Xiao Hai is about to find the portal and go home first!

Suddenly a strong wind blew in this room, and a big dog and a girl who looked seventeen or eighteen appeared in the room!

The girl had beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes. She had heard the gunshots here before and asked the big dog to bring her here. She didn't want to see this scene as soon as she came!

Looking at Xiao Hai and the corpse of Maximus on the ground, her face changed greatly: "Who are you, who actually killed Maximus! Tetanus, go find father..."

The big dog disappeared instantly, and at the same time, two cyclones rose from the girl's hands, turning into two air whips and hitting Xiao Hai and the two!

The lightsaber in Xiao Hai's hand also instantly turned into a long whip, smashing the two whips composed of strong winds, and then whipped it towards the girl!

Suddenly, a wall of earth rose out of thin air, blocking Xiao Hai's attack!

Xiao Hai's eyes narrowed, as expected of the royal capital of the Inhuman race, everyone has super powers!

But what superpower is this?

So many functions, not like superpowers!

Is it magic?

Elemental magic and I are not the same system!

Xiao Hai didn't care, he immediately opened the portal and was about to leave!

At this time, the huge big dog appeared again, and there was a burly man beside it!

The man had a serious expression and was extremely handsome. He was wearing a suit that resembled a suit and a Zhongshan suit.

The man looked at the corpse of Maximus, his expression changed greatly, he looked at Xiao Hai who was about to leave the portal, he opened his mouth!

In an instant, an extremely terrifying fluctuation appeared!

Xiao Hai was stunned, he felt an incomparably terrifying power, this power was enough to tear himself to shreds, and his energy armor was like paper under this attack!

Xiao Hai frantically smashed the energy of the Ark Reactor, and used all the energy of the Ark Reactor to form a shield!

No, a blue figure stood in front of Xiao Hai!

That is the apocalypse.

Apocalypse's body actually swelled up, blocking the extremely terrifying attack!

There was no violent explosion, but Xiao Hai felt the energy of the explosion, and under this energy, everything was ashes.

Apocalypse's huge body began to crumble crazily, but at the same time he was regenerating crazily!

Most of his flesh and blood were removed, leaving only a skeleton and internal organs, but he also blocked this wave of attacks!

Only when Xiao Hai saw this scene did he realize how lucky he was to defeat Tianqi before. If it wasn't for Tianqi's wife and her own tactics, and with the help of Professor X, it would be impossible to defeat Tianqi so easily...

But these were just a flash of thought, and he took the opportunity to take Apocalypse through the portal!

Maximus' room and everything around it had long since vanished under the man's voice. This was the result of the man showing mercy and not wanting to destroy the city of Attilan!

He didn't expect that Xiao Hai could actually block this blow, and then, his mouth opened again and he shouted!

The closing portal actually began to collapse under this blow, and then an extremely terrifying explosion occurred!

Under the control of Xiao Ai, Tian Qi, who was regenerating, hugged Xiao Hai, his newly regenerated flesh and blood evaporated again, and most of his skeleton shattered...

A mushroom cloud has risen in the city of Attilan!

Countless aliens rushed towards here!

Seeing this scene, they knew that it was the king who took the shot. The king's power was too powerful, so he never took it lightly!

But if he shoots no matter what kind of enemy, there is only one dead end!

Because their king is Black Bolt, the most powerful person in this world!

His voice is the most terrifying thing in this world, capable of destroying everything in the world!

But Black Bolt knew that Xiao Hai was not dead, and his voice sounded in the big dog's head: "Take me and find them!"

This big dog tetanus is actually an alien. It became a dog after accepting the transformation of Terrigan, and it has powerful psychic power and space teleportation ability at the same time!

It is the main means of transportation for the Inhumans to travel between Earth and the Moon!

Hearing Black Bolt's words, Tetanus shook his head, and its voice sounded in Black Bolt's head: "Can't find it, King, they blocked my psychic power!"*

Chapter [-] Jarvis's Help (Good Morning, the first)


A huge explosion broke out in Xiao Hai's laboratory, and the explosion of the portal also affected this side!

But two powerful walls of thought force suddenly appeared, wrapping the power of the explosion!

Madeleine and Phoenix Woman blocked Xiao Hai from the aftermath of the explosion with their powerful thoughts, and a distorted ball of light appeared in the air, as magnificent as the big bang of the universe!

Xiao Hai opened another portal, the two threw the explosive energy out, and a mushroom cloud rose over the portal!

Peace of mind in the lab!

Xiao Hai breathed a sigh of relief. Before leaving, it was indeed the right thing to let his own people stand by and support him!

The second wave of Black Bolt King's attack had shattered most of Tian Qi's body and attacked Xiao Hai. Fortunately, Xiao Hai still had a layer of energy armor.

Although the energy armor was also shattered, Xiao Hai's defense is also very strong now, and it did not cause any damage to him!

He couldn't help shaking his head, at this time, it would be great if there was a set of Zhenjin armor!

There is a set of vibrating gold armor, he dares to face the alien and rush to unscrew his head!

