Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 487 Jealousy

Chapter 487 Jealousy

Wang Burt shrugged and replied: "It's not a big problem, because you have no luck."

Wade was speechless: "Boss, I think you don't have to be so honest."

"Go on, that's right, Wade, the security company has stepped up training, the quieter the evil believers are now, the bigger things will happen in the future."

Wang Burt said: "The disaster half a month ago must never happen again."

"Boss, don't worry, I will try my best to train those recruits so that they can be used as soon as possible."

Hearing Wang Burt's words, Wade first patted his chest to assure, and then suggested: "Boss, I suggest recruiting some mercenaries, they can complement Mutant."

"This can be done, but it must be strictly controlled, and people from the military cannot be allowed to mix in."

Wang Burt said: "In addition, you have to guide the atmosphere so that Mutants don't conflict with ordinary people. My goal has never been for Mutants to rule the roost, but for Mutants to live in peace with ordinary people."

Wade said confidently: "Leave it to me. I'm super good at creating atmosphere. Everyone calls me the little prince of atmosphere."

"Why do you feel like you've heard this before?"

Wang Burt complained secretly, motioning for Wade to leave with Domino. At this moment, his phone rang, but it was from the invisible man.

"Boss, when can we kill the bastard Francis? He is not human at all."

The invisible man gritted his teeth and cursed, in order to force those experimental subjects to Awakening mutant genes, Francis has been inhumanely torturing those experimental subjects. To be honest, that's the way hell demons are.

What's more, he not only made Mutant, but also sold Mutant as a slave to those warlords and gangs, which can be said to be devoid of conscience.

If Wang Burt didn't let the invisible man do it, the invisible man would have torn the bastard to pieces.

"I know what kind of bastard he is, but it's useless to kill him alone. We have to disintegrate the entire group."

Wang Burt said: "The Invisible Man, you continue to follow him and find out everything about him and the group. In addition, find out the general behind him and lock up the evidence. At that time, I will make a big news and bring them to justice." All exposed."

"Like the church one?"

The invisible man asked, some time ago, Psylocke exposed the church where Fire Fist was located, and those disgusting guys were not only ruined, but also thrown into prison.

Therefore, Fire Fist no longer escapes from prison, but he still fights with Wade every day. How should I put it, the relationship between father and son is very harmonious.

"Much bigger than that."

Wang Burt said: "The military will definitely attack us next time, and we need ammunition to completely defeat them."

The invisible man said: "I know what to do, none of those scumbags will be spared."

"Definitely can't let it go, there will be a time of reckoning."

Wang Burt said: "The invisible man, be careful, don't startle the enemy, and also, pay attention to your own safety."

The invisible man replied: "Yes, BOSS."

After the communication was over, Wang Burt put down the phone and sensed a drop of blood in his heart that was different and glowing with colorful lights.

In this drop of blood, there is a super big tree with tens of thousands of branches. Those branches are colorful and look very gorgeous. However, only a small part of the trunk of the super big tree is solid, and the rest are all phantoms.

Wang Burt concentrated his thoughts on a branch, and a large amount of green poisonous gas emitted from the branch, which is a highly poisonous mutant gene from a poisonous snake.

That's right, the branches on this big tree are all mutant genes, there are tens of thousands of them, and the trunk is the source of the mutant genes that Wang Burt has been studying—Wang Burt is using the mutant genes to deduce the source of the mutants.

"It took more than a month to analyze hundreds of mutant genes. It seems that I have to use the money ability to speed up the time. Anyway, I don't lack money."

Wang Burt thought to himself, although he has only analyzed hundreds of mutant genes, his harvest is huge amounts of - he has unlocked the origin of 5% of the mutants.

Even though 5% is not much, this 5% mutant origin has made Wang Burt's mutant ability several times stronger. At the same time, he also has two more special abilities, two extraordinary special abilities.

Some people may be wondering, why does Wang Burt suddenly have such a strong research ability?

It's very simple, because he is the god of creation, and he has a strategic position - if Wang Burt's body is here, he can decipher the source of the variant in a few hours.

Wang Burt muttered to himself: "When I finish cracking the source of all mutants, I will be the god of Mutant."


