Statue into the sea.

"God, is this something a man can do?"

Everyone exclaimed, it's unbelievable for a shriveled old man to control the huge Statue of Liberty to fly up, right?

The reporters took pictures again and again, and they even thought of the title, 'Man, or, God? '

"Mutant, it's really scary."

Presidential candidate Acton's eyes flickered. You know, the Statue of Liberty weighed 225 tons, and now it was lifted by Magneto.

That is 225 tons, which is equivalent to more than a hundred cars. Not to mention ordinary people, even Mutants are dumbfounded. What kind of power is this?

Wolverine was even more desperate. With Magneto's ability, he would never want to beat him up in his life.

Wang Burt was very calm. After all, in the movie, Magneto once raised the steel bridge. You must know that there were not only hundreds of people on the bridge, but also dozens of cars.

"It's a terrifying power, but unfortunately, you can't save this world."

Councilor Kabo controlled the black aura to turn into a huge amounts of tentacles and smashed it at Magneto. Seeing this, everyone rushed to help.

"Crush it for me."

Storm floated in the air, his eyes turned white, a huge amount of thunder fell from the sky, and slammed on the tentacles, the tentacles were instantly destroyed, turning into black aura and dissipating.

Seeing this, Councilor Carbo conjured up another tentacle and continued to smash at Magneto.

"Space black hole."

Wang Burt filled the position and released the space black hole in front of the tentacle. The tentacle twisted violently and exploded the black hole from above.

Cyclops wanted to help, but was thrown down by a monster. At the same time, the others were also entangled by the monsters, and the tentacles were unhindered, and they slammed down on Magneto.

At this moment, a cloud of red smoke appeared beside Magneto. It was the Red Devil who grabbed Magneto's shoulder and disappeared with him.

Without Magneto's control, the Statue of Liberty slammed into the grass with a bang, kicking up countless dirt and grass, and a wave of dust swept towards everyone like a strong wind.

"It's a pity that it fell short."

Everyone was disappointed, but fortunately, there was still a chance.

Magneto, who appeared in the distance, took a deep breath and was about to repeat his old trick. At this moment, a tentacle flew through the void and smashed hard on Magneto's back.

Magneto screamed and flew forward, fell to the ground and spat out a mouthful of blood. Seeing this, the Red Devil hurriedly took Magneto and teleported into the crowd.

"It's useless, you are dying."

Councilor Carbo laughed arrogantly, Wang Burt flicked his hand, and a black hole appeared out of thin air, swallowing half of Councilman Carbo's tentacles that traveled through the void.

Councilor Carbo's laughter stopped abruptly, he glared at Wang Burt, and controlled the Statue of Liberty to get up again.

The President hurriedly asked Magneto, "Magneto, can you still fight?"

Magneto wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said weakly: "Not for now, I want to take a rest."

Everyone was very disappointed, Wang Burt frowned: "Is Magneto so brittle?"

The professor said: "I sensed that Eric was already injured."

"I was injured in the first place? In other words, my fault?"

Wang Burt smiled mischievously. At this moment, the Statue of Liberty climbed up from the pit. Wolverine and Psylocke looked at each other and rushed towards the Statue of Liberty at the same time.

"Die to me."

Psylocke, standing on the Green Goblin skateboard, transformed into a purple sword more than 20 meters long, and slashed straight at the Statue of Liberty from the left. When the guests saw the familiar purple light, they burst into cheers.

"You can not."

Councilor Cabo threw a tentacle at Psylocke, and Psylocke retracted the long knife and slashed at the tentacle. Unexpectedly, the tentacle suddenly turned into black aura, and the long knife cut through the air.

Immediately afterwards, the tentacles condensed again and hit Psylocke fiercely. Psylocke flew in response, and the Green Goblin skateboard hurriedly flew over to catch her.

At this time, Wolverine rushed to the feet of the Statue of Liberty. With a loud roar, the claw blade pierced into the ankle of the Statue of Liberty. Then, he ran forward quickly, and three huge amounts of cracks were torn from the ankle of the Statue of Liberty.

Councilor Cabo snorted coldly, black aura emerged from Statue of Liberty's foot, and her ankle healed quickly. Then, Statue of Liberty turned her foot, and Logan flew backwards screaming, rolling on the ground non-stop.

"The Statue of Liberty is not difficult to deal with, the real difficult one is Congressman Carbo."

Wang Burt thought for a while, and used teleportation to take Wade aside.

It's not that Wang Burt has no way to deal with Congressman Cabo, but he doesn't want to waste money, so he decided to use cheap ones.

