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In the sky, a huge blue light circle opened, just like the portal that appeared in the sky above the New York War. Inside the portal, a terrifying steel monster with a huge and ferocious body opened its scarlet mechanical eyes, swayed its body gently, and swam quickly.


The Leviathan monster roared, and a sound wave instantly swept the entire Avengers Alliance. All the Fury warriors who were running before stopped.

"F**K, the Leviathan is alive."

Standing beside Coulson, Tony Stark could no longer remain calm, his mustache curled up, showing how surprised Tony was.

In Siberia, in Baron Strucker's Hydra base, Tony Stark had seen this Leviathan before. He hadn't paid much attention to it, after all, the Leviathan had been sleeping, but now it seemed that Tony Stark knew he was wrong, extremely wrong.


In the sky, the heavy Leviathan dived down quickly, and the surrounding air turned into rolling air waves that swept down. The fierce hurricane even made it impossible for the people on the ground to open their eyes.

Bang, bang, bang.

The Frey clone troops on the ground had no expression on their faces, and the scepter-like firearms in their right hands released blue rays of light.

Bang, bang, bang.

The blue teleportation light hit the Leviathan in the sky, but it was unable to teleport this behemoth away, and could not even hurt the Leviathan at all.

"Kill them, Leviathan."

Inside the iron suit, the corner of the mouth of the No. 3 mechanic curled up a sneer, and directly issued an attack order.

Click, click, click.

Following No. 3's order, blue beams were released from both sides of the big Leviathan, bombarding the ground like missiles.


Blue beams fell from the sky, and more than a dozen Fury warriors on the ground were the first to be blown away. The remaining twenty or so Fury warriors could only dodge awkwardly when facing the beams falling from the sky.

"Thor, now is the time for you to show your power.

Tony Stark looked solemnly at the Leviathan beast above his head and warned him.

"I am a god, the son of Odin, Thor Odinson, a mere Leviathan, die."

Thor swung Thor's hammer and rushed straight to the Leviathan from the ground, shouting his own name at the same time, holding Thor's hammer high, lightning and thunder flashed on the hammer, and smashed it directly at the Leviathan.


Thor's power hit the Leviathan, directly smashing it down more than ten meters, and lightning was raging on its body. Some of the steel components that made up its body failed, which made the Leviathan roar.


The Leviathan's mechanical eyes flashed with ten red rays, and its gaze locked onto Thor in the sky. It bared its sharp fangs and spurted out a thick red beam of light."


Facing the energy attack of the Leviathan, Thor had no choice but to swing Thor's hammer and defend himself in front of him, blocking the red beam of light.


However, the real target of the Leviathan was not Thor. After releasing the beam of light, the Leviathan dived down directly, opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed the remaining twenty or so Fury warriors and the road under its feet into its mouth.

"Sit, Coulson, I think we should retreat.

Tony Stark saw that the supporting clone troops were all wiped out, a drop of cold sweat appeared on his face, and he turned to Coulson and said


Coulson's eyes were also filled with fear. He had seen Thor jump onto the back of the Leviathan, holding up Thor's hammer and smashing it down.

"Boom boom."

The Leviathan beast obviously couldn't bear the power of Thor, and was smashed directly into the ground, plowing a huge gully in the ground, and then flew directly into the air.

Boom, boom, boom.

The Leviathan beast flew into the air again, and the metal scales on its back opened up. The muzzles of the guns were aimed at Thor, and beams of blue light shot towards Thor.

"Well, this Leviathan has obviously been transformed."

Faced with the numerous blue beams of light, Thor could only temporarily avoid the sharp edge and quickly flew away from the Leviathan, with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

"Boom, boom, boom."

Thunder God dodged, but the Leviathan turned around and turned its body upside down, and beams of blue light slammed into the ground. Coulson and others could only flee in a panic.

Agent Barton, Agent Natasha, and Captain America Rogers were also helpless when facing the beams in the sky. They could only dodge in a panic. However, facing the dense beams, even Captain America was in danger at this time.


The secret warrior Yoyo who was beside Coulson disappeared instantly and reappeared the next second, carrying Hawkeye and Natasha in both hands. He disappeared again and reappeared again. Captain America Rogers returned to Coulson's side. Yoyo has the superpower of moving quickly and returning to the original place instantly, similar to a yo-yo, so everyone calls him Yoyo.

"Quick, Savior, open the landing capsule."

Beside Coulson, Fitz quickly operated a control panel, and a white landing capsule was released from the bottom of the Savior Quinjet above his head. The landing capsule quickly landed and wrapped Coulson and others in it.


The Leviathan monster's mechanical eyes stared coldly at the Quinjet, and its huge body quickly swam towards the Quinjet, its huge body covering the entire Quinjet.

"Hey everyone���, your opponent is me."

In front of the Leviathan, Thor flew over, waving Thor's hammer rapidly with his right hand, and then smashed the Leviathan's chin with one hammer. The huge force forced the Leviathan's body to stop, and it opened its sharp teeth and bit Thor.


The huge mouth closed, and Thor quickly left the place before the Leviathan bit him. Even with his divine body, Thor did not dare to take the bite of the Leviathan.


Because of Thor's obstruction, Coulson and others quickly returned to the Savior Quinjet. Melinda drove the Quinjet and quickly moved away from Seoul.

"Did he run away? No problem, he's just a clown."

Mechanic No. 3 looked at the fleeing Quinjet and didn't chase it. Instead, he flew directly to the top of the Leviathan beast and looked at Thor with cold eyes.

Under No. 3's gaze, Thor's body was flashing with lightning and thunder, waving Thor's hammer and flying quickly into the distance. Obviously, Thor, knowing that he was no match for the enemy, also ran away.

"It's running pretty fast. How's the main body doing?"

Mechanic No. 3 was aware of the same thing and asked.

"The pineal gland is almost complete, and next, it is time to pull the Mind Stone.

4 The voice was more solemn than ever before. The Mind Stone is one of the six Infinity Stones and has supreme mental power. The next plan must not have any mistakes.

PS:The third update, it is now available. Robbie is begging for the first order. Please subscribe and support me. Robbie thanks you again. Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe. I have to say it three times. Why can't I vote? It's really annoying.

Allens: The Mind Gem allows me to see distant planets.

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