Mutant Brotherhood, Magneto, who wears presbyopic glasses to study blueprints, suddenly received a 'video' request from Professor X, he snorted coldly and closed his eyes.

When Magneto opened his eyes, the surrounding turned into a small garden. The professor held a cup of steaming tea and said with a smile, "Eric, long time no see, how about some tea?"

Magneto snorted coldly: "I don't want to see you stubborn at all. Also, this is the world of consciousness. Would you like to drink tea?"

"It's called ritual."

The professor smiled, put down his teacup, and said, "Eric, I want to have a good chat with you."

"What are you talking about? About me exchanging Xuexu for the Red Devil?"

Magneto asked, Ten days ago, the Mutant Brotherhood exchanged the Red Devil with Xuexu. In order to ensure Xuexu’s safety, the professor and the others did nothing. Although the Red Devil is very special, in their hearts, it is far inferior to An X-Men.

The blue devil thought the same way, and he fully agreed to exchange the red devil for Xuexu.

"That incident is over, Xuexu has returned to the island country."

The professor said: "Eric, thanks to Burt's efforts, Mutant affairs management departments have been established in various countries, and the situation of Mutant is improving rapidly, and it has never been better."

Magneto snorted coldly: "It's just getting better on the surface. Humans are very despicable creatures. They will turn their faces in a short time. Wolves and sheep cannot live together."

"We are not wolves, and they are not sheep."

The professor said: "Bert gave us a very good start. Next, as long as we work hard, humans and mutants will be completely integrated together, regardless of each other."

"Charles, after all these years, you are still so naive."

Magneto sneered, "The Higher Ones are just using us, and I bet they're working on something that will destroy us."

"That's just a part of the high-level human beings."

The professor said: "Most human beings want to live in peace with Mutant, Eric, come back, let's fight for Mutant together, just like before."

Magneto's expression changed, but he immediately returned to indifference. He said: "Charles, I still say the same thing, you and Bert Wang are on the wrong path. Humans and Mutants cannot live in peace. If you want to protect Mutants, only One method, that is to eliminate humans."

"Eric, it's you who is really stubborn."

The professor couldn't help shaking his head, he said: "Eric, if you don't agree, I don't force it, but I hope you don't make trouble during this time, the situation that Bert won so hard cannot be destroyed.

In addition, now is a sensitive period. If you make trouble, the government will definitely let Burt kill you. I don't want to see Mutant killing each other. "

Magneto sneered: "It seems that you regard that kid as your heir."

"He is not my heir. He is better than me. He has done things that I have not been able to do for decades."

The professor sighed: "To be honest, sometimes I really feel that he is sent by God to save our Mutant."

"God? If there is a God, human beings would have been cleansed by God long ago."

Magneto snorted and said, "Charles, I won't promise you anything, Mutant Brotherhood, will always fight for Mutant."

After speaking, Magneto's body disappeared from the consciousness space, the professor smiled, although Magneto didn't promise anything, but he felt that Magneto was going to keep a low profile for a while.

Magneto is indeed going to keep a low profile for a while, but this is not because he approves of Wang Burt's line, but because he wants to concentrate on researching the 'Mutant transformation device'.

Once this device is successfully researched, Magneto will let everyone know that he was right.

Magneto found the Red Devil, handed him a stack of documents, and said, "Red Devil, notify all branches that Brotherhood has entered the incubation period, try not to cause trouble."

"Why? Magneto, the X-Men are held back by evil believers. We should take this opportunity to weaken the academy as much as possible."

The Red Devil asked with some dissatisfaction. Obviously, he still couldn't forget the Blue Devil.

Magneto sneered: "Are you teaching me how to do things? Or did the Bibles of the blue devil make you stupid?"

"Sorry, I lost my temper."

The Red Devil was startled, bowed his head and said, "I'll send the documents to other branches immediately."

After speaking, the red devil turned into red smoke and disappeared. Magneto snorted, called Mystique Raven, and said, "Raven, I want you to disguise yourself as a senator and infiltrate high-level human beings to collect intelligence."

Mystique asked: "Senator? Wouldn't it be Senator Kelly? He has a bad reputation, and he has been missing for months, and his sudden return will definitely arouse suspicion."

