Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 489: Crushed

Chapter 489: Crushed

"This is President America!"

The president's panic made Wang Burt very dissatisfied. This guy's ability was much worse than Acton's. He walked aside and said, "Calm down, you are a president."

"I was a little too nervous."

The president came to his senses, let out a sigh of relief, and said with a wry smile: "I didn't have a chance before, and it didn't matter. Now that I have a chance, I'm a little worried about gains and losses."

From having a chance to no chance, and then from no chance back to having a chance, the president's mentality was obviously affected. Wang Burt said with a smile: "Don't worry, nothing will happen with me. Speaking of it, it's a good thing." Chance."

"What opportunity?" the president asked.

"It's a good opportunity to change your image, Your Excellency, you are now holding a press conference to declare war on evil believers and express that you will do your best to protect the people of America."

Wang Burt said: "To put it simply, it is to create a tough guy image, uh, you can add some slogans, for example, let'America return to the safety of the past' or the like."

"Tough guy image? The people of America like tough guys."

The president's eyes lit up, and then he thought of something, and said hesitantly, "Bert, if this messes up, I will step down immediately."

"Don't worry, this time the evil believers have no conspiracy, they are simply killing people."

Wang Burt said: "With guards and security companies present, evil believers will be suppressed soon. You can perform on stage, and I will take care of it if something happens."

"Okay, I'll hold a press conference right away."

The president nodded and asked the secretary to prepare for the press conference. Then, in front of the reporters, he shouted very forcefully: "America will not be afraid of evil believers. Any evil believer who dares to stand up will definitely be killed by us." wipe out.

Folks, don't be afraid, if you find a cult, report it to the Mutant Guard immediately, and we will rush over to help you as soon as possible.

Please believe me, believe in Iron Man, we will not let you down, what happened half a month ago will never happen again, I, President Richard, assure you, I will make America safe again. "

Looking at the passionate president on TV, the public asked with question marks on their faces. Is the president being controlled by others or is he suffering from a mental illness? How could he become such a tough guy?

The military is also dumbfounded. Could it be that the president is pretending to be Iron Man?

Candidate Acton frowned. President Richard suddenly changed shape at this time. Could it be that he wants to be re-elected?

"Impossible, no one will choose him at all, and there is only more than a month before the general election, and it is too late for him to do anything."

Acton shook his head. The reason why he dared to get so close to the military and to grab power unscrupulously was because he would definitely become the president.

With the current situation, unless God descends, Richard will never be re-elected.

Over the next two hours, the Mutant guards and security companies tried their best to fight against the evil believers. With their efforts, more and more evil believers were eliminated.

Under the tempering of actual combat, the Mutant guards and security companies matured rapidly, and their combat effectiveness increased linearly. At the same time, the frequency of evil believers began to decrease.

This ebbs and flowed, and finally, the combat teams of the Mutant Guards and the Security Company began to become redundant. As long as the evil believers dared to appear, a team would teleport over and destroy the opponent immediately.

"This test has basically passed. However, evil believers will become the norm in the future and will appear every day."

Wang Burt nodded secretly. Wade and the Blue Devil contributed a lot to the smooth operation. The Teleportation Ability is really easy to use. The big guys in the military are all drooling.

At this time, the president called Wang Burt and said excitedly: "Burt, we won, and I will immediately develop a press conference to announce the good news."

Wang Burt said with a smile: "I remember the tough guy image."

"Don't worry, I won't forget, please call me tough Richard in the future."

The president said proudly: "By the way, there are also many evil believers in other countries. Lao Mo, Canada, and Europa have been asking for help. Should we send reinforcements there?"

"Old Mo and Da Canada will take care of me. As for Europa, let's talk about it in a few hours. The Blue Devil and Wade are a little tired."

Wang Burt said unhappily: "Those bastards, let them set up the Mutant Guard, procrastinating, half a month, even the regulations have not been settled, they deserve to be attacked."

"The group of dilapidated households in Europa are so inefficient."

The president sneered and said, "It's not like me. I built the guard in half a month. By the way, I can focus on publicizing this. I, Richard, am a capable person."

"Didn't I mount it by force? Acton has done more than you."

