Ever since he learned from observer Uatu that there was a weapon that could destroy parallel universes, Gu Tian’s heart had been very uneasy.

According to Murphy’s Law, the more you worry about something happening, the more it is bound to happen.

Gu Tian even planned to see through the Time Gem whether their main universe in the future could be destroyed by Loki.

Therefore, the best way is to find the location of this weapon first, and after knowing it, then travel to the parallel universe where Loki is, and then destroy it in advance, so that there is no fear that anyone can threaten their main universe.

And the old man Wuatu was very strict and refused to tell Gu Tian, but there was more than one observer in the universe, so Gu Tian planned to let Captain Marvel also help participate in this matter.

After all, she flew to other planets if she had nothing to do, and the probability of encountering other observers was greater.

Carol was also interested in the matter and asked, “Observer? What do they look like? What is it for? ”

Gu Tiandao: “Under normal circumstances, they are all bald and wearing long blue skirts, but the observer of the earth is an old human man, so come with me later to the hotel to open a room, and I will talk to you about them in detail.” ”

“Well, good.” Carol also does not have the shyness of being a girl, and a woman of her strength is no longer afraid of being forced into the room by a man to ask what to do.

At this time, Nick Fury said with a smile: “Thank you Mr. Gu Tian for telling us so much useful information!” Now, we must first protect the earth and ensure that we are the first to meet the mysterious guests from parallel universes or other places. ”

“Secondly, before Carol and the girls find the weapon that destroyed the parallel universe, we must find a way for us to travel to the parallel universe, and make sure to meet our old friend Loki as soon as possible.”

“Also, Dr. Pym wants to trouble you to develop a few more bottles of Pym particles, Thanos in 2014 knows what will happen in the future, we must go to 2014 again and solve him, otherwise, when he gains more power, he will come to us 100%.”

“Apart from that, what else do you need to add?”

Nick Fury is worthy of being the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the leadership temperament and planning plan are still undoubted, and after everyone listened, there was no opinion, all listened to his arrangement.

“Okay, let’s go, Carol.” Seeing this, Gu Tian didn’t want to stay here any longer, it was time to take our Captain Marvel sister to the hotel!

Seeing that Gu Tian was leaving, Nick Fury quickly stepped forward, took the initiative to hold Gu Tian’s hand, and said with a smile: “Mr. Gu Tian, I really thank you for doing so much for our earth.” ”

Gu Tiandao: “I repeat, I am also an earthling, I am not doing these things for any of you, on the contrary, I am now the strongest guardian of the earth, equivalent to the emperor of the earth, and you are just ministers who do things for me.” ”

Gu Tian was an earthling in his previous life, and he had deep feelings for him, even if he could be a hegemon on any planet now, he was unwilling to go, he just wanted to transform

Nick Fury smiled awkwardly and said, “Yes, yes, since Er has something to talk about, why don’t you go to me?” So many things happened in NY today, and there were so many people just again, and the hotel is estimated to have exploded a long time ago. ”

Yes, I can’t go to the hotel to open a room, so where should I go?

There are space gems in the ancient sky, Carol flies, and they are not limited to the city of NY.

At this time, the king of Wakanda, Black Panther, suddenly said to Gu Tian: “Mr. Gu Tian, Miss Danvers, if you don’t mind, I am willing to stay two of you in Wakanda, where the mountains and waters are beautiful, the most beautiful natural scenery on the earth, and also have the most advanced technology on the earth.” ”

Gu Tian thought about it and felt that the place was not bad, so he said to Carol: “Okay, then let’s go.” ”

Saying that, Gu Tian used the space gem to directly transmit to Wakanda, and Carol also arrived in a blink of an eye.

The two guests had already arrived there without using the master to lead the way, while the panther looked sluggish, walked to Doctor Strange, bowed his head and asked: “Please also ask the Doctor to use a teleportation array, thank you.” ”



This is tens of thousands of kilometers away from NY, and all the troops in Wakanda went to NY to support a few hours ago, so now this country has no military defense, and there are very few people, basically some civilians.

And this is more in line with the meaning of ancient heaven.

Gu Tian and Carol arrived here in a blink of an eye, and without the arrangement of Black Panther, they went to the tallest hotel building in Wakanda and stayed in a luxurious suite on the top floor.

This hotel is much more magnificent than the hotel in Dubai, and the decoration of the rooms is also very high-tech, standing in the floor-to-ceiling windows looking out, a prosperous scene, I don’t know how many times more amazing than the ** Bund.

Gu Tian poured a glass of red wine and handed it to Carol, who took the glass, looked at the scenery outside the window, and said: “Wakanda is developing well, I have been to many planets with developed science and technology, and Wakanda is not too backward.” ”

Gu Tian nodded: “The earth should not be behind other planets, and the two cosmic-level energies have occurred on the earth, which is a good precursor to the earth will become the center of the future of the universe.” ”

“Don’t you want to know the information of the observer? As far as I know, observers have technology that is not known to be tens of thousands of years ahead of the earth, and I want to get this technology from them, and then improve the level of technology of the earth and turn the earth into the most developed planet in the universe! ”

Carol was a little surprised, but he didn’t expect Gu Tian to have such a grand ambition, compared to Thanos, who wants to help the earthlings from the scientific and technological level, this Gu Tian who wants to help the earthlings from the scientific and technological level is obviously much more reliable.

Carol drank the lipstick wine and said, “I am also an earthling, and I also have a deep affection for the earth, and it is like a mother to me.” After being to so many alien planets, I also feel that Earth is too far behind. ”

“Isn’t there a saying that if you fall behind, you will be beaten? I (Qian Nuo Zhao) can’t come to save the earth every time, if you can help the earth improve its technology and let them have the ability to protect themselves, then I will be very grateful to you. ”

Gu Tian was very happy, although the two had a fight just now, but now it seemed that the more they chatted, the more speculative they became.

“By the way, you still haven’t told me what exactly the observer does? The name is strange. Carol asked curiously.

Gu Tian explained: “Observers are responsible for recording major events in the universe, they have made poisonous oaths, they can only observe, they cannot participate, so, Carol, our goal is to make them open their mouths and tell everything they know!” If you met an observer, what would you most like to ask them? They know almost everything. ”

Carol asked with a look of delight: “Is it really omniscient?” ”

“Of course.” Gu Tian laughed at Daoguo.

Carol: “I’m going to ask them which planet is the best to go to for a haircut!” ”

Gu Tian: “…”_

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