Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 499 Mutual Calculation

Chapter 499 Mutual Calculation

"Because Galactus is my defeat."

Wang Burt shouted at Yuan Sin: "Original Sin, you have no idea who you are fighting against."

"Although your body is the God of Creation, you are only a duplication after all, and I will not let you go."

Original Sin raised his hands, and countless chains flew out of the void, locking Galactus' fist, preventing him from destroying this illusion.

Wang Burt smiled contemptuously, Galactus let out a roar, and all the chains snapped, and then, He raised his fist and slammed it down again.

Original Sin gritted his teeth, and infinite black aura emerged from behind him, forming a huge amounts of Black Angel. Immediately afterwards, the Black Angel raised his hands, firmly blocking Galactus' fist.

The heart of original sin is bleeding, these black aura are his main harvest during this period, once it is exhausted, the seal will gradually recover, that is to say, all the efforts he has made during this period will be turned into running water.

But the original sin had no choice, he had to hold back Wang Burt—once Wang Burt's consciousness returned, it was impossible for the Red Devil to complete the sacrifice, Iron Man was too powerful.

"I see how long you can hold back?"

Wang Burt snorted coldly, Galactus increased his strength, and Angel's knees gradually bent in pitch black, his face was full of pain, and it was obvious that he was about to fail.

The original sin gritted his teeth, turned into a ball of black aura and rushed into Wang Burt's body. Wang Burt's consciousness suddenly fell into darkness. When he regained consciousness, he found himself traveling to the Marvel world and becoming a S.H.I.E.L.D agent.

It was the original sin that pulled Wang Burt into a dream. In the dream, Wang Burt's memory was blocked and everything started again.

It is worth mentioning that this method is very dangerous, once the dream is broken by Wang Burt, the original sin will be backlashed.

At the entrance of the S.H.I.E.L.D New York branch, Wang Burt looked at the streets of New York that should have been unfamiliar, and for some reason there was a very familiar feeling, as if he had been here for many years.

"It shouldn't be. I, Mr. Wang, have never been abroad, and I rarely even watch New York documentaries."

Wang Burt frowned a little, feeling something was wrong instinctively, at this moment, a female agent with a good figure walked up to Wang Burt and asked, "Bert, why are you in a daze?"

"Maybe I didn't sleep well."

Looking at the real Black widow in front of him, Wang Burt was a little excited-before time travel, he was a fan of Black widow, er, he was a fan of appearance and figure.

Black Widow smiled and said, "Didn't you invite me to watch a movie last week? Today is just free, let's go to the movie theater together."


Wang Burt was overjoyed. Next, he met the widow sister that countless people dreamed of, but he was not very excited because the sense of disobedience became more and more serious.

"Widow sister is not so easy to hang out, right? What's more exaggerated is that she refused to use her body to seduce the target for me? It's unscientific no matter how you think about it?"

Wang Burt complained secretly, but having said that, although it is unscientific, it is very cool-such a big beauty, loves herself wholeheartedly, and lets herself get what she wants.

Then, Wang Burt met Iron Man Tony Stark. After some simple operations, Tony became Wang Burt's younger brother. He did whatever Wang Burt asked him to do, and even gave Wang Burt a steel battle suit.

"Although it's cool, is this really Tony Stark? How could that bratty guy be so obedient?"

Wang Burt shook his head and continued to live in the Marvel world.

The next thing can be summed up in three sentences. Wang Burt got all the beauties that appeared in the movie, such as Hill, Skye, etc. What's even more outrageous is that they live in harmony without any contradiction.

Wang Burt got countless younger brothers, such as Ant-Man, Spider-man, Captain America and so on.

Wang Burt kills all enemies, such as Loki, Mala Chicken, Thanos, etc.

In the end, Wang Burt became the master of the earth, and on the earth, the wind is the wind, and the rain is the rain.

"Hey, original sin, isn't this dream too much?"

The sense of disobedience was too strong. Wang Burt woke up and complained: "There is no sense of reality at all. At least you can add a Gold Finger like 'Protagonist Halo' and 'Wang Ba Qi', so that I can see it."

As soon as Wang Burt finished speaking, the dream was destroyed like glass, and the original sin flew out of Wang Burt's body, which was full of cracks like porcelain about to break.

"You are the God of Creation, I can't spy on your memory, so I don't know what you dreamed about."

Original Sin said slowly: "I just magnify the desire in your heart and let you get everything you want."