Wang Burt complained secretly, he said: "Good idea, show off, you have experience, so I won't say much, you can figure it out, I will deal with the evil believers."

The president laughed: "Which American president doesn't know how to put on a show?"

Putting down the phone, Wang Burt snapped his fingers, and a nano battle suit appeared beside him out of nowhere, and then he ordered to the nano battle suit: "I am in charge of Lao Mo, you go to deal with the evil believers in Canada."

The nano battle suit issued a male voice: "Yes, sir, please input enough space energy for me so that I can teleport."


Wang Burt put his hand on the nano battle suit to recharge it. After a while, the battle suit nodded to Wang Burt and disappeared instantly.

Hank, who had been busy all day, asked curiously: "Bert, does your battle suit have artificial intelligence?"


Wang Burt nodded, the intelligence of the battle suit is equivalent to the J.A.R.V.I.S before Vision, and under normal circumstances, it is enough.

As for artificial life, we will get it out later, there is no rush now.

Hank asked excitedly: "I'm also studying artificial intelligence, can you let me get in touch with it?"

"No problem, in the future, it will replace me as a superhero and protect America."

Wang Burt said with a smile, he has so much time to deal with evil believers every day, the nano battle suit is the best substitute.

Even better, Wang Burt can transfer his consciousness to the nano battle suit whenever he needs it, so that he doesn't have to worry about anything wrong with the battle suit.

Hank asked in amazement: "Is it a superhero? Is it smart enough?"

"Definitely enough, Iron Man produced, must be a boutique."

Wang Burt smiled and said no more. Then, he took out his mobile phone and called President Mo.

Old President Mo received a call from Wang Burt and shouted excitedly: "Mr. Wang, you are finally free."

President Mo had called Wang Burt before, but Wang Burt must focus on America, after all, he is from America on the surface.

Wang Burt said: "Give me the location of all the evil believers, and I will do it right away."

Old President Mo said: "Okay, I'll let someone pass the position to you immediately, Mr. Wang, if you need any help, please feel free to ask, we will fully cooperate with you."

"Let's have some music."

After receiving the documents, Wang Burt smiled and disappeared out of thin air.


Old President Mo was a little dumbfounded, what does Iron Man mean, and what music should be played at this time?


In any country, there will be patriots, and Lao Mo is no exception. Under the call of the president and Iron Man, many Mutants joined Lao Mo's guard, but they did not expect that the task would come so quickly and be so difficult.

In a certain city, Juan, the captain of the guard who turned into a gorilla, was blown away by a powerful evil believer, and fell heavily to the ground, causing a cloud of dust.

"Die to me, government lackey."

The three-meter-tall bald-headed evil believer grinned ferociously, holding a sledgehammer to beat Juan to death.

"team leader."

The eyes of an old Mo girl lit up red, and a fire was burning on the bald evil believer. The evil believer hurriedly rolled on the ground to extinguish the fire. Then, he grabbed the stone next to him and smashed it hard at the old Mo girl.

"Earth wall."

Another team member slapped the ground hard, and an earth wall rose to resist the smashing stones. With a bang, the earth wall shattered and the stone rolled aside.

The evil believer got up from the ground and rushed towards the old Mo girl fiercely. Seeing the tall figure and hideous face of the other person, the girl was so frightened that she even forgot to use the Ability, and turned around to run away.

This girl, half a month ago, was a salesperson in a supermarket, and her behavior couldn't be more normal.

The earth wall Mutant raised an earth wall to stop the evil believer, but the evil believer crushed it with his shoulder. Then, the evil believer kicked the earth wall Mutant, and the earth wall Mutant screamed, spitting blood and flying backwards.

The evil believer laughed out loud. He was about to chase after the old Mo girl again. Juan struggled to get up from the ground, roared, and rushed towards the evil believer.

"court death."

The evil believer smiled disdainfully, picked up the hammer, and prepared to completely eliminate Juan. Although Juan knew that he was not the opponent's opponent, he had no intention of retreating at all. He wanted to learn from his idol Iron Man and try his best to protect the country. The President of Mexico followed the example of Wang Burt to instill faith in the Guard.

