“Good” Pang An nodded lightly and then motioned for Ross to open the hatch, and then jumped off the plane in the shocked eyes of Bruce and Betty next to him.

“Are you crazy? Who is he? You should know how strong this monster is,” Bruce looked at Ross with an incredulous expression.

“If he’s not an opponent, he can only blame himself,” Ross said thoughtfully, ignoring Bruce’s rant.

On the ruined streets of Broadway

“This is my first time making a name for myself in the world, but I have to play beautifully, so that I can make a lot of money, there should be reporters here,” Pang An slowly floated to the street, thinking in his heart, and scanned left and right.

Don’t say, it really let Pang An find a beautiful reporter shivering in a car holding a high-definition mobile phone to shoot, especially the arrival of Pang An made this beautiful reporter immediately shine in front of her eyes, and even ran out with fear.

“Hello, are you Mr. Pang An?” The beautiful reporter said to Pang An while filming.

“Yes, I am Pang An,” Pang An said lightly.

“Great, I’m Christine from Vanity Fair, are you here to deal with that yellow monster?” The beautiful reporter said excitedly.

“Good” Pang An nodded, if memory serves, this beautiful reporter should be the beautiful reporter in Iron Man One who interviewed Tony Stark but was put into bed by Tony.

“Wow, are you sure? I also read your flyer, did someone invite you this time? Who is the other party? How much money was given? ”

Christine instantly knew that she had caught the big news, and quickly asked eagerly.

“Sorry, this is the privacy of the customer, I am a professional, and I will never disclose any customer privacy” Pang An showed his professionalism in a timely manner.

“Then excuse me…” When Christine saw that she couldn’t ask anything and wanted to knock on the side, a loud roar interrupted her questioning.

I saw that Abomination didn’t know when he appeared on the opposite side of Pang An, and roared angrily at Pang An who looked indifferent.

Christine has always been an ordinary person, and when she saw this hideous monster, she immediately ran to the side in fright and hid, but she still held up her mobile phone to shoot.

“I need a stronger opponent, are you a weak brat running to find death?” Abomination said with an evil look.

“Looking for death? Who is looking for death is not certain, someone pays for your life, you can die with peace of mind,” Pang An said softly.

The “arrogant little man” hated to hear the words and was furious, and directly rushed over madly, the momentum simply made Christine on the side tremble.

Ross and others on the plane also stared at the screen, the military vehicle turned over just now, but just the camera above could capture the situation on the Pang An side, and Bruce and Betty both pinched the sweat for Pang An.

Seeing this, some ordinary citizens around also hid on the side and secretly watched.

After a few steps of abomination, he rushed to Pang An’s face, raised his hand, and followed this impact force and slammed into Pang An’s perfect body with a punch.

And Pang An just floated a foot off the ground faintly, and after the abomination punch, his right hand gently stretched forward and waited for the arrival of the abomination fist.

“What does he want to do?” Ross was a little remorseful, did he hire a madman? Just reach out and confront that powerful person like that?

Many citizens around Pangan’an simply did not dare to look at it, they all felt that this Pang An, who was known as a superhero, was dead, after all, the gap in body size was there.

But when the fist of abomination slammed into Pang An’s divine finger, something incredible happened.

I saw that a mysterious energy piece like white glass instantly appeared on Pang An’s finger, and the scene of Pang An being blasted away in people’s imagination after the hateful fist bombarded it was not seen.

Instead, he saw that the whole person suddenly stopped and couldn’t move, and then in the incredible eyes of everyone, the mysterious energy piece “snapped” and shattered.

Then the abomination fell out violently, it didn’t seem to be strong, even the hatred in the air had a puzzled face, he didn’t know why, if the other party really had the strength to block himself, then there should be a strong impact after blocking himself.

But at the moment when the hatred landed, the huge impact force and the countershock force were almost ten times the effect on his body.

Abomination felt that the muscles of his whole body had been greatly impacted, and was shaken into meat sauce, so that Abomination could not even scream, so he lay limply on the ground.

The intense pain made Abomination even feel that he couldn’t breathe, and wanted to struggle, but his body didn’t listen to the call and didn’t move, and he could only watch in a daze as Pang An slowly floated to his front and looked at Hate.

“Is it really not captured alive? He can’t resist anymore,” Pang An asked after looking at the disgust that was already immobilized, running to the military vehicle over there and pulling off the walkie-talkie.

You know, you can kill Abomination now, but you can only get 100 million, and Abomination This state obviously meets the requirements of live capture, you can get 200 million, why not?

“Isn’t he dead?” It took a long time for Ross to recover from the shock and said after swallowing his saliva.

“No, he is capable of recovery, if you want to capture him alive, you have to take advantage of it now” Pang An was also lucky to be able to beat Abomination like this this time.

The God Finger is a move that can rebound all attack power to attack objects by about ten times, in fact, if Abomination is just an ordinary punch blocked by Pang An, then Abomination can still withstand it.

However, when the abomination rushed over, it carried a powerful impact force, which made the power of Pang’an’s divine finger increase geometrically, so it seriously injured the abomination and was on the verge of death.

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