The contest of three Heavenly Father-level heroes plunged the entire city into violent turmoil.

The Hulk is entangled in an ebony throat, Ant-Man also fights with Proxima Night, Black Widow and Hawkeye cannot participate in the battle at the level of the Heavenly Father, and even if they do, they don’t know who to help.

Only Team America and Thor wielded the storm hammer and rushed to the sky to help the ancient mage.

Thor, as the strongest member before the Avengers, is now unable to play much role on the battlefield.

After five years of decadence, his current combat effectiveness cannot be compared with the peak Thanos.

And because the American team still has teammates for Gu Tian, they can’t tell which is Thanos in 2023 and which is Thanos in 2014, and they dare not die.

Coupled with his own limited combat effectiveness, soon, two people were kicked out of this battle by one of the two Thanos.

In 2014, Thanos said to the two people: “Your strength is not worthy to join this battle!” ”

This is a contest between the strongest in the universe!

Even Thor and Team America are one notch lower than them!

Furuichi also knew that the members of the Avengers were too busy to help her, became more cautious, and continued to defend and retreat.

The battlefield was quickly brought from the Avengers Building to the NY Temple.

Gu Yi Mage was the first to fly into the Supreme Sanctuary, and Gu Tian and 2014 Ba also jumped high and jumped directly into the window on the second floor to enter.

As soon as I entered, I felt a strange and terrifying aura spreading everywhere in these 530 miles.

Over the past few years, the NY Temple has been under the care of Master Mordo, and the things in the temple are very well preserved, and there are some more bizarre things.

In 2014, Thanos also looked cautious and reminded his partner Gu Tian: “The Supreme Sanctuary is the concentration of the greatest magic and mysterious phenomena, in this house, simply opening the wrong door can make the world a hell, we must be careful not to touch things here.” ”

Gu Tian nodded, of course he knew these things, but he didn’t expect that the Supreme Sanctuary that came to Earth for the first time in 2014 also knew these places that needed attention.

It seems that before this, he has already inquired about the whereabouts of the Time Gem and has some knowledge of the temple where the ancient mage is located.

Gu Tian held the tyrant butcher knife in his hand, approaching Gu Yi mage step by step, and said: “Gu Yi, don’t think that when you reach your territory, you can defeat us, no matter where you are, you can’t match the combined power of our two Thanos, in the universe, the power that can defeat the two of us does not exist at all!” ”

Can beat the hall of the ancient mage, keep retreating, no power to parry, but not everyone can do it, the strength of the two Thanos, let Gu Tian himself look terrifying.

The ancient mage was pale, and her hands couldn’t help but tremble, after resisting the combined attack of two Thanos for so long, she really couldn’t resist.

Now, the shield she cast condensed is getting smaller and smaller every time, and her mana is gradually depleted!

“No, I can’t fight both of them at the same time like this, I have to solve one first, or send one away first…” Gu Yi thought secretly in his heart.

The two Thanos are not something that Gu Yi can solve casually, but Gu Yihao has lived for 700 years, experienced countless battles, and it is not difficult for Gu Yi to seek life in battle and find a better solution.

The reason why she lured the two Thanos to NY is because there are many mechanisms here, and they can use their ignorance of these things to create traps.

And here, there are some portals, these doors, it looks no different from ordinary family room doors, but when you open them, you find that the outside of the door may be a desert, a wasteland, or a hell in other dimensions!

“Thanos in 2014, compared to that ancient sky, is easier to deal with, at least he can’t spell.”

Ancient Mage thought carefully, and already had the next battle plan!

And at this time, Gu Tian and 2014 Ba did not give her a chance to breathe, flew up again, and slashed at Gu Yi fiercely!


Gu Yi resisted with difficulty, his face turned pale, and the two Thanos knew that as long as they continued to attack like this, Gu Yi would definitely be defeated by them because of his lack of mana!

But at this moment, after Gu Yi led them to the top floor and came to the most marginal position, Gu Yi suddenly took the initiative to attack one of them (bedg) Thanos!

She attacked the 2014 bully!

“Looking for death! You can’t defend it, and you dare to take the initiative! When Gu Tian saw this scene, he immediately slashed at Gu Yi’s back.

Gu Yi is only a light knot magic shield, mainly to attack the 2014 hegemony, so the magic shield was easily broken by Gu Tian, Gu Yi was also injured by the knife qi, a crack appeared in the back clothes, and blood stains appeared on the white girl-like skin.

At this time, the mouth of the ancient mage also spat out blood.

Gu Tian was suddenly surprised: “Why would she rather risk being slashed by me and take the initiative to attack?” Did she want to kill one of us first and then solve the other? ”

If Gu Yi Mage really had this idea, then Gu Yi was also too arrogant.

Who is Thanos, how can an ancient mage easily kill alone!

In 2014, Thanos also had the same idea as Gu Tian, thinking that Gu Yi wanted to solve them one by one, so he said to Gu Tian: “Don’t worry about me, kill her as soon as possible!” ”

“Good!” Gu Tian originally did not intend to care about the life and death of the 2014 hegemon.

At this time, the ancient mage single-handedly abused the 2014 hegemony, and still had the advantage, and I saw the ancient mage knocking on the ground with both hands, and two sharp magic lightnings roared towards Thanos like a dragon.

In 2014, Thanos was attacked by a spell, causing a series of defeats, and his whole body retreated to the outermost door.

The ancient mage glanced at the door that Thanos’ body was leaning on, it was the portal hidden by the Supreme Sanctuary!

Outside that door, it’s not downtown NY, it’s the Taklamakan Desert!

At this time, Gu Yi Mage opened the door, ignoring Gu Tian’s attack, and used all his strength to push 2014 Hegemony out!

2014 Thanos floated in the air, turned his head and looked, immediately frightened, it turned out to be a desert outside!

Aware of the danger, Thanos could not get rid of the attack of the ancient mage, and could only ask Gu Tian for help: “Thanos, Gu Tian!” Save me! She wanted to separate the two of us! ”

It turned out that the ancient mage was not as naïve as they thought, she did not want to kill one and then kill the other, but wanted to separate the two!

As long as the two can’t fit together, the power will be greatly reduced!

Gu Tian had already vomited blood from Gu Yi, but Gu Yiqiang endured Gu Tian’s attack, and still pushed the 2014 Ba to the desert first, and then immediately closed the door and twisted the button on the door.

At this time, the portal had changed, and even if Gu Tian opened it again, it was not the Taklamakan Desert outside.

At this time, Thanos in 2014, a person in this deserted desert, stepping on the golden dust, helpless.

“It’s over, only Gu Tian is left, my future self is there alone, his life is in danger!” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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