Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 480 Shadow

Chapter 480 Shadow

Quicksilver wanted to stop himself, but he couldn't. Seeing that he was getting farther and farther away from the police station, he shouted dissatisfiedly in his mind: "Professor, are you controlling me again?"

"When did you have the illusion that you are not under my control? Pietro, in fact, you have always been under my control."

The professor smiled and said, "I didn't expect Eric to have such a big son. I wanted to talk to you a long time ago."

In fact, the professor also has a son, but his son is a super big pit, the kind that will destroy the world when released——his son is an Omega-level Mutant, with a personality and a super-ability, er, how many does his son have? Thousands of personalities.

Quicksilver yelled, "You're really spying on Brotherhood, you're a voyeur just like the old man said."

"Aren't you the same?"

The professor laughed: "These days, who hasn't visited Brotherhood's room? You even went to check if Mystique has a wardrobe."

Quicksilver was suddenly embarrassed, and he argued, "I'm just curious."

"You are just too lonely, Pietro, you are a good boy, Brotherhood is not suitable for you, I sincerely invite you to join Mutant Academy, we will have a lot of common language."

The professor said that this time he used the brain wave strengthening device, half for Burning Man, and the other half for Quicksilver.

Quicksilver blinked. "Common language? You mean we all like to peek at that?"

The smile on the professor's face froze a little, he now kind of understood why Magneto was so angry, what a brat.

Leaving aside the matter of the professor and Quicksilver, Astra was a little confused at the moment, didn't Quicksilver act? Why is there nothing going on with the X-Men?

"This kid is really unreliable."

Astra cursed secretly. At this time, he saw Cyclops put his hand on the glasses, immediately changed the molecular density and sank into the ground. Cyclops snorted unhappily and fired lasers at others.

The Mutants of Brotherhood dodged one after another, and one of the Mutants hid in the corner, with its palm aimed at Cyclops, a bone flew out of his palm at an alarming speed, and shot straight at Cyclops.

Cyclops hurriedly dodged, the bone drew an arc in the air, and continued to shoot at Cyclops, at this moment, a sound wave sounded, the bone exploded in the air with a bang, but it was the sound wave that shot.

Bone Mutant wanted to continue attacking, when a bolt of lightning fell on him from the sky, and he fell to the ground with a scream.


Storm was about to attack the others when a wave of air hit her and she fell like a kite with a broken string.

"Storm, I said it a long time ago, don't stop in one position in the air, it's no different from a live target."

Sonic, who was wearing a yellow flying squirrel suit, complained, using the sonic to fly into the sky, and launched sonic attacks one after another towards the Brotherhood Mutant below.

The Brotherhood Mutants dodged one after another. The Spring Mutant kicked his feet hard and flew into the sky to hug Sonic. The two entangled and fought in the air.

"Brotherhood's Mutant, as tough as ever."

Cyclops was about to fire the laser again, Astra jumped out from the ground, and slammed his fists at Cyclops, Cyclops turned around to avoid it, and kicked Astra in the chest.

Astra didn't move at all, and then he pushed his chest hard, and the Cyclops flew upside down and hit the wall - after changing the molecular density, Astra's body was stronger than steel.

Astra was in control, chasing Cyclops and attacking non-stop, Cyclops hurriedly turned around to avoid, Astra smashed big holes in the wall one after another.


In the command room, Officer George's face was a little ugly. It seemed that a large repair fee was inevitable.

One of the cops asked, "Captain, should we go out and help? Most Mutants can't stop a bullet."

"It's true that they can't stop bullets. The problem is, we can't stop their super abilities either. Let's see first."

Officer George sighed, and said, "By the way, that super-fast Mutant has never appeared. Everyone, be vigilant and don't be careless."

"Yes, Captain."

All the policemen nodded one after another. They didn't know that a black shadow had sneaked into the police station—sneaked in from the ground, and his Ability turned into a shadow.

It is worth mentioning that this Mutant who can turn into a shadow is not from the Mutant Brotherhood, he is the elite Mutant shadow of Hellfire Club, and the Black King sent him to help release the Burning Man.

Why did Black King do this? Definitely for revenge on Iron Man—Iron Man is powerful, and the Black King is not sure about fighting head-on, so he plans to use Burning Man, or in other words, use Brotherhood to deal with Iron Man.