At this moment, a figure appeared in the sky out of thin air. He raised his hand towards the evil believer, and the evil believer disappeared suddenly.

"You guys are doing a good job."

The figure nodded approvingly to everyone, then disappeared, it can be said that it came and went in a hurry.

"Iron Man!"

Juan and the others were very excited, but unfortunately, before they had time to say anything, Wang Burt disappeared, which made them quite disappointed.

At this moment, the evil believer fell from the sky with great horror, and smashed a big hole in the ground with a bang.

The old Mo girl looked at the 'meat sauce' in the pit, and said with admiration: "Iron Man is really powerful, the evil believer that we can't fight together, he just raised his hand and solved it."

Juan said very excitedly: "That's definitely, that's Iron Man. If he comes, our country will be saved."

"I heard that Iron Man is our general manager. In the future, he will train us. I wonder if it's true?"

Old Mo said: "A lot of Mutants are here for this, ah, I didn't ask Iron Man for an autograph just now, what a pity."

"Iron Man is busy saving other people, how can I get your autograph?"

Speaking of this, Juan suddenly remembered Mutant, and hurried over: "Uh, Jacques, how are you?"

"What do you say?"

Earth Wall Mutant said weakly: "Please call an ambulance for me, thank you."

Wang Burt was indeed busy saving people. He kept teleporting and raising his hands, and the evil believers started free landing one after another.

Half an hour later, Wang Burt stopped and called the old President Mo: "Most of the evil believers have been solved, the rest, you can handle it yourself, if you can't handle it, call me, I will Now go to another country."

After finishing speaking, Wang Burt put down his phone and teleported to other countries to deal with evil believers. He was very busy.

Old President Mo held the phone and asked in disbelief: "How long has it been since Iron Man has eliminated all the evil believers?"

A female secretary said excitedly: "Mr. President, everything is really solved. There are no red dots on the map."

"Half an hour, Iron Man only took half an hour to eliminate all the evil believers in our territory."

Old President Mo exclaimed: "He is really amazing."

"Iron Man is not a human..."

The female secretary suddenly said, Old President Mo turned his head suddenly, and dared to insult Iron Man, who gave you the courage? From now on, you will not be allowed to gain a foothold in any inch of Lao Mo's territory.

"He is simply a god, no, he is a god, he is the reincarnation of God, and he is specially here to save us."

The female secretary said with a look of admiration, the old President Mo rolled his eyes, please finish speaking, I almost called the guards to drag you out.

"Mr. Wang is definitely a god. With him around, Lao Mo doesn't have to be afraid of anything."

Old President Mo nodded repeatedly. He decided to send someone to promote Iron Man. The higher Iron Man's reputation, the more stable his position, because Iron Man was invited back by him.

Old President Mo thought to himself: "I want to tie myself to Iron Man. From now on, Iron Man will be my god."

The campaign to wipe out the evil believers didn't come to an end until night—it was just that the Americas came to an end, and Europa was still in full swing.

Hank handed Wang Burt a bottle of Coke and said, "Burt, your efficiency alone is higher than ours combined. Those presidents have been thanking you and giving you awards."

"The strongest Mutant, the efficiency is definitely high."

Wang Burt took the Coke and said: "Hank, next, unless the evil believers make a big attack, I won't take another shot, and the battle suit will act instead of me."

"You are the trump card, you definitely can't play every day."

Hank had no objection, he said confidently: "Today you can get rid of evil believers with such a mess, and it won't be a problem in the future."

"Very well, Wade will bring a security company to cooperate with you."

Wang Burt said: "By the way, when you interview, mention President Richard more and give him some credit."

Hank asked puzzledly, "That's fine, but Bert, what's the point?"

"You will know in the future."

Wang Burt didn't say much, because Hank didn't dislike Acton, he even thought Acton was a good guy, in fact, many X-Men thought so.


Hank knew that he had no political wisdom, so he stopped talking and turned around to hold a press conference to report what happened this time.

The Mutant Guard is off to a good start.

Wang Burt secretly thought: "It's a little bit to change the image, anyway, the IQ of the people in America is generally not high."

(end of this chapter)

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