Space-time travel coupled with quantum realm space, which will make many people confused, Tony Stark must make all members clear about the rules in this, and only when they understand the principle can they do the most correct thing in the past.

These people present, in addition to Tony Stark, only Dr. Hulk, Ant-Man Scott, and Gu Tian understood what Tony Stark meant, and the others were all half-aware.

Hawkeye Barton asked, “Do you mean that if we change the past, it won’t affect the present?” Why? ”

Tony Stark explained: “The moment you make changes, you create a new parallel universe, this universe has nothing to do with our main universe, so it is useless for us to go back in time and kill Thanos as a baby, when he was killed by us, he created a new universe, and our world of the main universe was still snapped by Thanos.” ”

“Moreover, we don’t know the specific location of Thanos as a baby, and we can’t travel back in time.” Gu Tian then added.

Tony Stark smiled and nodded, which is that Gu Tian is an understanding person.

“How precisely do we travel through the past? Is this this in our hands called the ‘Möbius ring’? Black Widow also raised a question.

Tony Stark pointed to the green curved surface in the holographic projection: “This green one is called the Mobius ring, and the one in our hand is called the ‘time shuttle navigator’, as long as we say the precise time and place, and then press this button, we can travel back in time to the past.” What are the other questions? ”

Everyone didn’t ask any more questions, and they were a little eager to start the crossing, but before it could officially begin, they had to experiment once to prove that the crossing was indeed possible.

Tony Stark said: “We are going to take out a bottle of Pym particles now to do an experiment, the experiment is very simple, that is, travel to the past, and then take back something from the past, who does this?” Scott? ”

After all, Scott Lang is Ant-Man, the most experienced of them, and seems to be the most suitable candidate.

However, God knows that in “Avengers 4”, Scott wasted a bottle of Pym particles out of nervousness, and then, Hawkeye Barton took over the job, traveled to the past when his daughter did not disappear, and returned with a toy for his daughter.

“Might as well let me come, Scott hasn’t slept well in the past two days.” Gu Tian volunteered, and he also wanted to take this opportunity to cross one more time.

“Hey, you’re so greedy, you already have one more bottle of Pym particles than we do.” Rocket Little Raccoon said.

Gu Tian smiled: “Or will you come?” ”

Rocket Little Raccoon hurriedly took two steps back: “I don’t want to do experiments, I’m a test product, damn it, I hate this thing, or you come, hero.” ”

For Gu Tian to do this experiment, others have no objection, first of all, Gu Tian knows the principle of crossing very well, and secondly, Gu Tian’s strength is also strong enough to protect himself.

So, Gu Tian got another bottle of Pym particles, and if he added the next one to use, he could travel through the past three times!

The time machine has been built, a giant circular machine, just stand on it and start the quantum tunnel.

Tony Stark asked: “Gu Tian, your crossing this time, the time will be short, you just need to take something casually in the past, understand?” ”

“Very understanding, Tony.” Gu Tian knew that this crossing time was short, and they would forcibly pull themselves back here, so if they wanted to entangle with Doty, there would definitely not be enough time.

“Good, so what time are you going to travel to? Which place? Tony Stark asked.

Gu Tian thought about it, since the time is short, there is not enough to find a beautiful woman to play, this time the purpose is only to take something, it is better to go to Wakanda to get a good thing!

The technology level in Wakanda is very high, and there are a lot of good things made of vibranium.

“Five years ago, Wakanda.” Gu Tian gave the answer at the moment.

“Oh? Are you going to Wakanda? Hearing Gu Tian’s answer, Tony and the others were stunned.

Gu Tian smiled: “Since you take something back, naturally you have to take something valuable.” ”

Everyone understood that Gu Tian wanted to go to Wakanda to steal a treasure!

After Thanos snapped his fingers, Black Panther also disappeared, but the Avengers still have a close connection with Wakanda, and there are often holographic projection meetings.

Black Widow reminded: “Gu Tian, you’d better not steal too valuable things, like their heart-shaped grass and the like, which may change their timeline. ”

“Don’t worry, I don’t lack strength, and I won’t be interested in their heart-shaped grass.” Gu Tian gave a guarantee.

“Okay, then now count down, 3, 2, 1!”

Tony Stark activated the quantum tunnel, and Gu Tian also pressed the button on the bracelet, and instantly disappeared in the eyes of everyone!


Five years ago, Wakanda.

As soon as he crossed over, Gu Tian heard countless roaring shells, shouts, and fights, and when he looked up, he saw that the war was rising, and the army of Wakanda and those alien creatures were fighting endlessly…

“This is…”

(Five more, ask for flowers and ask for evaluation!) )

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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