Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 453 Magneto's Request

Chapter 453 Magneto's Request

"Iron Man?"

The reporters were stunned. According to the rules of comics, adding the word xia (man) means superhero.

The reporters asked excitedly: "Mr. Wang, are you going to debut as a superhero?"


Wang Burt was stunned. I just wanted to give it a try. He said, "Maybe, sorry everyone, I'm going to take off the battle suit. You can go and interview the president. He contributed a lot in today's battle."

The billion dollars are all from the president.


The reporters looked disgusted. They had seen clearly how afraid the president was of death.

When the president heard Wang Burt's words, his heart moved. He walked up to the reporters and said loudly: "Just now, under my leadership, Mutant saved the world. I believe that you must have many questions to ask me."

"You led the Mutants to save the world?"

The reporters were speechless, no wonder you can become president, your skin is really thick.

Wang Burt didn't refute, and disappeared in an instant. Seeing this, Wade hurriedly teleported with Wang Burt, and he had to return to his body.

In the corner of the island, the nano-alloy on Wang Burt's body quickly retracted the round plaque on his waist. Wade was stunned when he saw this, and pointed his finger at what he wanted to say.

With a wave of Wang Burt's hand, Wade's soul was separated from his body. He was stunned for a moment, and then said, "I can finally speak, Boss, you have mastered nanotechnology? Wait, since you have nanotechnology, the previous industrial machinery is what happened?"

Wang Burt said with a smile on his face: "You didn't see anything just now.

Wade said excitedly: "But I clearly saw it. Boss, can you give me a set too? It's too majestic, much better than that broken body."

Wang Burt looked at Wade and said nothing, Wade suddenly reacted and said with a smile: "Boss, I didn't see anything just now."

"A child can be taught."

Wang Burt nodded in satisfaction, then he shifted Wade's body over, and then, with a point of his finger, Wade flew back to his body.

Wade climbed out of the transparent coffin and said, "Boss, I heard that there is a tradition in the East. When actors play dead bodies, the crew will give red envelopes to exorcise evil spirits. I think this tradition is good. Do you want to learn it too?"

"That's not exorcising evil spirits, but getting rid of bad luck. I said, you know a lot."

Wang Burt was speechless. He said, "Go back to the company tomorrow to get the check. By the way, the security team will show off tonight and will definitely be targeted. Be careful not to be infiltrated by CIA spies."

"Relax, no spies can infiltrate my team."

Wade said confidently: "By the way, can I tell the team members that the guy with no mouth is me? The original team members are fine, but the new team members are very dissatisfied with my human identity.

In fact, if it weren't for the BOSS's high prestige, they wouldn't obey my orders at all. "

"Whatever you want, it's not a big deal."

Wang Burt waved his hand and said, "After a while, I will make a special device that allows you to transform into Deadpool at any time."

"Deadpool? Good name, I like it."

Wade's eyes lit up, he thought of something, and asked, "By the way, Boss, is there another half a million after that?"

Wang Burt asked with a half-smile, "What do you think?"

"Definitely not."

Wade sighed, fortunately, this time, he can buy a new car for his wife.

"It's good to know."

Wang Burt snorted coldly. At this moment, Hank pushed the professor over, and the professor said gratefully, "Burt, thank you for your help. Without you, some students might be abducted by Eric this time."

"You don't have to be so polite, it's just as you go."

Wang Burt said: "By the way, will Magneto come to you again?"

"No, Eric is very proud, he won't do this kind of thing."

The professor shook his head and said, "Bert, regarding the candidate for the Minister of Mutant Affairs, I think Hank can do it."

"I'm a minister?"

Hank was stunned, he thought of something, and said bitterly: "Who would want a blue beast to be a minister?"

Wade smiled and said, "Dude, I think you're cute, I can vote for you."

Hank is speechless, should I say thank you?

"Professor, the candidate you recommend is definitely not wrong, and his image is just right. After the president finishes his press conference, I will take Hank to chat with him."

Wang Burt said that the Minister of Mutant in "X-Men3" is Beast Hank, and he should be competent.

However, Hank has little ability in intrigue and trickery, and is being played around by President Acton.

"Are you serious?"

Hank became more astonished: "Is this too hasty? We just met for the first time."

"I trust the professor."

