Everyone was shocked, they thought that with the Infinity Gauntlet, they would win the battle, but they didn’t expect that this battle was far more complicated than the previous ones!

Gu Tian frowned in disbelief: “Why is the Infinity Gauntlet useless?” Snapping my fingers relies on my thoughts, can it be said that some of them can manipulate my thoughts? Destroy the ideas I have formed? Or, block my thoughts from reaching the Infinity Gauntlet? ”

Gu Tian looked at the opposite queen Friga, who was the mother and master of Loki, the “God of Tricks”, and the only one among these who knew spells.

When he looked at Friga, the queen of heaven, Gu Tian was also slightly moved.

She wore a red tight battle armor, somewhat similar to the Panther’s set, outlining a perfect figure.

Even in front of a group of heroic and sassy Valkyries, they are no less beautiful, and their temperament is extremely noble. “One Three Zero”

Looking at this woman, Gu Tian couldn’t help but remember that just now, after he traveled to 969, he dotted Friga, and then subdued her from beginning to end.

A full hour.

Originally wanted to blame Thanos in 2014 and let Thanos and Odin have infighting, but, judging from the current situation, Frigga did not say anything about it.

“Can Frigga shake the mind I’ve formed? It’s impossible, I have a mind gem, only I control others, how can others control me! ”

Gu Tian was puzzled, pointed to Friga, and asked, “You witch, did you do something to me?” ”

The queen of heaven Frigga smiled indifferently: “Don’t be angry, BOY, I didn’t do anything to you, but did something to your gloves.” ”

“Infinity Gauntlet?” Gu Tian understood where the root was.

But, a Infinity Gauntlet, what articles can be done? Shouldn’t the most important thing be those six Infinity Stones?

Seeing Gu Tian’s puzzled expression, Odin also smiled and said: “Child, you are just a bug who vainly tried to change his fate by taking away not long after he was born, he must not understand what is going on, today, before you die, I will teach you something.” ”

Odin and Frigga called Gu Tian either BOY or a child, and they didn’t look at Gu Tian as an even opponent at all, which made Gu Tian very angry!

Do you know what Lao Tzu did to Frigga a few days ago!

Dare to call me BOY!

Odin first asked Gu Tian: “Let me ask you, who told you that these six Infinity Stones must be placed on a glove, and they are arranged in the same way as you do on the glove now?” Finally, do you need to fulfill wishes by snapping your fingers? ”

Gu Tian subconsciously glanced down at the Infinity Gauntlet on his right hand, six Infinity Stones, placed at the base of the corresponding five fingers, and on the back of his hand.

The arrangement of power gems, mind gems, soul gems and other stones is exactly the same as the arrangement of Thanos’s Infinity Gauntlet before.

Without waiting for Gu Tian to answer, Odin continued. The arrangement of this Infinity Stone, as well as the Infinity Gauntlet, are all based on the Infinity Gauntlet of Thanos’ brother, right? You know about the Infinity Gauntlet, it’s also because of Thanos brother, right? ”

Odin laughed twice: “Ha, do you know, who did Thanos learn to use the Infinity Hand to set the Infinity Stones?” ”

“It’s you who is doing the ghost!” Gu Tian realized that there might be a conspiracy hidden in Odin!

Even Gu Tian knows very well that the Infinity Gauntlet created by Thanos is a replica Odin Infinity Gauntlet, and the two gloves are also from the same craftsman as Nidawi!

In that case, the glove created by Iron Man is also an imitation of Odin!

Odin said, “The power of the Infinity Stones is the most powerful force in the universe, who said that it must be placed on a glove to function?” I designed the Infinity Gauntlet just in case. ”

“Once I collect six Infinity Stones and the glove accidentally falls into someone else’s hands, I can control the Infinity Gauntlet through a spell to block any thoughts and turn the Infinity Gauntlet into a pile of waste!”

“Spells? Did you cast spells on the Infinity Gauntlet? Gu Tian was slightly startled.

At this time, the sky flew to Iron Man in red armor, he had just sent Morgan abroad to keep her away from the battlefield, heard their conversation on the communicator, and was also surprised after landing: “I made this glove, you can also control it?” ”

Frigga smiled: “When you arrange these six Infinity Stones in this order, a spell has been formed, and I can control the Infinity Gauntlet with just a little trick.” ”

“You guys are lucky enough to make gloves of other materials, and if you use gloves that you forged in Nidawi earlier, then I can control the spell in an instant and destroy your hand wearing the infinity glove!”

Gu Tian was a little afraid, is this old witch so powerful?

She had been sealed by Gu Tian for an hour before, and Gu Tian thought she was weak!

At this time, 2014 Ba walked towards Gu Tian and said: “Teaching ends here, Gu Tian, this is the last thing you have learned in your life, now, your opportunistic way has no longer worked, let’s fight it in a dignified manner!” ”

“Of course, I hope you take the initiative to hand over the Infinity Gauntlet, and then consciously roll your humble soul out of my body! I don’t want to hurt my body! ”

Gu Tian snorted coldly, I don’t know where the confidence of the 2014 tyrant came from, he probably didn’t know yet, but he was even defeated by the ancient mage!

Gu Tian said, “You don’t want to see me turn into Thanos? Then I’ll just become Thanos! ”

Gu Tian instantly deformed and also turned into the appearance of Thanos!

When they saw another Thanos appear, everyone on Odin’s side was shocked, especially the diva Friga….

Goddess Hela also muttered: “These two people are really exactly the same, and after a while, if they are mixed together, it is really difficult to tell which is which.” ”

Now, 2014 Ba is wearing armor, Gu Tian is not wearing armor, if both of them wear armor 4.5 armor, or neither wear armor, really no one can tell which is which.

In 2014, Thanos saw Gu Tian’s transformation and was furious: “You impostor!” Dare to become me in front of me! I’ll kill you! ”

2014 Thanos no longer hesitated, he waited for this moment, he had been waiting for a long time, and directly brandished the tyrant butcher knife to kill Gu Tian.

“I’ll help you!” Seeing Thanos on the opposite side launch an offensive, the Scarlet Witch immediately flew over, ready to help Gu Tian.

“No, beauty, you are mine, you can’t interfere.”

Seeing that Scarlet Witch wanted to intervene in the battle between the two Thanos, Hela Goddess also immediately jumped down from the giant wolf and directly blocked in front of Scarlet Witch.

Seeing that Hela and the 2014 Ba had chosen opponents, Odin looked at the Avenger opposite with a smile and said, “Which child dares to be my opponent?” ”

(Customize yourself!) )_

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