Iron Man was furious: "How do you know... You still hacked my database, I..."

"No!" Xiao Hai spread his hands and said, "Some things don't need to be found in the database. I guess your Ark reactor is similar to technology such as controllable nuclear fusion, which is equivalent to a small sun..."

"Even if you don't want to share, I can figure it out in a year or two, I just don't want to delay too much!"

Iron Man was silent for a long time before saying, "I've never seen someone so arrogant...but it's strange, I believe you can do it! I agree"

Xiao Hai hehe, if you want to say arrogant, arrogant, who dares to say that you are second in the Marvel world: "Okay, what do you want me to do for you, just say it!"

"I don't think about it now!" The reason why Iron Man agreed to Xiao Hai's request was because in his opinion, his artificial intelligence was created because of Xiao Hai's theory, and he owed him, now everyone is clear!

"By the way, Jarvis lend me a hand, and you can help me think about how to miniaturize the Ark reactor..."

"I'm going, you actually want me to work for you?"

"Hehe, are you not interested?"

"Too interesting!"

Half a month later, a small Ark reactor appeared in front of the two of them.

Without Iron Man and Jarvis, Xiao Hai would have to study for at least another year or two to achieve this.

And Iron Man has also witnessed Xiao Hai's learning speed. In half a month, he has grown from the level of an assistant to the level of a first-class engineer!

Now he believes even more in what Xiao Hai said before, this terrible learning speed, at most two years, Xiao Hai can research the Ark Reactor alone!

Iron Man looked at the Ark Reactor and said excitedly, "So powerful energy, Xiao, what are you going to use it for?"

Xiao Hai looked at him: "How about you?"

Iron Man said in high spirits: "I will use it to make more powerful weapons, arm our troops, and protect our people!"

Hehe... This is Tony Stark, who has not yet become Iron Man. He thinks that the weapon he sold is to protect the world! ?

too young too simple!

Reality will teach him to be a man! *

Chapter [-] New equipment (new book for collection, flowers!)


In the little princess Su Rui's laboratory!

Xiao Hai was standing in front of her, and there was a pair of black gloves in front of the two of them.

Su Rui whistled: "Success...but I still don't understand the principle, your magical magic, I don't understand!"

Before, Professor X washed away everyone's memory of the apocalypse, but he didn't do it for every person involved!

It's not clear what he thinks about Xiao Hai, but because of this, he and the Black Panther brothers and sisters are acquainted!

That's why Xiao Hai was able to get Zhenjin to make such a pair of gloves, otherwise even if he steals Zhenjin, the smelting alone is enough for him to have a headache!

Vibranium is the most magical metal on earth, but it is not only hard, but its adaptability and activity are exaggerated. Just look at the later Ultron who created a body for himself with vibranium, and you will know its magic!

In order to design this pair of gloves, Xiao Hai did not miss out on Iron Man and Su Rui for help. Now Xiao Hai is a little bit worse in this regard!

Xiao Hai put on the gloves, a lightsaber appeared in his hand, Su Rui shouted: "Lightsaber, it's amazing, I have thought about building such a lightsaber before, but there is no way to create such a strong magnetic field. Confined energy..."

Xiao Hai smiled and said, "This is magic!"

The lightsaber in his hand turned into a knife, spear, sword, halberd, whip...

After playing for a while, a set of energy armor appeared on his body, which could not only block energy attacks, but also block physical attacks, and also resist magnetic field interference... Anyway, he can think of almost all the functions that can be added to it. !

Now it is difficult for earth scientists to control energy in this way, but magic is best at using energy to shape. This glove is the product of Xiao Hai's perfect combination of his own magic theory and modern technology, and it has such an effect!

Most of these gloves are based on the energy of the Ark Reactor, supplemented by mana, so for Xiao Hai, the consumption is still very small!

Because the last time he faced Apocalypse and Magneto, he found that he was still a little powerless.

Without Professor X, the battle would be a hundred times more difficult.

So he made these gloves for himself. When his strength is not enough to crush anyone, these gloves can greatly improve his combat power! !

This is just the beginning, Xiao Hai thinks about what happened last time and is afraid, what if Tianqi fell asleep when he launched the nuclear bomb, and things didn't go the same way as the movie, the nuclear bomb fell on his head, he was not confused It's hung up!

The Marvel world is too dangerous, and sometimes it just gets affected by something and hangs up accidentally!

It is impossible for him to know what dangerous things are happening in this world at any time, so he thought of setting up an organization like S.H.I.E.L.D.

And it can also control those people or things that may destroy the world in advance...

Of course, it will be hard, there are too many dangerous objects and people like this in the Marvel world!

This is only at the current stage. When Xiao Haiqiang is invincible in two or three years, it will naturally be fine!