"At least with some logic, this routine was out of fashion ten years ago."

Wang Burt said: "Bad review, a big bad review."

"Although the dream is not very good, the reality is good, Iron Man, you lost."

Original Sin grinned, the spirit body was shattered, and then Wang Burt's consciousness returned to the body.


Wang Burt snorted secretly. He raised his head and looked towards the sky, and found that all the runes on the altar had been lit up. Immediately afterwards, the descendants of the Red Devil screamed at the same time, and their souls flew out of the body uncontrollably and were swallowed by the altar.

Wang Burt snorted coldly, and suddenly appeared next to the blue devil, and slapped his soul back with his palm. Then, with a wave of his hand, the blue devil returned to Mutant Academy out of thin air.

"It's useless, Iron Man, you're too late."

Greed laughed, and a large number of black aura emerged from the altar to replace the blue devil, but the original sin had already been arranged-the space here was blocked by Wang Burt. Without the original sin, the red devil would never have succeeded.

With enough energy, the altar lit up with a dazzling light, and a beam of light rose into the sky, opening a space vortex in the sky.

Opposite the space vortex was a desolate and desolate world. As the breath of the earth spread to this world, the ground suddenly shook violently. Immediately afterwards, one after another withered figures crawled out of the ground.

Looking at the vortex in the sky, a skinny figure shouted ecstatically: "The breath of the earth, I feel the breath of the earth."

"That's right, it's the breath of the earth, we can go home now."

The other devil-type Mutants shouted excitedly that the world is poor in materials. In order to survive, they can only bury themselves in the ground and sleep, and all this will pass, and they will soon return to their hometown with abundant materials, where they have everything want something.

"Go home!" "Go home!" "Go home!"...

All the demons shouted these words at the same time, and then, dragging their weak bodies, they flew towards the space passage with great excitement—they had been asleep for too long and could not use teleportation.

"My people, you are finally coming back."

The Red Devil knocked Psylocke into the air with all his strength, and then he teleported to the door of the space vortex to meet his fellow kin.

Psylocke rolled in the air and landed firmly on the Green Goblin skateboard. Her face was quite ugly, but she still let the Red Devil succeed.

At this moment, a figure appeared behind the Red Devil, with a light swipe of his finger, a beam of space light flashed, the Red Devil's neck was severed, and the wound was extremely smooth.

The Red Devil's head fell from the sky, and the excitement from before still remained in his eyes. He never imagined that he would be killed at the moment of success.

"Success? Did you ask me?"

Wang Burt snorted coldly, condensing a large amount of space energy with his hands, and then, he pushed forward hard, the space energy blasted into the space and vortexed into a black hole with a diameter of about half a meter.

Interferenced by the black hole, the space vortex became chaotic, and there were space cracks everywhere.


The demons uttered desperate cries, but they didn't stop. They still rushed towards the space vortex. They had suffered pain for thousands of years, and they didn't want to bear it any longer.

At this moment, with a flash of black aura, all the demons exploded at the same time, their flesh and souls turned into a blood-black big hand, and then, the big hand smashed through the black hole of space, protruding out of the space vortex and imprisoning Wang Burt Hold it firmly in the palm of your hand.

A triumphant voice sounded from behind the space vortex: "Iron Man, I finally caught you."

Wang Burt's complexion changed, and he asked in a deep voice: "Your target is not a demon, your target is me from beginning to end, right?"

"Definitely not a demon, just a thousand demons, what is it to you Iron Man?"

Original Sin said: "The Red Devil thought he could plot against me, but he didn't know that I plotted against him from beginning to end."

While talking, the original sin pulled Wang Burt into the space vortex. It is worth mentioning that the coordinates of the space vortex have been changed by the original sin. This space vortex now leads to hell.

Once Wang Burt is dragged into hell, his death will come, and hell is the home of original sin.

"Iron Man."

Seeing that Iron Man was captured, everyone couldn't help being shocked. Psylocke hurriedly controlled the Green Goblin skateboard and flew towards Wang Burt. At this moment, an eye appeared in front of her, and it became bigger and bigger, enveloping it completely.

Psylocke kept swinging the long knife to cut through the eyes, but all the lights of the knife appeared out of thin air, unable to hurt the eyes at all.

As for the others, they were stopped by Rage, Burning Man and others. Original Sin laughed again: "Iron Man, you are dead, wait for me to destroy this world, and we will play slowly."

