"May, keep an eye on Creel at all times. Remember, you can only monitor him, don't alert him."

In the Airbus base of SHIELD, Coulson, whose hairline has receded significantly, said with a serious expression and a steady gaze.


In the Alexander block, Agent May rode a motorcycle and followed a red and white pickup truck at high speed. Inside the pickup truck, Carl Creel looked panicked. On Creel's right arm, a crystal clear crystal was embedded in his arm, and Creel's entire arm had turned into rubber.

"Damnit (Damn it)"

Krill’s face was livid, his eyes were full of fear, and he punched the steering wheel. He had gone through untold hardships and finally completed the task assigned by Hydra, but what made Krill angry was that this damn 084 was actually offsetting his ability, or in other words, his ability could not devour and transform this substance.

Back in his cabin, Carl Krill looked panicked. While contacting Hydra, he tried to release his ability. His whole body was changing rapidly, stone, rubber, steel, but without exception, Carl Krill still could not devour the obelisk.

"Damn it, answer the phone quickly."

Carl Krill took out a mobile phone from the corner of his hut and dialed the number quickly. He seemed to be irritable and excited.

"Paxson Park, bring the obelisk here, and your mission is complete."

The cold and ruthless voice of the Hydra agent sounded in the communicator, which made Carl Creel's eyes even more irritable, but Carl Creel, who had been successfully brainwashed, could not resist the orders of Hydra at all.

Not far from Creel's cabin, Melinda May, an elite agent of SHIELD, was operating a high-tech monitor. The monitor clearly transmitted the conversation between Carl Creel and SHIELD.

"Paxson Park? We finally caught a big fish. Skye, Tripp, Hunter, go to Paxson Park to set up defenses."

In the Airbus SHIELD base, Coulson's eyes flashed with excitement. After so many days of deployment, they were finally able to close the net. This time, the person who would hand over to Carl Creel would definitely be a high-ranking member of Hydra.

However, just as Coulson's order was passed down, the android Agent Koenig in the base came over with a serious look in his eyes.

"Coulson, there is a guy on Line 1 who claims to be your old friend and wants to talk to you."

Agent Koenig looked at Coulson with a hint of seriousness on his short and fat face. Facing Coulson's questioning eyes, Koenig shrugged slightly.

Coulson clicked on the communicator in front of him and picked up the phone. Rena's voice came out clearly on the phone.

"Coulson, it's been a long time since we last met."

It was still Alice Bar. Reina, wearing a decent printed dress, had eyes that seemed to be able to speak. Her smiles and frowns were amazing. She was an angel beauty.

""Reina, you haven't been caught by our SHIELD yet, or have you officially joined Hydra?"

Coulson's eyes were full of ridicule. It was Reina who led the Centipede Project, and to be honest, Coulson admired Reina's ability. She was just an ordinary person, but she was able to deal with Hydra and SHIELD without being discovered.

"Hydra? No, Hydra is a thing of the past, isn't it? Once the mystery is exposed, it becomes ordinary and boring, and I don't want to be that kind of person."

Reina gently shook the red wine in her hand. As for Hydra, Reina simply disdained it. Or, after learning that these people were just a group of ordinary people, Reina lost interest in cooperating from the bottom of her heart.

"You called me, you don't want to chat, do you?"

Coulson looked at Agent Koenig, who was tracking Rena's phone call on the device in front of him, but it would take some time, which was why Coulson was willing to chat with Rena.

"Let me guess, you must be tracking me down now, but I'm sorry to disappoint you, my boss told me to tell you not to interfere in the affairs of Paxson Park, otherwise...You will bear the consequences at your own risk."

A smile appeared on Lena's face, and she hung up the phone after saying this. In

Paxson Park, after a series of chases and surveillance, Carl Creel finally came here. At the same time, before Carl Creel came, the Hydra organization had paid enough compensation, some extremely rare diamonds. There were pedestrians all around, but Carl Creel still saw Sunil Bakshi, a senior Hydra executive sitting on a bench.

In the Airbus base, Coulson was also on high alert. In Paxson Park, Coulson had already arranged his men. Agent May, Skye, Tripp, and Hunter had been lying in ambush all around, waiting for Coulson's order to catch Carl Creel and Sunil Bakshi in one fell swoop.

"Mr. Bakshi, I have brought the 084 you asked for."

Carrying the box, Carl Creel sat opposite Hydra agent Bakshi, turned his back to Bakshi, and handed the box to him.

"Very good, obedience will earn you rewards, well done, Mr. Clear."

Bakshi smiled, his eyes full of excitement, this was what Mr. Whitehall wanted, and being able to complete Mr. Whitehall's task was the greatest honor for Bakshi.

"Very good, now is the time to act.

Seeing that Bakshi had relaxed his vigilance because of the box in Krill's hand, Coulson picked up the communicator and directly issued an order to capture him.


"Got it."

Skye and May walked out of the crowd, pointed their guns at Carl Creel, and pulled the trigger.

"Bang, bang."

In the park, gunshots rang out, and the passers-by were in chaos. Carl Creel's body on the park bench turned directly into wood. The bullets hit Creel's body, but only brought out some wooden wedges.

"F***K, it's SHIELD, those damn, haunting guys."

Agent Bakshi's face was gloomy, he directly picked up the briefcase in front of him, and ordered Creel to stop the SHIELD people.

"Hey, Boss, it's time for me to see your power."

Just as Agent Bakshi was about to leave Paxson Park, a man and a woman appeared in front of him. Bakshi was very familiar with the woman, who was once John Garrett's subordinate, Rena, while the other man was covered in a robe and hood, and his face could not be seen at all.

"As you wish, beautiful little flower, Ms. Reina."

Alens glanced at Reina beside him, a smile appeared on his lips, his tone was very gentlemanly, and he raised his right hand at the same time.

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