Magneto said: "No, it's another senator. I sent you her information. She hated Mutant and killed Mutant herself."

Mystique said bitterly: "I like to deal with this kind of people the most, don't worry, leave it to me."


Magneto nodded, he was confident about Mystique, and then he took out the blueprint again and began to study hard again.


"What, enter the incubation period?"

In the New York branch, Burning Man John heard Astra's order and shouted in dissatisfaction: "Why are we lurking? We should rush out and burn Iron Man to death, burn those despicable humans to death."

"And you want to burn Iron Man too? One wave of his hand and you'll be turned into jelly."

Quicksilver sneered and said, "Haven't you watched the video of Iron Man dealing with evil believers?"

"Give me enough fire, and I can burn even Iron Man."

Pyro yelled, "I joined Brotherhood, I didn't come to be a coward, and I'm going to make Iron Man and those humans pay."

Pyro yelled loudly, but not many people supported him. On the one hand, everyone did not believe that he could beat Iron Man at all. On the other hand, everyone respected Iron Man—although the route was different, Iron Man was Mutant Everything they do, they know very well.

In addition, the Mutant Brotherhood is not a terrorist organization. They will not burn down a street for no reason. They used to act to basically save other Mutants.

Definitely, Pyro is not without supporters, there are a few Mutants who hate human beings to support Pyro and oppose the hidden order.

"Enough, this is Magneto's order, and you must obey."

Astra shouted: "Pyroman, from now on, you are not allowed to leave the branch, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Pyro was very angry when he heard the words and couldn't leave the branch. What's the difference between that and going to jail?

Pyro wants to resist, but there are too few people who support him, so he can only return to the room unwillingly.

"Damn it, I didn't expect the so-called Magneto to be a coward. If this continues, when will I get revenge?"

Pyro cursed, he turned on the TV irritably, and found that the news was reporting on the second firefighter——Iceman!

"After the fireman was arrested, there was a serious problem with the firefighting system in the city because all the firefighters have been fired."

The reporter said: "At the critical moment, Iceman stood up and fought the fire instead of Fireman. He was different from the arrogant Fireman. He was humble and approachable. More importantly, he was recognized by Iron Man. Iron Man said that Iceman has The potential of superhero..."

Bang, the TV was smashed by Pyro with the remote control, Pyro's face was grim, Iceman actually betrayed him!

"Bobby, I won't let you go. Also, Iron Man, why do you approve of him but not me? Is there anything I can't compare to Iceman?"

Pyro kept roaring. At this moment, he suddenly remembered what Greed had said. He hesitated, closed his eyes and contacted Greed: "Greed, I won't join you, but I can cooperate with you to deal with Iron Man."

"Cooperate? Why do you cooperate with our Church of Destruction?"

Greed was a bit disdainful, and he was about to say something, but at this moment, the consciousness of original sin came, and he said to Huo Ren, "You are full of hatred, why don't you want to believe in me?"

Feeling the consciousness of original sin full of evil, Burning Man trembled all over. He didn't dare to hide it, and said honestly: "I don't want to part with this colorful world."

"Stupid, this is just a false world, not worthy of your nostalgia, Burning Man John, believe in me, I will take you beyond, to the real world."

Original sin sneered, using black aura to erode Pyro's soul, Pyro instinctively felt something was wrong, and tried his best to resist.

"John, with your strength, you can't beat Iron Man at all. In fact, you can't even beat Iceman."

Yuan Sin said slowly: "If you want revenge, you can only believe in me. I will give you strength and let you become my messenger. At that time, everything you want will be available."

"I'll have revenge, I'll burn Iron Man, I'll burn Iceman, I'll burn those bastards who abandoned me!"

Burning Man's consciousness was quickly filled with anger, and after a while, he shouted: "Lord of the World, I am willing to believe in you."

"Very well, from now on, you are my third messenger, jealous."

Original Sin nodded in satisfaction, and sent a large amount of black aura into Pyro's body. Pyro gradually burned up and turned into a real Pyro. However, the flames on his body were black, full of death and ominous breath.

(end of this chapter)

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