"Damn, original sin, you are too despicable."

Wang Burt roared, the original sin didn't care, he dragged Iron Man into hell as fast as possible, then, he didn't talk nonsense like other villains, he directly controlled a mountain to smash towards Wang Burt, poor Wang Burt was smashed to pieces on the spot Sauce.

"Iron Man is dead, who else in the world can stop me from destroying the world?"

Original Sin shouted excitedly, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "I finally know where hell is."

Original Sin was taken aback, and hurriedly looked towards the earth, only to find Wang Burt standing on the ground with a sneer on his face.

"Is Iron Man okay?"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, sure enough, Iron Man was not so easy to kill, he was Iron Man.

Yuan Sin shouted in disbelief: "That was just a phantom?"

"No, it's a duplication. I created a duplication with a drop of blood. That drop of blood has completely merged into your hell. Original sin, wash your neck and wait for me to kill you."

Wang Burt said with a smile on his face, if you want to kill the original sin, you have to take two steps. The first step is to find hell, and the second step is to go to hell to kill him.

Now, the first step has been completed. For the second step, Wang Burt's strength is not enough, and he must deduce the origin of the variant to a higher level.

Uh, there is another way, that is, to rob the treasury of America and the Federal Reserve, and kill to hell with several trillions.

A few trillion dollars is enough to completely seal the original sin, after all, He was already in the seal.

Original Sin shouted: "Why do you know my arrangement?"

"Because I'm Iron Man."

Wang Burt said with a smile: "I'm not dead, no matter how many arrangements you make, it's useless, so you will definitely find a way to kill me.

If you want to kill me, there are only two ways, one is to arrest me in hell, and the other is to kill a large number of human beings, break through some seals and come to earth.

There are not many human beings here, so you must use the first method, which is to use the altar and the demons to catch me into hell.

I just wanted to find out where the hell is, so I decided to ask you to bring the blood duplication back to hell to form a mark.

Original sin, I didn't release the water, do you think the Red Devil can succeed? By the way, do you want to know how much water I put in? "

"Iron Man, I won't let you go."

The original sin roared, casting Ability with greed, Rage, Pyro, and the rest of the Mutant and cultists disappeared.


Wang Burt took out a stack of banknotes and shouted: "50 million dollars, everyone will leave it to me."

Accompanied by the voice of Wang Burt, the Mutant and the evil believers who had just disappeared all resurfaced and fell to the ground cracklingly. Greed, Rage, and Burning Man, the three messengers, kept flickering in the void, obviously original sin was protecting them.

"Another fifty million."

Wang Burt shouted again, the original sin gritted his teeth, controlled Pyro to turn into a mass of huge amounts of flames, and blasted towards Iceman and the others like a meteorite.

Original Sin shouted: "Iron Man, once Pyro Man explodes, all your people will die."

Wang Burt cursed and shouted: "10 million dollars, force Burning Man to return to its original state."

The flames on Pyro died quickly, and then he hit the ground with a thud, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Taking this opportunity, Original Sin disappeared with Greed and Rage.

"Greed and Rage must be planning some big plan, and original sin won't work so hard to get them away."

Wang Burt's eyes flickered slightly. He walked up to Burning Man and said with a sneer, "Isn't this going to be the master of Brotherhood and burn Iron Man's Burning Man to death? Why are you so downcast now?"

Burning Man ignored Wang Burt, he looked up to the sky and roared in grief and indignation: "Master of the World, why did you even abandon me?"

Iceman walked up to Burning Man, put his hands on his shoulders, and shouted: "John, the Lord of Destroyer is not a good person. Come back to the academy with me. The professors have been waiting for you. They really haven't abandoned you."

"Can I still go back?"

Burning Man looked blank, and Iceman hurriedly said, "definitely yes, Burning Man, come home with me."

Burning Man seemed to be moved, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go home with you."

"It's touching, but I don't know why, I feel Kiriki is angry."

Wang Burt made complaints from the side, and Iceman turned his head when he heard the words, and said sincerely: "Iron Man, Fire Man has made a mistake, please forgive him, I promise you, he will correct it."

"If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is nothing good about it."

Wang Burt smiled, and Iceman was beaming with joy. He was about to say something when Wang Burt suddenly raised his hand and pointed out. A small black hole suddenly appeared and swallowed Pyro's head, and Pyro's headless body fell to the ground , burns into flames and recovers quickly.

(end of this chapter)

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