At this time, the location of the second exit of the temple.

Ronan walked down with the help of his subordinates, and while limping along, he shouted at the battlefield:

“Big brother! Eldest brother! Did my Gu Tian brother get the Infinity Gauntlet? Hahahaha, my Gutian big brother is really powerful! Since then, I have ruled the universe with my eldest brother! ”

While walking, Ronan suddenly saw Gu Tian fall to the ground, and there was a handsome woman standing there with a domineering look.

This woman, Ronan was familiar with, because she was also a Kree before.

“! It turned out to be Firth! Ronan’s face changed drastically, and he immediately ordered his opponent: “Help me back, I want to go back to the temple to rest!” ”

When Ronan saw Captain Marvel, he was directly frightened and turned around and ran, just like last time.

The appearance of Captain Marvel can be said to give the Avengers a shot in the arm, her strength, they have seen, a person holding Iron Man’s spaceship and sending him to Earth.

In the universe, there are few powerful beings like her~ in!

Gu Tian fought with Gu Yi Mage for too long, and almost forgot Captain Marvel.

However, fortunately, when she came this time, Temple No. 2 was not in a state of “ten thousand arrows firing in unison”, and when she fell from the sky, she did not destroy the ancient heavenly temple by the way.

Gu Tian stood up and faced the very arrogant surprise captain, and said: “Miss Danvers, first of all, I am not Thanos in 2014, I am Thanos in 2023, and I still remember the last time you led them to my back garden.” ”

“Secondly, you need to pay attention to your tone and words when you face me, before you came, I already knocked them all down, you alone, not my opponent!”

“In the end, I am a good person, the gloves are here with me, and I will not cause harm to anyone in the universe.”

Natasha also walked over and whispered to Captain Marvel: “Carol, this matter is complicated, the Thanos in front of you is not the real Thanos, his name is Gu Tian, he is an avenger like us, occupying Thanos’s body.” ”

Thor scolded: “Natasha, Thanos absolutely can’t believe it, the Infinity Gauntlet is very dangerous in his hands and must be taken back!” ”

Captain Marvel was a little surprised, but he didn’t expect that the members of the Avengers had a disagreement for the sake of this Thanos in front of him and made a fuss.

As for the name Gu Tian, Captain Marvel seems to have heard Natasha say it.

Captain Marvel looked at Gu Tian and said, “First of all, whether you are Thanos or Gu Tian, hand over the Infinity Gauntlet first.” ”

“Secondly, whether you beat them or not, I can kill you.”

“In the end, I won’t chop my head like Thor.”

Gu Tian was furious, and this Captain Marvel was also too arrogant!!

However, to be honest, if Gu Tian was not Thanos’s body, he would also feel that Captain Marvel was completely worthy of Thanos.

It can be seen from the accuser Ronan that in “Guardians of the Galaxy 1”, after Ronan got the power gem, he dared to disobey Thanos’s order, and said that after he destroyed the mountain, he would kill Thanos!

However, in “Captain Marvel”, Ronan sees Team Marvel. Just turn around and run, don’t dare to fight at all!

It can be seen that in Ronan’s heart, Ben is not as powerful as Captain Marvel.

And in “Avengers 4”, although there are not many fights between Captain Marvel and Thanos, they are not always 1v1 fights, but those few key encounters are enough to show the strength of Amazement, which is indeed worthy of Thanos.

At this time, the system also gave an evaluation to Captain Marvel.

“Target person Carol Danvers detected.”

“Nicknamed Captain Marvel.”

“Character Level: SS Level.”

“If the host gets the likes of Carol Danvers, it will get 50,000 points!”

“Another SS class! I didn’t expect her to be the same as the ancient mage. Gu Tian said darkly.

Captain Marvel is also worth 50,000 points, and if it is slightly modified with the Book of Darkness, it can be changed to hundreds of thousands, which is another huge fortune.

Moreover, this image of Captain Marvel is what Gu Tian likes, but unfortunately, this lady is too arrogant, and if she does not teach her a lesson, she will not surrender to herself!

Gu Tian said to Captain Marvel: “Carol, I know your story and your ability, since you think you can defeat me alone, well, I will give you a chance to re-recognize yourself!” ”

Carol snorted coldly and rushed directly towards the Infinity Gauntlet in Gu Tian’s hand, saying, “Take the glove first!” ”

Carol directly reached out to grab it, Gu Tian quickly resisted with his other hand, the hands of the two were entangled, and the two sides exerted force each other.

“Is this a wrist wrench? Looking at Thanos’ muscles, our Carol shouldn’t be able to do it, right? Rocket Little Raccoon said with interest.

From the perspective of figure alone, Gu Tian’s Thanos figure does look much stronger than Captain Marvel.

····· Ask for flowers…

However, when the two really fought each other, Gu Tian found that he couldn’t push Captain Marvel away with his strength alone!

“Damn, her strength is not lost to me at all!” Gu Tian was surprised.

Only then suddenly remembered that “Captain Marvel in Avengers 4 broke Thanos’ fingers and prevented him from snapping his fingers, Thanos couldn’t push Captain Marvel away, or took a power gem from the Infinity Gauntlet, put it on his left hand, and then used his left hand to beat Captain Marvel out.

“Maybe I should also follow Thanos in “Avengers 4″, although beating her with the power gem is a bit invincible.”

Gu Tian vaguely remembered that “In Avengers 4, Thanos still attacked Captain Marvel with his head, but Captain Marvel didn’t move, and he didn’t even react, and her cute and stubborn little eyes were particularly interesting.

……….. 0

Gu Tian really wanted to see if her head was so iron, so he also took her head and hit Carol’s head directly!


The collision of the two ends made everyone else look a little surprised, and the ancient mage did not expect that Gu Tian, whose spell ability might be above him, would use such a direct and indecent method…

“I’ll go, your head is really hard!” Gu Tian experimented and said with a look of surprise.

Carol Danvers was hit by Gu Tian, and her scalp hurt very much, but she didn’t want to call out, and she stared at Gu Tian with a resentful face: “You are so shameless.” ”

“How? You don’t like it? I’m sorry, though, I love playing this collision with you. ”

Gu Tian said, and hit Carol’s head again!


“Ugh!” Carol Danvers took a few steps back, touched his forehead, and shouted: “You are too despicable, your strength is simply not comparable to me, if it weren’t for your tricks, the Infinity Gauntlet would have been in my hands!” ”

Gu Tian smiled and said, “Is there still a rule in the universe that says that when you fight, you can’t use your head?” Since your strength is above me, the hardness of that head should not be weaker than mine, why don’t you bump your head with me? ”

At this time, the rocket little raccoon stood up and said: “Excuse me, this point, I can explain it for her, she must be afraid that you will mess up her hairstyle, you know, she often does hair.” ”

Gu Tian laughed and teased: “As a superhero, how can you still love beauty so much?” You look at the ancient mage of the people, who has been fighting with me for so long, and he is not afraid of messing up his hairstyle. ”

Ancient Mage: “… mouth”_

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