“Great, but I’m going to learn to fly the spaceship first, I’m going to learn to fly the spaceship,” Mindy exclaimed happily.

“You can handle this yourself, I will go out to do some things in the next two days, and the family will be handed over to you,” Pang An said casually.

After everyone chatted about some things, Emma took Lingdie to choose a room, Mindy also ran back and slept back to sleep, while Pang An pulled Takatsuki Izumi back to the house for a big fight, and Pang An was hooked up just now.

In the early morning, Pang An went out after breakfast with several women, Lingdie would also go to hellfire to sort out some things, Emma was going out to buy some things, and Mindy pulled Takatsuki Izumi to learn to drive a spaceship.

Pang An came out this time to do two things, the first is that yesterday he learned that the Loki scepter in the collection of S.H.I.E.L.D. was stolen, and Pang An just happened to know where the Loki Scepter was, so he was ready to take a look and see if it helped him in the scepter.

Of course, Pangan’s expectations are not high, you must know that the Infinity Stones are mutually exclusive except for the Power Gems that can support and strengthen the role of other gems.

This is also the reason why the Loki Scepter can close portals, because the energy of the Space Gem and the energy of the Mind Gem are not compatible.

Pang’an’s own power gem will not be rejected by the soul gem, but firstly, the power gem has not been refined, and secondly, Pang An feels that one power gem is enough, and there is no need for other infinity stones.

The reason why Pang An wanted to see it was to wonder what would happen after the Power Gem met the Mind Gem.

The second thing is to go to Raccoon City to find Alice, develop Alice into her own bloodline, and then monitor the virus flashpoints of the umbrella.

Pang An does not want to live in the end times, if the earth really becomes the end times and cannot be stopped, Pang An can only leave the earth with his relatives to find another planet to live on.

But as an earthling, where can other planets compare to earth? Therefore, of course, Pang An must first prevent the virus leakage of the umbrella and try it.

So why didn’t Pangan just destroy the umbrella? That’s because it’s a bit unrealistic, and of course it’s not that Pang An would consider the government or anything.

It is because although the umbrella is studying the virus, they are also doing their best to prevent the virus from leaking, which is why they bought a lot of land to build cities, and the real research is carried out in deep underground bases.

Pang An can’t find these underground bases at all, only find a few, when Pang An runs to destroy the umbrella, those remaining bases are broken and broken is miserable.

Not long after Pang An set off, he received a call from Tony Stark: “Pang An, my dear comrade-in-arms, congratulations on your safe return, I want to go to your house to see you”

Tony’s voice is more fake and fake, and he is not used to flattering people at first glance.

“Want to study my ship?” Pang An asked directly.

“Well, of course, the main thing is to see you, and then by the way, you can also introduce me to your spaceship,” Tony said after an awkward silence.

“I’ll talk about it in a few days, I have something to do when I go out now, and I’ll inform you when I come back” Pang An hung up the phone after speaking, and then instantly accelerated and flew towards Sokovia.

Pang’an’s body was much stronger this time than before, and his body was directly increased by 10 times again, and Pang An felt that he could now punch the Hulk Hulk and couldn’t take care of himself.

Of course, Hulk’s infinitely enhanced ability is still very good, and it is difficult to say whether it can be killed at once.

Pang An can now run amok on the earth just by relying on his body, and there is no longer any big snake body on this earth that can hurt him, so Pang An is also particularly casual.

Flight…. From Mach 8 to Mach 20, this time not doubled, but more than doubled, and now Pangan, who is 20 times the speed of sound, can’t react at all even if he doesn’t use flashing ordinary masters.

Flash… The range of this skill teleportation has been increased from 400 meters to 1000 meters, and the teleportation of the 1000-meter range is still very powerful, and Pang An can feel that this time it is also the strength of breaking the space when teleporting, which makes Pang An believe that once the flash is strong to a certain extent, even the grandmaster’s space blockade cannot trap Pang An.

Knife legs… The cutting ability of this skill is many times stronger in Pang An’s feelings, and Pang An has not yet tried the power of the current knife and foot, but it is definitely something that is difficult to stop.

God means… This skill Pang An only knows that once again a large number of increases in the upper limit of bearing, and as before, Pang An does not know what the upper limit is, because there is almost nothing for Pang An to test.

Lingquan… Needless to say, the power has been greatly improved, nothing else has changed, and the range has doubled to a range of 5,000 meters, and this Lingquan is now completely a super skill.

Rebound…. This skill also increases the upper limit of control after absorbing energy attacks into different spaces, and to what extent Pang An still does not know.

Black particles… The speed, impact, power, and condensation of this skill have been greatly increased and become more powerful, and Pang An estimates that the power has increased by at least 5 times.

Soul pulling… There is no change in this skill, and Pang An feels that this skill has no development potential.

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