Wang Burt said with a smile: "Although I don't agree with his philosophy, he loves Mutant more than anyone else, and he will not recommend an inappropriate person to be a minister."

"That's true."

Hank calmed down after hearing this, and he said: "I don't know if I can do it, but I will do my best to be a good minister."

"What you want is this kind of fighting spirit. I am optimistic about you."

Wang Burt laughed, and Hank can change his name to Hank · work overtime every day · McCoy in the future.

After deciding on this matter, the professor breathed a sigh of relief. He thought of something and asked, "Bert, do you want to know what Magneto asked the president?"

Wang Burt asked: "You know?"


Professor X. Voyeur said with a smile: "Eric made three requests. The first one is that the American government will provide him with a large sum of money."

Speaking of this, the professor secretly sighed, it is not easy to be in charge, both he and Eric have to worry about money.

How can you be the boss without money?

Wang Burt nodded: "It's a normal request, America has money anyway."

"Second request, release all Mutants in custody."

The professor continued: "The president didn't fully agree. He only agreed to release the Mutants under 10 years in prison. In addition, he promised to return all the Brotherhood's Mutants to Magneto."

"Release the imprisoned Mutant? Is he out of his mind?"

Wang Burt couldn't help yelling, Hank looked at Wang Burt in astonishment, not understanding why he was so angry.

"Once these Mutant criminals are released, 80% will commit crimes again. At that time, the public's attitude towards Mutant will change from sympathy to disgust."

Wang Burt said with an ugly face: "That is to say, all my hard work during this period will be wiped out."

Wade deeply agrees: "If there are Mutant crimes every day, the public will definitely be very dissatisfied. How could the president agree to such outrageous conditions?"

"Because he is about to step down, he has no taboos."

The professor sighed: "Bert, this thing is really bad. What's worse, we can't stop this thing. The anti-Mutant elements in the government will definitely promote this thing."

"I'm going to figure it out, and I'm not going to let Magneto ruin everything I've done."

Wang Burt snorted coldly: "Professor, what is Magneto's third request?"

The professor said: "The world is required to introduce a policy that does not allow the use of mutants for experiments. If it is violated, it will be the same crime as murder."

"This request is good, but unfortunately, countries and major companies will definitely continue to conduct experiments."

Wang Burt shook his head. At this time, the president had finished his press conference, and Wang Burt took Hank to find him.

"He becomes a minister? All right, you have the final say."

The president nodded happily. He is very Buddhist now, and he doesn't mind anything as long as it doesn't affect his interests.

Hank was a little speechless, isn't this too hasty?

Wang Burt asked: "Mr. President, did you promise Magneto to release the Mutant prisoners?"

The president nodded and said, "Yes, don't worry, I will keep my promise."

"I'm not worried at all."

Wang Burt complained secretly, he said: "Mr. President, these criminals are dangerous, and they cannot be put back into society."

"The thing is, I've promised Magneto, and as president, I can't go back on my word."

The president frowned and said, Magneto is so terrible, he dare not break his promise, otherwise, that guy might control the Statue of Liberty to smash the White House.

Wang Burt thought for a while and asked, "Mr. President, have you heard of labor reform?"

The President asked: "Definitely heard, Mr. Wang, what do you want to do?"

"Transfer Mutant prisoners to Cosmic Recycling Corp. so that if Magneto wants trouble, it's only me."

Wang Burt said that in any case, he would not allow these Mutants to return to society.

Perhaps because his life was saved, the president reminded him in a rare kind way: "Mr. Wang, you will get caught in the fire. Magneto is not easy to mess with. Moreover, once you fail to supervise, all the targets will be directed at you."

"I'm mentally prepared."

Wang Burt said: "Mr. President, I will be optimistic about them. By the way, Cosmic Recycling Company is about to go public. I will leave some original shares for you. The current market of Cosmic Recycling Company is very good."

Hank blinked, is this the legendary public bribery?

"Since this is the case, I will not say more, I will transfer the Mutant prisoners to your company."

The president stopped persuading him, he thought of something, and asked, "By the way, Mr. Wang, just now the assistant called me and said that there was no one billion dollars in the treasury, and I couldn't find the whereabouts at all, but there was a record on it, it was me. Withdrawn, did you transfer the money?"

