Dr. Hulk applauded happily, and the successful experiment meant that these people could also cross.

The rocket little raccoon couldn’t help but complain sharply: “I said Gu Tian, you crossed to a place as developed as Wakanda just to steal these pairs of insoles?” You’re too unsuitable, aren’t you? ”

Black Widow has a relationship with the “acting female king” of Wakanda, and also said with a smile: “You can take something more expensive, I believe they won’t mind.” ”

Gu Tian smiled softly, put the two insoles on the floor, then took off his current uniform and shoes, and stepped on them with his feet.

This group of turtles, if you don’t show them, they don’t know what a high-tech thing this is!

I saw that as soon as Gu Tian’s feet stepped on it, the upper of the shoe automatically rose, perfectly covering Gu Tian’s feet.

Rocket Little Raccoon was shocked: “It turned out to be high-tech shoes!” ”

Gu Tian explained: “This is a pair of silent shoes, no matter how much weight you weigh, wearing these shoes to walk, there is no sound, we travel to the past to grab gems, we must act low-key, wear these shoes, it is beneficial for us not to be discovered by others.” ”

“Oh? Wakanda has such a high-tech product? I didn’t pay attention last time. “Team America came first, and he was still very interested in the shoes.

Hulk also walked over, took two insoles, and stepped on them, because the shoes are adaptive size, so Hulk’s big feet can also fit perfectly.

After putting on silent shoes, Hulk found that he really walked without sound!

“Wow, I really don’t have a sound when I walk!” Hulk is simply happy, he is now Dr. Banner’s consciousness, Hulk’s body, in fact, as an ordinary person, he does not like such heavy footsteps, this silent shoe, perfectly solved his troubles!

After putting on his shoes, Hulk jumped and jumped, and kept showing off to others: “Look, how light my steps are!” Like falling leaves, silent! ”

Everyone: “…”

This silent vibranium shoe, Thor disdains to wear, Iron Man can fly, can’t wear it, the most important thing is for the American team, Black Widow these earth heroes.

It’s just that when she saw Black Widow picking out the insole, Gu Tian’s nose was a little sour, because she didn’t need this insole…

“Alas, it will soon be time for group action, it can only be Natasha and Barton who go to Warmir Star, and the next time we meet, I am afraid that I will not see Natasha…”

Gu Tian looked at Natasha, his heart was a little sad, since he was reborn, although he did not have much contact with Natasha, after all, he had a relationship, she has always been his favorite hero, to be honest, he really doesn’t want to watch Natasha die.

However, in order to get the Soul Gem, Natasha and Barton must sacrifice one…

At this time, Tony Stark asked the most important question: “The experiment has been successful, now, let’s discuss how to choose the timeline, and then, the problem of grouping, what are your opinions?” ”

I remember that in the plot of “Avengers 4”, they discussed for a long time on how to choose the time, and many people were completely unclear about the origin and experience of these six gemstones, and since Gu Tian knew the answer, he didn’t let them waste time.

Gu Tian stood up and said, “Let me first tell you my opinion, let’s listen to it and see how it goes.” ”

“Our purpose is to get six gems from the past, these six gems are the Reality Gem, the Power Gem, the Time Gem, the Space Gem, the Soul Gem, and the Mind Gem.”

“First of all, let’s determine a point in time, in 2012, this year, there are three gemstones in NY City at the same time, which are the Time Gem, in Doctor Strange’s master, the ancient mage; The Mind Gem, Loki’s Scepter, and the Space Gem, are hidden inside the Cosmic Cube. ”

“The remaining three gems, reality gems, we can go to Asgard in 2013, at that time, the fat man’s ex-girlfriend Jane inhaled ether particles, that is, reality gems, we just need to pull them out of Jane.”

“Power Gem, we are going to the planet Morag in 2014 and grabbed it in advance before Star-Lord appeared.”

“There is also the last soul gem, it is hidden in the star of Warmir, no matter what year it goes, it is there, so just go before Thanos gets it in 2018.”

After listening to Gu Tian’s analysis, everyone showed a look of worship, but they didn’t expect Gu Tian to understand these six gemstones so deeply!

Everyone thought carefully for a long time, but still couldn’t come up with a better way than Gu Tian’s proposal.

The American team said: “According to Gu Tian, in 2012, 2013, 2014, respectively, go to NY, Asgard, Morag and Vomir, now, it is a matter of grouping.” ”

“NY, Asgard, we are all relatively clear, Morag has also heard Nebula mention, but I don’t know much about Planet Vomir, Gu Tian, I see that you seem to be very familiar with Planet Vomir, or arrange for you to go to Planet Vomir?”

(Do you want the widowed sister to die?) In addition, this crossing plot suggests that you do not look at three lines at a glance and save missing important information! This book is not a simple invincible pretending to be X-stream, I believe everyone also likes the story, plot and characters to read! )

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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