Thanos’ words made Kamora, Ebony Throat, and the two nebulas stunned.

Gamora, holding Thanos’ arm, asked, “Father, what are you talking about?” Why am I a little incomprehensible? ”

Now, Thanos himself is shocked!

When he saw Gu Tian for the first time just now, he felt that Gu Tian had a familiar feeling on him, after all, Thanos is an eternal family, powerful and magical, and cannot completely fool Thanos’ eyes.

After learning that Gu Tian would deform, he had long guessed that Gu Tian just now did not use his true body.

Now, seeing Gu Tian turn into Thanos, Thanos fully feels his own breath and due deterrence, which can not be done by transformation alone!

If Thanos guessed wrong, what about Thor? Why did he summon the Storm Tomahawk in a panic to deal with Gu Tian, who was also an Avenger?

Therefore, Thanos in 2014 concluded that Gu Tian was his future self!

Thanos stood up and pointed to another Thanos in the picture, “That’s myself, Gu Tian, that is, Thanos!!” ”

“This can’t be, Lord Thanos, are you mistaken?” Ebony Throat couldn’t believe this fact, it was just too much.

Moreover, they are now watching it by way of video, not seeing it with their own eyes, and judging that the shapeshifter in the video is Thanos is too hasty and unfounded.

Thanos chuckled, he himself would not recognize himself? It’s ridiculous!

“Don’t believe it, do you? If you zoom in on this picture, it is the position of Gu Tian’s right hand. Thanos commanded.

At this time, Gu Tian’s right hand was in his pocket, and he had just taken out something from his pocket, this thing was very small, it was a small knife, and it looked like a model.

After the ebony throat enlarged the picture, he clearly saw that the appearance of this “knife” was exactly the same as Thanos’ tyrant butcher knife!

The difference is just one big and one small!

Ebony throat was stunned: “This knife, is it Lord Thanos’ tyrant butcher’s knife?” But how did it become so small? ”

Thanos laughed: “It’s not unusual for Earthlings to have things that make objects bigger and smaller, otherwise, how could they carry out the ‘space-time hijacking’ plan?” ”

And Gamora, however, was confused: “But, father, weren’t you killed by Thor?” Do you have an immortal body? ”

Thanos shook his head, and he didn’t know about it.

Ebony throat quickly showed a flattering look: “Congratulations to Lord Thanos for not dying!” It’s just that you don’t know the future, why should you join the Avengers and participate in the time-hijacking plan, is it lurking in the team, waiting to collect six gems, and then killing them? ”

Thanos shook his head again: “I don’t know, I don’t know what the future me is thinking, but I predict that the future me is making a very grand plan!” Far more ambitious than the original plan to wipe out half of the people! ”

Gamora and Ebony Throat heard this and looked at each other in horror.

Thanos said: “In the future, I eliminated half of the people in the universe, maintained the balance of the universe, and allowed more people to live a better life, but the half of the people who survived did not know how to be grateful, and they still wanted to go back to the past!” ”

“I guess that in the future, I will be very angry! This Gu Tian, that is, the future me, his plan may be to collect six gems and restart the universe! ”

“What? Reboot the universe? When Gamora, Ebony Throat, and Nebula heard this, they were all terrified, because restarting the universe also meant that they might also die.

“How? Are you scared? Thanos asked with a smile when he saw their horrified faces.

Kamora and Ebony Throat knelt down at the same time to show their loyalty: “Swear to the death to follow Lord Thanos’ wishes!” ”

“Hmm.” Thanos nodded in satisfaction, “You guys now, not only swear allegiance to me, but also swear allegiance to this ancient heaven!” Because of him, he is the future me! He is stronger than me, has experienced more than me, seen through more things, and I believe that what I will do in the future must be right! ”

Kamora and Ebony Throat knelt on one knee on the ground, looked at each other again, and then said in unison: “Swear to death to follow the wishes of Lord Gu Tian!” ”

“Very good!” Thanos nodded gratifyingly and asked, “Gu Tian, my future self, is it still in our timeline?” Or have you already gone back? ”

This question, only Nebula in 2023 knows, Ebony throat quickly got up, put Nebula down, and asked: “Answer Lord Thanos’s words!” ”

Nebula in 2023 was shocked to learn that Gu Tian was Thanos, and said, “I should have guessed that Gu Tian was you!” The entire time-space hijacking plan, from proposing ideas, to preparation, to grouping, was all planned by Gu Tian! I have long doubted how an earthling can know so much about the Infinity Stones, and we all fall into your trap! ”

“Hahaha.” Thanos laughed three times and grabbed Nebula’s chin, “Daughter, unfortunately, you won’t have a chance to report to the Avengers.” ”

Seeing that Nebula also refused to say Gu Tian’s whereabouts, Thanos ordered: “Find someone to check Gu Tian’s whereabouts, see if he is still in our timeline, if you find him, notify me immediately, we will do our best to help him complete the plan!” ”

Gamora, Ebony Throat, and 2014 Nebula responded together: “Yes!” ”

(Thanks for guessing what my name is 588!) Thanks to 760644, 95276 for the tip! )

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