Xiao Hai took the energy armor and said to Su Rui, "Thank you! By the way, your brother and Ororo..."

After Storm was knocked out by the black panther, Apocalypse was exiled by Xiao Hai, her soul was locked by Professor X, and Ororo got rid of Apocalypse's mind control!

After that, Xiao Hai didn't know, as if the Black Panther brought Ororo to Wakanda!

Su Rui pouted: "Adolescent boy, hehe..."

Oh, did the two of you still look at each other?

Xiao Hai said: "This is the arrangement of fate!"

The next moment, Xiao Hai opened the portal and arrived at Black Widow's side.

At this time, the black widow was fighting someone. Her enemy didn't know whether it was a warlord or a drug lord. Those people were frightened by the portal that suddenly appeared!

Black Widow was also taken aback: "Xiao, how could you..."

Xiao Hai said, "I have something to do with you..."

After he finished speaking, a gun appeared in his hand. Now he has a large arsenal, and he can open the arsenal and take out weapons at any time!

Then Xiao Hai shot.

He only fired one shot, and more than a dozen people on the opposite side were brain-cracked and died!

These days, his spear fighting skills have been strengthened to the limit, and they have automatically turned into magic spear skills!

He can endow bullets with magical power. Previously, he endowed bullets with the ability to "pierce armor", so he was able to blast more than a dozen people's heads with one shot.

Black Widow couldn't help shaking her head: "Are you really... what are you doing for me?"

Xiao Hai said: "I want to set up an organization to deal with dangerous events like Tianqi, I think you are a good fit!"

Black Widow couldn't help but blinked: "How is this different from S.H.I.E.L.D.?!"

Xiao Hai shook his head and said, "Of course it's different, we only target those world-level events that can destroy humanity!"

Black Widow thought of the nuclear bombs all over the sky, and frowned: "Doesn't this kind of thing happen from time to time!?"

Xiao Hai said: "There will only be more than you think in the future!"

Black Widow's combat power is not very top in the Marvel world, but she is a super-excellent intelligence officer, and her ability to obtain information and organize information is superb.

This is the talent Xiao Hai needs!

Black Widow shook her head. She used to be just a ruthless spy. She joined S.H.I.E.L.D. to work for Nick Fury for various reasons!

At least, at this time, she is not the superhero who wants to protect the world and save the world in the future!

"Think about it..."

After speaking, Xiao Hai opened the portal and returned home.

He murmured: "Sure enough, the corners are not easy to dig..."

But at this moment, he felt something was wrong and shouted, "Who!"

Four people walked out of the corner of his room, it was the Phoenix girl, Cyclops, and two people who didn't know each other, but they might all be mutants!

The four of them looked indifferent, as if they were looking at Xiao Hai without the slightest emotion.

The Phoenix girl said: "Where is Tian Qi's body? Leave it to us, you can live, if you don't, you will die..."*

Chapter [-] Clone mutants (new book for collection, flowers)

Xiao Hai wanted to drag the four into the mirror space, but at this time a powerful spiritual force wanted to invade Xiao Hai's consciousness!

Spells are driven by mana, and mana comes from spiritual power. When the mind is disturbed to this extent, Xiao Hai cannot release the spell!

A man strode over and grabbed Xiao Hai with five fingers!

But at this moment, a beam of brilliance lit up from Xiao Hai's hand and divided the man in two, Xiao Hai turned his neck and held a lightsaber in his hand: "It seems that you have done the preparations, but not enough. Enough!"

His gloves use the Ark Reactor as the energy source, which is the crystallization of the fusion of magic and technology. Even if the mana cannot be used, it can also destroy the energy lightsaber.

He looked at the remaining three and said, "Who are you?"

Although the two look the same as Phoenix Girl and Cyclops, Xiao Hai doesn't feel the same!

The death of their companion did not move the three of them at all, and a black man roared and rushed towards Xiao Hai!

Xiao Hai's lightsaber turned and stabbed him in the chest.

But the scary thing is that the lightsaber didn't pierce him, but the energy that made up the lightsaber was absorbed!

That black man gave a wicked smile, and was about to give Xiao Hai a hug!

At this moment, five sharp claws popped out from Xiao Hai's gloves, grabbed his throat and snapped his throat instantly!

He can absorb energy, but cannot block physical attacks.


The man clutched his throat, made strange noises, fell to his knees, and died on the spot!

The faces of "Phoenix Girl" and "Cyclops" were still not moved at all, and a strong, invisible hand was about to grab Xiao Hai.

The spiritual power of the "Phoenix Girl" can move objects in the air, that is, psychic power.

But at this moment, the energy armor appeared on Xiao Hai's body, and a female voice sounded in Xiao Hai's mind: "Activate the anti-psychic energy armor, BOSS, in front of the super AI, all enemies are paper tigers!"

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