Wade asked vigilantly: "Boss, what do you want to do? Why do you feel that you are full of malice towards me?"

"Nonsense, am I that kind of person? Wade, I'll give you a chance to show off."

Wang Burt snapped his fingers, and a transparent coffin appeared beside him out of thin air, and the person inside was the devil-reformed Deadpool.

When Wade saw the magic reformed Deadpool, he looked disgusted: "Hasn't this guy been thrown into the garbage dump yet?"

"This is a baby, how can it be thrown into the garbage dump?"

Wang Burt said: "Wade, next, I will take your soul out and put it into this body."

"Take my soul out? Boss, can you even do this kind of thing?"

Wade was shocked, and then he waved his hands again and again: "Boss, I'm still young, for this kind of thing, you'd better find someone else, such as Logan, he won't die anyway."

"This body can only be used by you."

Wang Burt said angrily, soul possession is not a simple matter, the soul and the body must be compatible with each other, and it is not some kind of eye that can be used by taking it off and putting it in the eye socket, and it does not even need to be opened for driving.

"Boss, please allow me to refuse."

Wade shook his head and said, "No matter what, I won't enter this guy's body. As soon as I see him, I can't wait to tear him to pieces."

Wang Burt said lightly: "One time, five hundred thousand dollars."

"Boss, who do you think I am?"

Wade was very angry. He asked, "Before tax or after tax?"

Wang Burt said: "After tax, hurry up, other people can't stop the Statue of Liberty."

"After tax? I like it."

Wade smiled and said with a dedicated expression: "Boss, remember to be gentle."

Wang Burt rolled his eyes and slapped Wade on the chest, knocking his soul out of his body.

"It really came out?"

Wade looked at his fallen body with curiosity on his face. At this moment, Wang Burt grabbed his soul and stuffed it into the body of the demon-reformed Deadpool.

"Boss, be gentle, I'm in a little pain..."

Wade shouted, and in the next second, he completely merged into the body of the magically modified Deadpool, without any jerky, as if he was the owner of this body from the beginning.

Not only that, Wade also had a lot of information in his mind, information about this body.

"Wow, this guy is so ugly, yet he has so many abilities. No wonder the BOSS has been refusing to give up on him."

Wade wanted to marvel, but found himself speechless, rolled his eyes, this body is really annoying.

"Come on, Wade."

Wang Burt shouted: "Let them know how good you are."

Wade didn't speak, and went straight to Senator Carbo in an instant, and then, a long sword emerged from the back of his hand, and slashed at Senator Carbo viciously.

Councilor Kabo was taken aback and hurriedly avoided. Then, the black aura on his body turned into more than ten tentacles and smashed towards Wade at the same time.

Wade teleported more than ten meters away, and then, his eyes turned red, and two red lasers shot fiercely at Councilor Carbo, Councilor Carbo's tentacles were instantly blown off, and he hurriedly turned into a black mist to avoid it.

Seeing this, Wade pushed forward with both hands, and a large amount of electric current bombarded Mr. Carbo. Mr. Carbo screamed, changed back to his original shape and fell to the ground.

"Who is this guy? So powerful?"

Everyone was dumbfounded, even Magneto and the professor, who had never seen this Mutant before.

"His breath is a bit weird, like a laboratory product."

The professor's eyes flashed, this person may be Stryker's experimental product.

"How did this guy escape?"

Wolverine and Yuriko were a little startled, and turned their heads to find that Wang Burt was putting Wade's body into a transparent coffin.

Wade also saw it, he was very speechless, Boss, am I still alive?

It's a pity that Wade can't speak now, he rolled his eyes, teleported to Councilman Carbo, and slashed at him with a sword.

"Bug, die to me."

Carbo Councilor Rage, controlled the tentacles to knock Wade into the air. Then, he shouted loudly, and the black aura on his body swelled wildly, covering him completely.

When the black aura disappeared, a huge tentacle-covered monster appeared in front of everyone. What was even more weird was that the front of this monster had the face of Mr. Carbo.


The guests exclaimed in unison, Mr. Kabo, is it a demon crawling out of hell?

"How is this possible? It's actually the breath of hell?"

Wang Burt was astonished, he couldn't sense it before, but now, he was sure that the power of Councilor Kabo came from hell.

The thing is, there shouldn't be a hell on the planet Mutant.

"I feel like I need to pay more."

Wade's eyes turned red, and two lasers were shot at Councilor Carbo fiercely. Councilor Carbo controlled his tentacles to block the lasers. Then, the other two tentacles traveled through the void and tightly entangled Wade, trying to entangle him to death.