Pyro hates Iron Man deeply, and after he is free, he will definitely hate Iron Man. He is from Brotherhood. If he makes a move, Brotherhood will definitely help. In this way, Brotherhood will face Iron Man head-on.

Once Brotherhood and Iron Man officially start a war, Black King will be able to reap the benefits. At that time, no matter which side loses, he will be very happy, because both sides are his enemies.

Black King is not the kind of reckless man who fights and kills, he eats brains.

While the police station was fighting, X-Men Xuexu was waiting for the plane in the waiting room.

Xuexu is an island native, with purple hair and a petite body. At this moment, her brows are full of worry. The reason is very simple. The owner of Yashida, who adopted her, is seriously ill and is in danger.

"The owner has been looking for Wolverine and hopes my message will be of use to him."

Xuexu secretly thought that the reason why she became an X-Men was because of the Patriarch's intention. The Patriarch has been looking for Wolverine since more than ten years ago. As for the reason, she doesn't know. She only heard that Wolverine is the Patriarch's savior.

The preoccupied Xue Xu didn't notice a figure quietly walking behind her, and then, the figure raised his hand, and stabbed the syringe quietly at the back of Xue Xu's neck.

Xue Xu felt something was wrong and wanted to avoid it, but found that he could not move. Then, a long needle pierced Xue Xu's body, and Xue Xu's consciousness gradually blurred.

"It's done, it's so easy, I shouldn't have attacked Mutant Academy last time, this method is obviously more useful."

Toad in the cloak smiled triumphantly, then, he walked up to Xue Xu, pretending to be her companion, and helped her to go outside. Mutant, who had just fixed Xue Xu's shadow, followed them quietly to protect them.

Leaving aside the matter of Xue Xu, in the police station, shadows quietly came to the detention room, where there were policemen everywhere, and they were watching Fireman from all directions to prevent him from escaping.

"It's useless, I will definitely be free, and then I will burn you all to death."

Pyro John said with a grim face: "No one can insult me ​​Pyro without paying the price, no one!"

The policemen didn't speak, just looked at Pyro silently, their eyes were similar to caring for mental patients.

The eyes of the police made Pyro even more annoyed, and he shouted, "You ordinary people should die, the future world belongs to us, Mutant."

"For the record, intent to exterminate ordinary people is a racial hate crime under new Mutant Affairs rules."

A civilian police officer said while recording: "John Burning Man, you were almost innocent, but now, sorry, you will serve at least a year in prison."

Burning Man was dumbfounded, what's going on? When the police saw his appearance, they all laughed, making you arrogant, so you fell down now, right?

"I will definitely kill you."

Pyro roared, at this moment, he sensed something, looked towards the corner suddenly, and found a lit lighter there.

The Pyroman didn't know who put the lighter there. He only knew that he could finally take revenge. With one move of his hand, the flame on the lighter swelled into a fireball and hit the policemen.

"Where did the fire come from?"

"Get away!"

The policemen were shocked and ran away one after another. The next moment, the fireball exploded among the policemen, and the policemen were blown out, hitting the wall with a bang bang bang.

Some of the policemen fell into a coma on the spot, while others lay on the ground and wailed loudly.

"Hahaha, I made you laugh, can you still laugh now?"

The Burning Man laughed loudly, he controlled the flames and burned the iron locks of the iron fence, and then he walked out of the prison, ready to burn all the policemen to death.

The blue devil who received police officer George's call for help suddenly appeared in the detention room. When he saw the situation here, his expression changed, and he hurriedly shouted at the fire man: "John, don't make the same mistakes again and again. We have found evidence for your matter. You will soon be released without charge."

"It's too late, Blue Devil, I don't want to be a superhero anymore, I just want revenge now."

Pyro raised his hands, and the surrounding flames burst into flames. The blue devil was shocked, hugged Pyro in a hurry, and teleported him outside the police station.

"let me go."

Pyro put his hands together and beat the blue devil's back hard. The blue devil was knocked down to the ground. He controlled his tail to wrap around Pyro's neck and flipped him over.

Seeing the Fireman appear, Astra, who was fighting the Cyclops, immediately shouted to the others: "Fireman."


The Air Mutant pushed towards the Blue Devil. The Blue Devil screamed and was sent flying tens of meters away by the air wave.

