The top floor of the Jupiter building!

The entire floor is also the chairman’s office, and the vacant office has naturally been worked by Lucini in it.


The door slowly opened.

The female secretary carried a notepad in her hand, wearing a black professional skirt and high heels, and entered the door, “Director…”

It was a man who came into view, she was stunned hesitantly, she was subconsciously ready to call the guards in, but those personal female guards were all standing on the side of the hall.

That respectful look made the female secretary dismiss the idea for a while, and at the same time a bold idea could not help but float.

“This is the chairman, why are you standing?”

“Ah! Be! ”

Hearing this familiar voice, the female secretary carefully handed the document in her hand to the red flower wooden table, and Yu Guang looked at the man sitting on the sofa in front of him from time to time.

The cold temperament revealed between the edges and corners made her feel sincere appreciation and admiration.

However, she realized that Lucini came over, and suddenly stood a little nervously.

An Chen held the document in his hand, and couldn’t help but scan the words on it, the flow chart of the entire next meeting?

“Everyone has arrived?”

“It’s all here.” Lucini looked at her watch and said.

“Then go meet them now.”

An Chen stood up.

The figures of the ladies in the spacious offices around suddenly did not dare to slacken and stood up one after another.

Today’s Jupiter Financial Investment Company does not manufacture anything, not even a single screw.

But with the investment department in hand, the entire financial and economic market has become prosperous, is the largest warship empire on Wall Street, and is also the world’s premier multinational corporation today.

Hundreds of square meters of circular meeting room.

Full seat!

Nothing is missing!

Because they had all received orders from Duchess Lucini to arrive this morning, even the executives on vacation in other parts of the world did not care about it, and ran back in an instant.

“Never received such an instruction?”

“Which big man is coming?”

“It won’t be that person, will it?” An Asia-Pacific executive thought of the rumored figure.

But many people in the crowd looked at a fat man sitting in the front row, “You should always give me some wind.” ”

The fat man just made a face, shook his head with a smile and a gentle attitude, and was not moved at all.



The door to the meeting opened at once.

A group of figures came into view, led by a strange handsome young man, which made everyone feel a little strange, but at the same time, a bold idea in their hearts was undoubtedly confirmed.

Just when everyone stood up and bowed their heads in welcome.

A fat figure ran over in an instant, it was the breezy fat man just now, and I saw that he came to the front very flatteringly, and said respectfully, “Supreme, you are back!” ”

An Chen raised his eyebrows, looking at this familiar figure, he couldn’t help but laugh, “Nicks butler, I haven’t seen you for a long time!” ”

More than ten years of time, but let him completely step into time, the flesh wrinkles on his face are a lot more, but seeing that hippie and smiling face also made An Chen recognize him in an instant.

“Go back and sit.” Rita on the side said.

Under An Chen’s nod, the figure in the oval office slowly sat down.

It’s all about Lucini’s relationship as a woman, almost half of a woman, but all of them are some unfamiliar faces.

High-ranking officials were also very unfamiliar with Anchen, and even the first employees to enter Jupiter had never seen this legendary figure.

However, such a young and handsome face did not dare to make people despise, especially the majesty that faintly leaked out, which made people nervous.

“That’s right, I’m the chairman of this company, and today is the first time I’ve met with you.”

An Chen said with a smile.

In the first twenty years since its establishment, it has not come, and it is enough to shake the palm cabinet like this.

He flipped through the information in his hand, and here was a copy of Jupiter’s financial report, and the taxes paid around the world in a year alone were much higher than the annual gross domestic product of some small countries, which was simply terrifying.

“You two did a good job!” An Chen said.

Although thanks to his status as a prophetic traverser, the assets he began to invest in were all shares that would rise rapidly in value in the future, but relying on this alone, it would never be so inflated to this point.

Lucini, who was sitting next to the chief, and Rita just smiled.

He glanced at it casually, not mentioning the economic benefits brought by the military industry sectors such as Stark Enterprises and Wayne Group, just the Hollywood entertainment companies he invested in for some malicious purposes were almost all good tools for making money.

Of the nine major Hollywood entertainment companies, Jupiter has invested exclusively in six.

The entire military industry sector is also taking over the special package, and most of it will be invested together.

Oil and energy have also been swallowed up by most of the investment.

Famous beverage industry, luxury brand industry, top car brands, etc., clothing, food, housing and travel are all on offer.

And this is just one part of the investment of Jupiter’s commercial aircraft carrier, there are also commercial banks, financial insurance and other businesses, which are prosperous, but make An Chen, a layman, unconscious.


Although a layman.

However, since he had a living planet, because of the relationship between them, An Chen’s brain processing speed was simply heavenly, and the economic knowledge he didn’t understand in the past was like a stream of Dao information, which was almost instantly figured out by himself.

Most of the people in the conference room breathed a sigh of relief when they received a praise.

For this strange chairman, most older people have heard rumors about him to some extent, the squandered and unparalleled Duke of the Rhein, this is everyone’s first impression of him.

Some people who had been so old that they had even vaguely heard the rumors of slaughtering nobles inexplicably raised a trace of awe.

With awe, after discussing some matters, everyone ended the meeting.

The entire Jupiter Building also instantly spread the news of the chairman’s presence.

“Boss Lucini is not the boss?” Some even asked laterally.

“You’re stupid! That’s just the executive director, I heard that the chairman is a god man, but unfortunately I didn’t see him. ”

Under the words of discussion, the person behind the Jupiter Empire’s aircraft carrier finally showed his face to the world.

Return to the wide oblong penthouse office.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the height of more than 500 meters above sea level is enough to look out the window, that is, the entire New York city at a glance.

“Standing here is like stepping on the whole city.”

An Chen said with a smile.

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