Councilor Cabo sneered: "Idiot, you have no idea how powerful I am."

At this moment, a dazzling electric light lit up on Wade's body, and his tentacles lost their strength due to the electric shock. Wade took the opportunity to teleport in front of Councilor Cabo, and two lasers shot fiercely at Councilor Cabo's big face.

Councilor Carbo used black aura to block the laser, and then he controlled a tentacles full of spikes to slam Wade hard. Wade wanted to teleport, but found that the space was disturbed and he could not teleport.

In the next second, countless spikes pierced into Wade's body fiercely, Wade let out a miserable scream, and the blood on his body poured down crazily as if he didn't want money.

After a while, Wade lost his breath and even closed his eyes. Councilor Carbo laughed and threw Wade out forcefully.

As soon as he got out of control, Wade immediately opened his eyes, and at the same time, the wound on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wade grinned, and teleported to Senator Carbo, then he swung the Adamantium long sword and chopped off one of Councilor Carbo's tentacles.

That is to say, Wade can't speak, otherwise, he will definitely shout "surprise"!

"He didn't die?"

Councilor Carbo was a little surprised, and while blocking the surrounding space, he controlled a large number of black aura to turn into air cones and shoot at Wade. Wade dodged one after another with high-speed reaction nerves.

Councilor Carbo was about to attack again when a black hole suddenly appeared next to his tentacles and swallowed two tentacles in, but it was Wang Burt who officially joined the battle.

"Bert King."

Councilor Carbo was very annoyed, and three tentacles slammed down on Wang Burt at the same time. Wang Burt smiled contemptuously, and teleported away. Then, he raised his hand to Wade and said, "I bless you."

"What's the use of blessings, it's better to pay more."

Wade complained secretly. At this moment, he sensed that he could teleport, and was overjoyed. He immediately teleported behind Councilor Carbo, two lasers shot out violently, and Councilor Carbo shouted in pain.

"How is this possible? Isn't the surrounding space blocked by me?"

Councilor Cabo looked disbelieving, and hurriedly waved his tentacles at Wade, who immediately teleported and launched an attack from another direction.

Wang Burt cooperated with Wade at the side. With his blessing, Congressman Carbo would never want to seal Wade—this is the blessing of the Lord of Space.

"I'm going to kill you."

Councilor Cabo, who had been beaten all the time, was furious and attacked frantically, but facing the two teleporters, he had no choice but to be beaten passively.

Wang Burt snorted secretly: "It's a pity that this guy has Self-healing Ability, otherwise, it only takes five minutes to beat him."

At the same time, the battles in other places are also in full swing. The X-Men, the security team, and the Mutant Brotherhood have joined forces to fight fiercely with hundreds of monsters, and they will not lose the wind at all.

And Psylocke, Liriko, and Wolverine besieged the Statue of Liberty together.

"What about the Statue of Liberty? I've even hacked meteorites."

Psylocke stepped on the Green Goblin skateboard, swung a purple long knife more than ten meters long and slashed at the shoulder of the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty raised a torch and threw it at Psylocke.

At this moment, Wolverine and Yuriko ripped off the left ankle of the Statue of Liberty at the same time. Without the help of Mr. Kabo, the recovery speed of the Statue of Liberty was far behind the speed of the destruction of the two.

When Wolverine and Yuriko ran to the heels, Statue of Liberty's foot was completely torn apart, and she couldn't help leaning to the left.

Psylocke took the opportunity to avoid the attack of the Statue of Liberty, and then she slashed at the arm of the Statue of Liberty. The right arm of the Statue of Liberty holding the torch was cut off instantly, and fell to the ground with a bang, kicking up a lot of dirt.

Seeing this, Magneto pushed his hand, and the arm of the Statue of Liberty flew towards the sea like a cannonball.

A lot of black aura emerged from the Statue of Liberty's arms, and she wanted to get rid of the restraints and fly back to her body. Magneto snorted coldly and controlled her arms to fly farther and farther.

Although injured, Magneto is always Magneto, and against one arm, it's not a big problem.

Seeing that the arm was sent away by Magneto, the three of Psylocke couldn't help being overjoyed, and continued to attack the Statue of Liberty with the Adamantium weapon. Without Councilor Kabo, the Statue of Liberty looked very clumsy, not a match for the three of them at all, and their bodies were torn apart one after another.

The Statue of Liberty is, after all, just an Elementary level magical creation.

(end of this chapter)

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