"Get the money directly from the treasury?" Hank looked at Wang Burt in surprise, this is not a trivial matter.

"It's not that I transferred it, I don't have that kind of ability."

Wang Burt shook his head and said, "It was taken by a mysterious existence, definitely, only if you agree, otherwise, even that mysterious existence will not be able to touch the money in the treasury."

The president asked curiously: "There is a mystery?"

"Yes, after I got the Awakening Ability, I got in touch with that mysterious existence. As long as I sacrifice money, he will help me realize my wish."

Wang Burt said nonsense: "However, it is very expensive. The previous two Super Transfer gates cost a full 500 million US dollars."

"It's really expensive."

The president was deeply convinced, and he asked: "Then there are 500 million?"

Wang Burt said: "It became that battle suit. That battle suit was created by a bald scientist named Tony Stark in Otherworld. The mysterious existence gave it to me."

The president's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked, "Mr. Wang, can I buy another one?"

Wang Burt shook his head: "No, the things given by the mysterious existence are random. If you want to specify, the price will increase dozens of times."

"Dozens of times? Forget it, even if I am willing to buy it, Congress will not approve it."

The president shook his head helplessly, and he said with a headache: "I guess it will take several days to explain this billion dollars."

"It only cost a billion dollars to save so many people. It's a big profit."

Wang Burt laughed: "Mr. President, this is all thanks to you."

The president's eyes lit up and he laughed loudly: "That's definitely, I signed all the names."

"By the way, Mr. President, please don't tell others about my Ability, otherwise, they may target me."

"Also, this matter may not be over yet," Wang Burt said.

"it's not finished yet?"

The president was shocked, and Hank also looked serious. Wang Burt said: "Rep. Kabo is just a pawn, and there are other people behind him. Next, similar things may happen again."

"Then what should I do? Next time, you may not be by my side."

The president asked in a panic. Ordinary people can't stop those monsters at all.

Wang Burt said with a smile: "Mr. President, do you want a Mutant bodyguard? My security team is happy to serve you."

"You can have this, Mr. Wang, I will ask the Secret Service to formally invite your Universe Recycling Company."

The president is overjoyed. With Mutant protecting him, his safety will definitely be greatly improved. More importantly, with the Mutant of the Universe Recycling Company, Wang Burt will definitely not leave him alone.

As for other things, it's none of his business. He will step down in a few months, and saving his life is the most important thing.

"President Mutant's bodyguard?"

Hank's eyes lit up, Mutant became the president's bodyguard, and Mutant's image will definitely be improved a lot—even the president believes in Mutant, why don't we believe it?

After discussing various matters, the president took Hank to the reporters and shouted: "I announce that the Mutant Affairs Management Department is officially established. This Mr. Hank McCoy will be the first minister."

The reporters were shocked and kept taking pictures of the president and Hank with a hard face. At this point, the Mutant Affairs Management Department was officially established.

Wang Burt took a glass of wine and drank it silently, everything was just beginning.


"Shocked, Congressman Kabo intends to kidnap the presidents of the two countries and destroy the world"

"The Statue of Liberty Comes Alive"

"I am Iron Man"

Magneto, Man, or God? "

"America Saves the World Again"

Burt King, The Strongest Mutant

"The Mutant Affairs Management Department was formally established, and the blue Beast became the minister"

"The president is suspected of embezzling one billion dollars, and Congress will hold a hearing"

"The President: I Lead the Mutants to Save the World"

"The President Will Recruit Mutant Bodyguards"


The next day, the whole world was reporting what happened on Ellis Island. The people were stunned. I only slept for one night. How could the world almost be destroyed?

When the people read the newspaper, they were even more surprised. It was the Mutant-hating Congressman Carbo who wanted to destroy the world, and the reason was so nonsense that it was all the world's fault!

To their even more surprise, the Mutant saves the world, and even the infamous Magneto steps in to help.

Wang Burt, who was the main player last night, undoubtedly became the focus. Countless people were discussing his Ability and battle suit. That cool battle suit made him instantly gain a lot of fans.

"Boss, you are more popular than me now."

Holding a pile of newspapers, Psylocke sighed at Wang Burt. Wang Burt shrugged and said, "It can't be helped. Who made me look so handsome? Speaking of which, I'm considering whether to officially debut and become a superhero. "

(end of this chapter)

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