Storm controlled the wind and rolled the air Mutant into the sky, and at the same time shouted: "Kurt, take Burning Man back to the academy."

"I don't want to go back to the academy, I want to burn down this police station."

Pyro roared, and with a move with his right hand, the flames of the detention room flew out from the window and hovered in the sky. Immediately afterwards, the flames rapidly expanded and turned into a huge amounts of fireball.

"Quick, leave the police station."

Police officer George was shocked and shouted in a hurry. The policemen lost their souls and fled with their injured partners.

"The strength of this burning man is very powerful."

Astra couldn't help being overjoyed, he shouted: "Fireman, set the surroundings on fire, let's take this opportunity to leave."

"Why leave? I'm going to burn them."

Burning Man grinned ferociously, and controlled the fireball to hit the police station like a meteorite. At this moment, the Blue Devil rushed over and sent him flying with his head.

Without Pyro's control, the fireball exploded in the air, and the flames scattered everywhere. Because the police station was too close, it gradually burned.

In Kosha County, Texas, Greed saw the battle at the police station through one eye, and couldn't help laughing: "The fight was really intense, Rage, we can start now, remember what I told you, don't reveal your identity."

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid."

Rage of the child's File size gave a ferocious smile, and led a group of believers who had been subdued during this period out of the basement to the downtown area.

Looking at the pedestrians around, Rage was very excited. He lifted the motorcycle next to him and slammed it hard into the crowd. With a bang, more than a dozen people were thrown out, bloody and bloody, and died tragically on the spot.

The people were stunned, looking at Rage and the others with horror on their faces.

"For my god, destroy this small city."

Rage yelled, the believers cheered loudly, took out guns from their bags and shot wildly at the crowd, countless people screamed and fell down.

The screams and blood excited the believers, and what surprised them even more was that every time they killed a person, they got stronger, which was a reward from God.

"This is a miracle! God, I will definitely complete your mission."

The believers went crazy and killed everyone they saw. Rage laughed loudly, picked up an iron rod and rushed into the crowd and waved it wildly. Pedestrians were thrown out one after another and died tragically on the spot.

In the blood, Rage's body gradually grew, which meant that his injuries were getting better.

"It's wonderful. It seems that God has been paying attention to us."

Holding an AK with a greedy look on his face, with such a powerful god, what are they afraid of?

Not only in Khosha County, but also in America, Canada, and Laomo, there are dozens of places where similar things happened. Evil believers held weapons, massacred people frantically, and offered sacrifices to their gods.

There is also a group of such cults in Broome County, New York State. Their leader is a man in a wheelchair. He has an eye between his brows and keeps firing beams of light. Each beam of light takes one or several lives.

After killing twenty or thirty people, the wheelchair man felt something, stood up tremblingly from the wheelchair, and then tried to walk forward, almost fell at first, but soon, his steps became normal as stable as people.

"Hahaha, Lord of Destruction, you are the only god in the world, and I want to spread your glory to the whole world."

The wheelchair man laughed. Three months ago, he was paralyzed in a car accident, and his girlfriend abandoned him because of it. He fell into despair.

At this moment, he heard a greedy speech, he had nothing, he chose to kill his ex-girlfriend to believe in the Lord of Destruction, and everything that happened now proved that his original choice was not wrong.

"My god is immortal."

Seeing the man in the wheelchair stand up, the believers became more fanatical and shot desperately at the people, they wanted to offer sacrifices for the gods.

In the headquarters of Mutant Affairs Department in New York, Hank immediately called Wang Burt: "Burt, it's not good, the evil believers have launched."

Wang Burt appeared next to Hank with Yuriko, and said, "The specific situation."

Hank said: "We have received a lot of calls for help, saying that someone is killing people in the street, it should be those bloody evil believers."

"How many places have evil believers appeared?"

Wang Burt asked. At this time, the phone rang, but it was the police chief who called: "Bert, help, there are three places in New York state where evil believers appear."

Wang Burt replied: "I see, send me the location, and I will rush over immediately, Director, you are in command, if you need anything, please contact me immediately."

The chief said: "Okay, Iron Man, please."

After Wang Burt put down the phone, Hank said, "Roughly, there are thirty or forty places where evil believers appear."

(end of this chapter)

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