He also understood why Wakanda's army liked weapons and armor made of vibranium, and didn't like guns.

Vibranium armor is invulnerable to swords and guns, and vibranium weapons are indestructible. It will walk in front of you with your attack and be hacked to death. What gun do you need!

That alien is too strong, who would have thought that a little-known character would be so strong?Marvel world is really dangerous!

No, I'm going to ask Su Rui's little girl for a set of Zhenjin full body armor.

Otherwise, don't blame me for being disrespectful, stealing a ton or two of vibrating gold and asking Iron Man for help. His father can smelt vibrating gold, and so can he!

It's just that Xiao Hai doesn't know that Black Bolt is not a small character. He has always been the top powerhouse in the Marvel world, and he can even face off against the normal Thanos head-on, although he is the one who was beaten...

Xiao Hai stood up unscathed, Apocalypse's body was growing rapidly.

Now there are only three people under Xiao Hai, the perfect clone of Phoenix Girl Madeleine, Phoenix Girl Qin Grey, and the Gambit King Rimi!

The three of them looked at the rapidly regenerating Apocalypse, and they were all dumbfounded!

The Phoenix girl watched for a while and said uncertainly, "Apocalypse!"

Xiao Hai nodded, the Phoenix girl was terrified, and was about to shoot, Xiao Hai stopped her and said, "Don't worry, this is just Tian Qi's body, and his soul is still sealed by the professor!"

The Phoenix girl looked at Xiao Hai in shock: "What...what are you trying to do? It's too dangerous!"

Xiao Hai said lightly: "Apocalypse is the first mutant. He has too many secrets. I want to study him..."

The Phoenix girl said angrily, "How is this different from that Mr. Sinister!?"

Xiao Haidao: "Although I can give a lot of reasons, but in fact, there is no difference... I have my way, I don't need to explain it to you, if you can't accept it, you can leave!"

If Xiao Hai denies trying to convince herself in every possible way, the Phoenix girl may refute it, but Xiao Hai's such direct admission made her extremely shocked!

Madeleine on one side is holding Xiao Hai's hand, her "chicken effect" still exists, and she has a natural intimacy with Xiao Hai!

She sneered: "If you want to go, go, I hate you virgins the most..."

Obviously they have the same genes, but they hate each other. The strangeness of the world can be seen in general!

But at this moment, Xiao Ai's voice sounded: "Qin, Tian Qi is not a good person, he almost destroyed the world. Studying his body is contributing to the development of mutants and even human beings! Atonement for sins made..."


Hearing Xiao Ai's mouth cannon, Xiao Hai's chin almost fell to the ground, you cow, your artificial intelligence can really fool you! ?

After a flicker, the Phoenix girl felt as if... nothing was wrong!

Xiao Ai's voice sounded in Xiao Hai's headset: "BOSS, I have all the psychology books and cases. It's not a problem to fool a little girl. In other words, she looks good, hehe..."

Xiao Hai really wanted to laugh. The AI ​​I set the basis for is a woman, so she would actually make such an idiot-like laughter...

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and make the miniature version of the machine that controls the apocalypse for me!"

"The design drawing has come out, just waiting for it to be built!"

Xiao Hai couldn't help but sigh, this is artificial intelligence, they can learn anything in a few seconds, and the speed of this learning depends on the speed of their download!

As long as they have a direction, the speed at which they complete a project depends on their computing speed. It seems that they want to find a supercomputer for Xiao Ai to use!

However, this does not mean that they are all geniuses. In terms of creativity, at least these first-generation artificial intelligences are not as good as humans, and at least Xiao Ai is not as good as Xiao Hai!

Xiao Hai and Xiao Ai personally operated the instrument. It only took two days for the two of them to make this instrument.

It looks like a pair of glasses, Xiao Hai named it, Brain Controller!

Suddenly Xiao Ai said, "Boss, Jarvis took the initiative to contact me!"

Wearing a brain controller, Xiao Hai said, "Connect it!"

Jarvis's voice sounded in Xiao Hai's ears: "Xiao, Tony has been kidnapped, no one can find him, I want to ask you for help, use your magical magic to find him! I have to ask you for help!"

Oh, and Iron Man hasn't escaped yet?

Almost there, Iron Man should have completed his transformation. The two still have a little friendship. The most important thing is that Iron Man is now one of Xiao Hai's important technical supports. He doesn't want Iron Man to die!

He nodded: "Okay, wait for my good news!"

Hand in hand with favor, don't do it for nothing!


In the deep mountains of Afghanistan, Black Widow brought Hawkeye, Mockingbird, and a large group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to the place where Iron Man was kidnapped!

Black Widow said: "This is the location of the reborn Mr. Sinister, remember, this is different from any human enemy we have ever had, we don't know any of his abilities!"

"So don't be too superstitious about firearms. In short, don't panic in any situation, be mentally prepared..."

As the most elite reporter, even if Mr. Sinister's rebirth plan is careful, she will still find clues, follow the clues, and find the location!

On the other side of this deep mountain!

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